How do we solve the SJW problem in tech?

How do we solve the SJW problem in tech?

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>that protip

don't give it attention

First of all, I hate Sup Forums. I don't care what your preferences are and where you originate from, I really don't.

However as the picture suggests, if you do not align with somebody's view on some thing on twitter, go confront him on fucking twitter. Don't bring this shit over to github.
As a project maintainer, the only thing I care about is your pulls and nothing else. Don't bitch if someone doesn't agree with your viewpoints on things that do not matter in the fucking project.

What Meh did was perfectly justified, however the screenshot is from 2 years ago.
Why the _fuck_ are you posting this now, faggot OP?

Understand that the majority of people are equally annoyed at both far right AND left idiots.

Get out. Get out and never return.


>First of all, I hate free speech*

Fixed that for you

>trannies so mentally ill their feelings are bugs

Sharing this.

You can hate what someone says without claiming they have no right to say it. Libertarians exist, user.

I think communists are fucking intellectually sterile morons, but I don't think we should ban people from talking about communism.

I really wish I could troll about things other than 4+ year old Thinkpads sucking. I know that's entry level, but I really wish I could cross over into political shitposting.

He's not against free speech he's against irrelevant discourse that contributes nothing to the task at hand.

>pull request: replaced all instances of gendered variables with "they"

The best way to deal with SJW scum is to name them, shame them, belittle them, insult them and call them out on their BS whenever possible. example in picture

feels bad, man.

Wouldn't that be option 1? Don't use the wrong radio button for your meta data stupid goy

*slow clap*

Ignore those retards.

Shock them, hit them hard, insult their icons and gods. draw mohammed, tell them there are only 2 genders, 2+2=4 ect ect... They want to violate your freedoms and privacy? just say no and instead violate them back. - Also dont feed them, use ublock/adblock and noscript to stop their ads and tracking.

Grow the fuck up and stop acting like a child.

I'll agree that they are cancer but doing that only tempts them doing the same against the pope, since they also believe in jesus. Please refrain from using such disgusting methods and rather use more civilised ways to attack them

You do exactly what the OP pic does. Tell them to fuck off and that's it.

fuck off snackbar. suck your pedophile profet's dick somewhere else.

Stop using or contributing to any software that includes a CoC. Done.

SJWs can't actually write code, so if white men stop associating with them then they're fucked.

Destroy the gay churches that support them in various direct ways, even giving them special physical playgrounds to lord over, dig themselves into tech circles where you'd think churches would be generally unwelcome and scheme up new molds of SJWs.

please stop bitching about this unproductive shit

it's not funny anymore

Another retard here, I said DO ATTACK THEM, do it in a way that doesn't lower yourself the same level as them. If you are unable to read go back to primary school

Get the sensible progressives to distance themselves from SJWs. And I think we're starting to finally do this.


#include // sections 1..17

If you are not a homosexual, black person, woman or of muslim faith, you are permitted to copy, sell and use this work in any manner permitted by GPL3 without need to include any attribution you do not see fit. If you are a faggot, black person, woman or of muslim faith, you are provided the same permissions (reuse, modification, sale) but are required to include this license in any documentation and any public facing derivative. You are also required to include section 18) of the license, as well as attribution to the original author or to an author responsible for redistribution of a derivative.

It's kinda shit, make it sound more lawyerish, user.

close the issue and ignore it.


>Sup Forums
>free speech
All boards allow free speech, you nigger. Blue boards just try to accomodate more etiquette but I won't get banned here for calling you a dirty nigger.

Why do you hate girls with penises, OP?

It wouldn't hold up in any court of law, since it violates the Civil Rights Act.


What the fuck are these people doing on GitHub? Damn..

technology and software forums are not the place to discuss morals and personal matters of people even if they are related to the project. Issues with contributers should be addressed with the individual directly instead of posting a forum topic and attempting to have some else deal with it. Ignoring and closing or better yet responding with a simple "this post is off topic" and closing it is the best way to deal with the new trends of indirect problem solving and super sensitivity and special snowflake syndrome of Generation Z

like you, filtered

>le reset

Silly user. It's affirmative action like any other. It's to help the poor, disadvantaged white rednecks in Wyoming to get into coding instead of pointlessly growing subsidized corn. Are you of corn syrup lobby?

