How bad/terrible is your computer/technology and internet addiction, Sup Forums...

How bad/terrible is your computer/technology and internet addiction, Sup Forums? How long (years) have you been hooked for?

not too bad... ive been without a smartphone for a month now... feels actually refreshing since i socialize more.

30 years, and the last 15 or so I've barely left my chair.

7 years.

It's pretty bad and it's been quite a while. I have my desktop in my room, one of my ThinkPads in the living room for when I'm out there, a ThinkPad on the table by my bed to calm me down, and I always keep my phone on me, ssh'd into my server and viewing a tmux session with irc and such.

Going on 8 years. If I'm not on my laptop I'm on my phone and vise versa.

Slightly over a decade now, maybe 15 years. I'm about to move out though and I'm intentionally not going to get an internet connection at my new place. If I need the web I'll go to the library.

When I was in HS, my doctor looked like I murdered the nurse in front of her when she asked how much time in front of a screen I spend a day and I answered (conservatively) five hours. Now everyone does so I don't feel too bad about it

i don't have such problem.

I got off reddit after I realized that it sucks but Sup Forums is not much better. I also need my telegram groups and youtube sessions, gaymen on Windoze, and Arch Linux time sinking. It's pretty bad.

I was pulling 8h back then.

Now I'm on my 30s, more like 16h.

Me too

All day. I don't know what else there is to do.

internet is famous for innovation and making money
now it controls nearly every industry
this 90s boomer meme needs to go

seven years, I've had my own desktop for that long and recently I've got a laptop because I have work to do not being able to access a computer is an issue I'd rather avoid.

Pretty bad I guess
I spend easily 16h/day in front a computer.
And it's never to do something productive

>technology addiction?
Thanks FBI/JEW

Its pretty bad. I check my phone all the time, so much that its affecting my relationship. I Have a desktop in my room and i almost allways have one of my laptops in my backpack. If im not asleep i probably rarely go any longer than 15min without checking my phone or some kind of screen.

>bring your computer outside son
>we're gonna take that funny picture we thought of

I spent most of my time in front of my computer, but would not say I'm addicted. I don't have anything else to do. Note that I don't own a TV or smartphone.
>People think its bad to sit in front of a PC but spent all their time with other screens
>People that can't survive without checking their smartphone messages every 2 minutes

>TFW no elf bf to cuddle all day with
I would do something else, if there was a possibility.

When i was on vacation without internet i was doing fine. i was less degenerate and i focused on things way better.

That is hard core

>How bad/terrible is your computer/technology and internet addiction, Sup Forums?
Bad. It's also my job.

>How long (years) have you been hooked for?
Ever since I was 8 or something. I'm 28 now.

My data hoarding keeps me tethered really. I hope flash memory surpasses mechanical drives in price per GB soon so I can carry everything in my pockets.