/wdg/ Web Dev General

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>Learning material

>Useful Youtube channels

>Frontend development

>Backend development

>Useful tools
libraries.io/ - Discover new open source libraries, modules and frameworks and keep track of ones you depend upon.
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - Guides for HTML, CSS, JS, Web APIs & more.
programmableweb.com/ - List of public APIs

>NEET guide to web dev employment

>How to get started

>cheap vps hosting in most western locations

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bueller? bueller?

can anybody here point me to the right direction on how should I start in DevOps? If you can show how to be a web designer/developer a step-by-step curriculum, then hopefully I can also get an answer from a fellow DevOps.

3rd for never not adding a rule engine to crud web application

If I want to edit a nav menu on a site, how do I set it up so I only have to change one file?

You put it in a separate file and the include it in your pages using whatever server side shit you use, e.g. php, python, node.js or whatever.

Being a dev involves learning A,B, and C.
Being devOps involves A, B, C, D, E and F.
I recommend learning A, B, and C well first and growing into E and F. You can get a job with a,b,c, but not with just e and f.

Easiest way to display a .jpg randomly selected from a folder?

Go on libgen.io and get the book 'The DevOps 2.0 Toolkit' by Viktor Farcic. Then also get the book 'Site Reliability Engineering' by Google, who also has it free on their site.

That tookit book has all the details while the Google book provides a management view of best practices. Combine both (plus whatever Linux/unix knowledge you already have) and you've got DevOps since it's just stringing together tools that automate shit.

Personally I use Guix (package manager on Debian, GuixSD isn't ready yet) to create environments to deploy Docker containers because it excels at dependency tracking. dustycloud.org/misc/talks/guix/chicagolug_2015/guix_talk.html

This has replaced all the shitty build tools I used to use like Jenkens ect.

Add these to the future general:

>Full Stack Web Dev free course/bootcamp

>Front End Developer's Handbook (2017)

What's this?

Do I need to learn jQuery? I'm making a point of only using vanilla JavaScript before moving onto TypeScript and Node/Mongo.

I really don't want to become the stereotype that can't do anything with JavaScript without relying on X, Y and Z dependency, especially if I want to move onto using things like TypeScript and possibly CoffeeScript. Mixing and matching libraries and pre-processors just seems like a starting point for bloat and bugs.

Vanilla JS is all you need, specifically the books 'You don't know JS' series. You only need Query if some place requires it but pretty much people are using Vue.Js these days instead of Query if they can news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12757946

You could do something like

and have randomige.php return a random image with the Content-Type: http header set to image/jpeg. php is just an example tho, you can use any language to do this.

what's wrong with jenkins ?

I keep seeing people building apps with wordpress saying its easy and shit but (and try to avoid the php hate here) just how scalable would that be?

I see guys hitting 1 million requests per second with node.js but wordpress feels like it would crap out under that load

Honestly it can be really hard to get devops experience outside of an actual job that gets you into it. At the very least make sure well-versed in Unix commands & scripting, as well as managing certs and security groups. Know how to use Docker and Kubernetes.

>Complaining about jQuery
boy...you've got another thing coming

I personally like Jenkins, but my company is moving to the CI that Gitlab provides. Not really sure why, though, other than the fact that we'd be getting rid of another dependency since we already use Gitlab.

>insert random data loss meme here
Ok thanks, i was afraid i dun goofed by setting jenkins up to learn ci

I've heard that it's a mess, but I heard that about PHP as well and I'm realizing that it's a pretty neat language. It's just that all I use PHP in practice with is Wordpress and it wasn't even halfway through my first project that I realized that WP is a fucking mess. That's when I started trying WP alternatives. Drupal seems neat, but I'll need to learn more PHP and mySQL. Node-based CMS like Pencilblue and Keystone look fantastic but I need to learn more Node and Mongo. I'm still trying to decide which way to swing.

And I'm only curious about CoffeeScript because the bulk of Atom seems to be written in it but I'm against sacrificing what seems to be all syntax for """readability""" nor do I want something so far removed from JavaScript so I doubt I'll stick with it.

thats one of the few downsides with PHP. Lots of wordpress related projects but i stay away from that shit. I like doing custom applications from scratch. Also look into Hacklang...its bretty comfy

The way I see it WP is a mess but theres so much shit for it out there that you can get a pretty pro-looking MVP going for little or no money by just taking free shit other people have done for it already and changing it for whatever you're doing

As for how well it will run well I've no idea

never never never nevre

been hard at work

lmao you can do that?

Ofc stackoverflow.com/questions/900207/return-a-php-page-as-an-image

Guys how does streaming work with HTML5?

Does it take care of all the data transferring? Do I have to do anything at all on the backend?

Also is webm the best web format? Any reason to use anything else?

Being a devOps is not a thing, you are either a dev or an ops in a devOps team...
I recommend reading: shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920000136.do

And learning Linux.
I also recommend reading System Administrator's Guide, Networking Guide and Performance Tuning Guide from access.redhat.com/documentation/en/red-hat-enterprise-linux/


javafags what web framework do you guys use?
I've been toying with Spark.

>try nodejs
>dynamic typing
>dependencies out the ass
>everything is a meme
I don't know what the fuck paypal was thinking

6:14:43 PM web.1 | Failed to compile.
6:14:43 PM web.1 | Error in ./~/fetch/lib/fetch.js
6:14:43 PM web.1 | Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'dns' in /Users//Desktop/Projects/mernCrud/node_modules/fetch/lib
6:14:43 PM web.1 | @ ./~/fetch/lib/fetch.js 8:10-24
6:14:43 PM web.1 | Error in ./~/fetch/lib/fetch.js
6:14:43 PM web.1 | Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'net' in /Users//Desktop/Projects/mernCrud/node_modules/fetch/lib
6:14:43 PM web.1 | @ ./~/fetch/lib/fetch.js 12:10-24

I'm getting this when trying to include "fetch" in my react app to do http get with promises. the app was initialized with "create-react-app" which messes with my ability to edit the webpack config file. I also installed axios which successfully was able to send http requests to my api, just weirded out by this issue with fetch

What can you tell about WebGL jobs and other stuff regarding 3D in browsers? Is it only good as a hobby?

On the offtopic ,what is currently good to know to get some humble easy money while working from home?

It regens slow as shit, such an irritation to dev with

anyone got the previous /wdg/ thread?

This may be discussed in one of the guides, i tried looking but didn't see it.

I've taught myself how to do html/css/javascript, and i think the next step should be PHP but i was confused how to get started. I want to set up everything that would be used in creating a server and running server commands, maintaining a website, etc.. So,,,

I was looking at drupal.org/docs/develop/local-server-setup and i wasn't sure if i should just start with WAMP or do something like the Acquia Dev Desktop.

I know the company i work at uses drupal and if i could learn how to use drupal i may be able to get promoted, because right now i am just a lowly helpdesk support person.

Any help, or could someone link me to the correct guide? Sorry if this is really obvious. Thanks.


then what are those A-F? specifically need to know. spoonfeed me on what I need to know (or what you suggest that I need to know).

I want to make a house where I invite web devs to live and we do nothing but make websites.

Like a gigantic house.

It would be like a live-in business

Hey guys

Well, my project manager sent me some prototypes of some screens for a web project.

They suck and so i told him about it and he ask me to do a document where i tell him everything thats wrong with them so that he can ask for more time to re-do those prototypes.

Have you guys done this?

Should i do a word document with: Name of the screen, what is wrong and what should it be done? or is there an already way to do this?