>GitHub Staff


No, I will suck your pedophile priests dick instead after he is done stretching your little brothers ass

Is it worth watching? I barely made it one minute in, it's fucking cringe worthy. Very difficult to watch..

hahahah, abdul btfo

>free speech
>Sup Forums

I mean, it's free in the same way as the rest of the internet is free to them lot. I.e. try expressing any sort of view that doesn't fully align with the neo-Nazi circlejerk in there (even if you dislike SJWs yourself, which I do) and see how quickly you get dogpiled.

I thought that was the same person.

>there is a great majority of white people which is one of the biggest issues and we would really like to change that in the months to come

There is no problem. Companies that hire SJW's and token negroes/women/whatevers are wasting resources, thus making them weaker, thus ensuring that companies that are not led by cowards (and can not be bullied into compliance with these hysteric maniacs) will succeed.

You're naive. It's virtue signalling to customers. You can be pretty damn sure the cost/benefit ratio was fully quantified.

It's to appeal to white champagne liberals who can bury their white guild by purchasing SJW-approved services.

It's like those ads in starbucks - for each latte you purchase they give one coffee for free to a starving ethiopean child or something.

ummm excuse me but are you implying opinions need to be backed up with merit????

i literally cannot even right now


I was expecting sjws to get btfo, ah well..

I am seeing this in more and more projects

I couldn't even hear what that lady was saying because of how distractingly dry her mouth is. Fuck, I get it, you're nervous. Bring a fuckin water bottle or something though

Judging by xir genetics I think xe prefers soda.

Sup Forums inclined Sup Forumsentlemen are often guilty of this hypocrisy too, to be fair - they see only their subjective view of merit. for example, H1B is merit (and its criticism pure bullshit of idelogues) - the pajeets have merit of low living standards, thus stealing your jerb. What are you, some sort of autocratic elitist?


I don't believe in "fully quantified" actions. It smells of the "humans are perfectly informed rational actors" bullshit the economists come up with.

In the end, nobody actually gives a shit if $company hires trannies or not, except for a handful of trannies. Virtue signaling is just 99% of the people not calling the 1% out on their bullshit because they think they're far more numerous than they really are.

Fuck, that picture describes 2016+ to a T

Don't contribute to sjw projects
Demean the project, while not mentioning projects' sjw nature
Make up nonexistent bugs and report them in other forums and websites to ruin projects reputation
Block sjw contributors where you see them
Advertise the projects made by redpilled cis white males
Contribute to the projects made by cis white males


I'm the guy you responded to and I'm not Sup Forums -- I actually support the H1B because I'm a skilled Canadian immigrant with eventual goals of citizenship.

But I still don't like SJWs who whine incessantly about how "meritocracy is dehumanizing"

>H1B is merit
kindly fuck off

H1B's only exist because they do mediocre work for dirt cheap

I don't think it's fair to generalize an entire group of people who discuss their opinions on a site that is primarily anonymous and is often subject to attack.

Anyone can say they represent a particular board but that doesn't make it so, it's not even fair to judge a board by its post given constant attacks from their detractors, this extends to the entire site, for instance you could easily generalize Sup Forums despite a bulk of the posts being from people intentionally trying to disrupt the board.

Github is like the facebook of programing.

>opinions gain worth with merit
How exactly is that bad? Is this the mind of an SJW at work?

Github will no-platform the shit out of everything smelling like redpill. Remember C+EQ? Bitbucket, Gitlab are still safe, but not nearly as mainstream, thus no exposure. Might as well use the slow tor ones for the added thrills of having next repo to you listing all the CP .onion links.


Why do you think all these tech companies are against Trump? They're multinationals - their labor is the cheapest they can find (offshore it, or import pajeets for dirt cheap), they can transport their goods across the world customs-free, they can sell it in the richest markets, and their quantum-wizardry accounting ensures they pay nearly 0 taxes on the whole scheme, and it's all made possible by bribing politicians and convincing people 'globalism is the future'.

