Lets try to judge each other based off of our EDCs.
Is this the daily autism thread?
you walk on the bus and you see this guy pull out his wallet. what do you do?
Sadly yes.
; ^)
Is this a bot? I swear every time I see an EDC thread - EVERY TIME
This image and text gets posted.
Without fail.
Nah Its probably some 20 something year old autist
>o-one t-ticket for the o-omnibus p-p-please sir
dont give a fuck and go back to brushing my Maki doll on the bus.
Geez, some people
Well, your're retarted for startigna an edc thread.
Lol looks like we have a want to be shit poster who cant spell.
Fucking Idiot. KYS
Not enough freedom in your edc's desu
> nexus 5x
> thinkpad x200s with non riced ubuntu
> wallet
> keys
> earphones
> fossil watch
> glasses
not much really
Camera and planner only come with me when I use a bag, otherwise it is wallet, PiTaPa and phone.
Ayy what a7 is that and what lens. Also what do you shoot and are you u a /p/ fag also?
amerifags still asleep with their """freedom""" toys
a7ii w/ SEL35F28Z and included hood.
I normally take pictures of family and scenery around where I live.
I lurk on /p/ but don't post much.
I don't get why you have an smartphone AND a MP3 player. Is it autism or severe autism?
Not him, but it is an older android phone, it probably gets shit battery life.
Playing MP3s off local storage isn't energy intensive.
When you have an hour of screen on time, minutes of fiddling with the music player adds up.
why the fuck do you niggers have so much shit with you all the time
Sorry have I found my way to the YouTube comments somehow?
they don't
this thread is for Sup Forums turds who want to show off their shit but don't have any friends to show it to
How often do you fiddle with the music player? You're digging yourself deeper into the autism hole.
>1 hour screen time
what a fucking shit phone you bought.
krypton or led is better?
>A pack
>cheap bic lighter
>A bourbon flask
>Company issued phone
Pen to sign shit.
Credit cards/IDs
Bluetooth headset for work
Sunglasses to look cool
Baseball cap since balding
... and when not working Leatherman/small flashlight since I like working on shit/offroading and it's comfy to have those
And there it is, a pile of shit to haul around
cell phone
sometimes my pistol
I've gone the other way.
If I don't need money, wallet stays at home.
If I'm out for a short time, phone stays at home.
If I go out with my girlfriend sometimes I don't even take keys.
Why? Cause I'm sick of hauling shit with me everywhere I fucking go.
I don't actually carry the camera. The light is shit in this room so I just gave up and took the pic with my S6.
This is my complete EDC, my "on person" EDC is a lot less autistic
>coming soon
Thinkpad X220
Some sort of android phone
Massdrop Pen case
Have fun with back issues, not to mention you probably look like an autistic faggot with that much fucking stuff. Are you going on a camping trip???
Its primarily in my car, things I know I don't need I leave in it (sweat shirt, laptop ect)
The only time usually everything comes is if I'm taking a work van
>heres my on person EDC plus a iPhone 6
Why would you need a planner when you have a good phone?
do you leave your door unlocked?? the fuck?
If you got something to say you better say it to my face
w-will yuo be my boyfriend uwu
Anyone got the pic that has a small tv, ring dial phone, m72 law and some ak74u?
Yeah man of course
these threads are full of bs
nobody carries around more than their keys and their wallet
I carry tons of shit in my bag.
You underestimate Sup Forums's autism
fugg sonyfags infesting Sup Forums too.
Some Kansai rice-paddy shithole?
Guess again.
Same, /p/ has become cancer. How do you like the a7ii? I though about picking one up.
why two calculators tho
I am in Kyoto.
some classes have limitations on what calculators you can use
What model of thinkpad is that?
>he doesn't carry a gun
like that case
chinkpads are always good
nice tennis ball
You dont carry a phone?
Tackle him because he probably has a gun and is going to shoot everyone
carrying just a phone case around? that's pretty silly.
why would one be walking on top of the bus?
nah senpai, had to take it out of the case to take the pic. most people will understand.
No thigh-highs?
Not every day
So not in the edc
What's a good, small profile bag for daily carry that doesn't look like i'm carrying a fucking girls backpack or a purse?
any bag that holds a laptop will look like a messenger bag and not a purse
just make sure it's not made of leather and has NO BUCKLES
That's what makes it look feminine. It can't have any distinguishing characteristics in common with women's purses.
A gun
>no buckles
What's wrong with this?
that's a seat belt
Only the essentials.
>t. iToddler
Thats about what I carry, except phone has no service right now, and I changed the apple earbuds for VE Monks, they're nice.
Have these type of threads ruined Sup Forums? Or was it the product shills?
This type of thread which usually is on the board about with only one instance is ten times better than most of the other threads on the board which are nothing more than flame wars over nothing. At least here we get to chat a little, share what works for each one of us, and discuss if a product works for something specific or not.
these threads are better than 99% of Sup Forums
Better than being an obese autist :^)
sounds like your average iphone owner
Yea maybe. I don't come here often anymore. These threads to me are like "Do I fit in yet?"
>These threads to me are like "Do I fit in yet?"
I never got that from these threads. I actually bought something another user was using because I had asked him about it and it fit a particular need I had. I use these threads as a way to see what things are out there that I don't know about that I could use. It is so much easier to see what others actually use than it is to get on amazon and look through giant piles of shit until you find what works. But that is me.
Have the same fossil watch.
My nigga
Fuck off , this is a sony broad now
Two Vitas? Two watches? An iPhone DAC? Am I being trolled here?
nice dongles my dude
One for each arm?
his tulpa needs an edc too
With a wallet that black, you know he's compensating for something.
Oh shit, haven't seen that mentioned in a long time. Anyone still bother with that?
Requesting wallpaper user