ITT: Designs that aged like milk
That aged badly? Pic unrelated?
Anyway, Windows Vista. Looked great when it came out but got old quite fast.
Vista is teh best!
However, I think it's a Vista theme for Windows 7.
Shit, didn't notice that
I actually think that was the best iPhone design ever.
The only thing that aged is the proportion of the thickness and size, which make it look awkwardly thick by today's standards.
The coolest part of that, was being able to change the back cover into something like pic related.
4S was amazing, I'd still use it.
>designs that age like milk
Show pic of exact opposite
Where do you go from that? It's perfect.
I know right it's so innovativeā¢Ā©
>chink job
For some reason I like Windows Vista look.
Perhaps the flat fad has exhausted me.
Isn't this thread for things that looked good on release but got old quickly? That thing never looked good.
Sup Forums.org
Best phone created by humanity.
>Best phone created by humanity.
That's not a BlackBerry Passport
>mistaking milk for wine
How dumb are you?
Everything Apple ever makes.
No, that design was pure cancer from conception.
This is nothing compared to all those Winamp skins in the early 2000s.
I can't find a picture of it, but when I was 11 I had this sick af skin that was round with rotating blades all around it (it was a weapon from some movie) that did all those animations and it was the pinnacle of what technology could ever offer me.
Also other ones themed like movies (I remember having Riddick and I Robot ones) and random stuff.
I'm not even cringing.
Man, I miss those days.
Found it.
holy shit that's ugly
>implying that ever looked good
the company that aged like milk
Gooks ain't human
weak. nobody even knows what that refers to
the microshills are offended.
My post refers to Google
I'm posting from one right now
These 90s fursuits
this. I still can't forgive them for dropping this UI
>milk ages into cheese
Are you a fucking chink? Don't like cheese?
Nah, most phones look like this anyway lol.
>it was the pinnacle of what technology could ever offer me
It really was I guess
sexiest music player at the time, passing by
Topkek. It really was though
Fucking makes me long for the days of winamp skins.
Oh man i had the need for speed underground skin it was the best thing ever back then
Confusing expression, are you referring to milk ageing to become exquisite cheese? Or milk ageing to become rotten milk?
>ages like wine
>ages like milk
bad, because it gets rotten
Still more consistent than 10
Do skeuomorphs always age poorly? Seems like Apple is notorious for that.
>also, hi /lit/
pic fucking unrelated
OP here
>HUEG apple logo
>HUEG bezels
>HUEG fcc related stuff
>sony volume rockers and sides
>when the prototype leaked, people speculated with it being a Sony prototype for weeks
i enjoy the front and back construction, but this phone is a one drop mess
>glass back
>that pic
This looks a lot more like the current Yosemite os x instead of Mavericks. Look at the blue folders. Transparent dock. General translucency. Finder with big icons at the center.
>Fixed with 4s
>Apple logo isn't noticeable
>Bezels are useful, hope this new fad dies
>Glass back for better signal reception
My 4s still looks good
fucking this
i remember it looked amazing to me back then, and now that i see it, it looks like trash
in a way i agree
for me, the best design is still the black 5
the aspect ratio on that phone is GOAT
>Looked great when it came out
It really didn't.
the only bad thing about that is the font
No, that still looks rather lovely.
oh you just reminded me of this
>aged like milk
ladies and gentleman, we have a winner
>these fucking bezels
This thing is cute as fuck. It cannot possibly ever look bad.
have you used it IRL
the UI is atrocious
they thought it could be a good idea to split the screen in half, on a squared screen
they even dropped the design for the next gen
What the fuck is this modern day autism with wanting to have zero bezels on any display housing? If you're a true Sup Forumsentleman you use a computer in the dark and so don't see any fucking bezel.
The gtx 480 of 2003
Aged like milk
I thought we were talking about the actual hardware. Yeah the UI is shit, I prefer the UI on my old 80GB iPod Video.
I want one of these with the original software.
Ubuntu Unity or any linux DE
Android 3
Windows Me
>ipod video
you have the golden ratio of ipod's right there mate
the click wheel is GOAT
>7 years old
>turned out to be tacky trash
that shit looks really good IMO
i dont enjoy the 3d dock or the coverflow shit, though
that was based as fuck
the gay ceo crippled the new file picker btw
cant adjust icon size or switch to cover flow for being able to quickly select funny memepictures
its the details that matter.
You just described the Samsung S7!
Do you have it? It's plasticky bullshit, that's what aged like milk.
bitch i'll cut you!
>even apple knew
is easy as shit to crack and root without tripping the flag
Yes. But since then it is clear what Samsung would love to have: Stock ROM only.
Every company that purposely hinders it's customers from using the software they wish to use, is a naynay.
Why would you use Pajeets Rom?
In 2017 you vote with your money.
If you vote for companies that try to prevent you from doing things, just because they want to sell you the next product they have in line, then you're simply doing it wrong..