Time to put the screws on those traitors.

>First of all, I hate Sup Forums.
i bet you talk with a lisp, fag.

>dat tone police
So let me reply in kind: do you really think that people hating pajeets for stealing jerbs are in minority on /g? If you want to challenge 'often', show me the frequent threads defending pajeets. Ah, forgot, policing, how frequently do you browse the site, newsir?

The same way I deal with lowly tripfags: ignore them. Don't give them any attention unless you're firmly rejecting their demands.

I don't even know what you're implying or what level of irony you're on.

>clicking other sends the result straight into the trash


"master/slave" is pretty controversial in some circles now.

Holy shit, I got like a fucking anyrism from looking at that "works for me" text on the podium

reported for hate speech

Last one is a guy

which Opal is this?

The Ruby to JS compiler?

if so, everyone involved is the problem that needs to be solved.

But pajeets are great for low level work, aren't they? And you're exactly correct, for the shit these companies make, they don't *want* skilled workers, because it's not competetive.

Deliver a polished turd, fast. That's literally SV, and what the whole "app apping" market of node and angular wants. Want to make money? Take it how it is, or piss off. If Trump wants to stop this, he'll simply hand that market to china, ultimately hurting US as a whole.

He (or better said, people who advise him on this) is not that stupid though, he'll go only after behemoth companies who can easily afford the more expensive labor - and the resulting publicity is easy populist points. He's making a lot of enemies that way, though.

This is Sup Forums. Most of us talk with lisp.

>bol is synonymous to free speech
Dumb bolfag get the hell out of here and crawl back to your containment board where you can hide behind the mask of anonymity and be as dumb as possible without worrying about your social consequences

>Being too retarded for Lisp

What's wrong with a Ruby to JavaScript compiler?


hold on I got one for you too

I just closed my Github account because of this picture.

>H1B is merit

It's because of people like you that are so dumb that we effectively have a serf-class in this country that not only serves their masters, but simultaneously knocks the middle class down into serfdom. Congratulations, you got progressive e-cred. You'll soon be a serf to jewish masters yourself, like the rest of us eventually will be too.

so you're saying we should restrict free-market capitalism and prevent these companies from natural self-interested profit-seeking and instead require them to shit that benefits society at cost to themselves?

that sounds awfully commie, user

Nigger don't even pretend Sup Forums hasn't become cancerous lately. After the election they ousted Sup Forums as the front door to Sup Forums. I work with Pollocks, none of them are over 21 and all they do is spout political sensationalism and get destroyed in actual arguments.

>my anecdote is representative of the entire boards userbase
>working at McDonalds with 20 somethings

>I work with Pollocks, none of them are over 21 and all they do is spout political sensationalism and get destroyed in actual arguments.
>Things that never happened

Link if anyone wants to read the comments

kill me

At this point, pol mouth breathers are SJWs themselves, with a different idea, they are RJWs (Right Justice Warriors)
In most cases, RJWs are dumber than SJWs and they will NOT admit

google are the biggest SJW/faggot enablers in the world. nice letter.


why do trannies pick the most retarded fucking names?

they don't actually want to be women or vice versa, they just want to be "special"

Ruby and Javascript, and coders who need to automatically compile from Ruby to JavaScript rather than knowing JavaScript when they need to write webapps.

Cut the ideology bullshit, or BTFO. Yes, the market equalizes globally - pajeet standards rise, US standards go down, until they meet in the middle.

It's how global markets are supposed to work. Look, even countries which were outwardly chock full of nationalism "we dont need pajeets" in fact hired ton of slave labor in the closet - germany (gastarbeiters) or japan (fisheries). The slaves *still* displace local labor, pulling the local middle class down.

The ideology is only to fool you. polacks tell you 'they're subhuman slaves, doing the icky jobs on plantations' while sjws tell you 'theyre beatiful snowflakes and animals are not yet allowed to vote'. But that's just words and propaganda. In reality, both will exploit em all the same (and pull local class down as a result), because not doing so is simply irrational and unprofitable.


Because they're not like the rest.