Find a flaw

Find a flaw.

it's linux

ugly as shit, can't run software that matters, 1336 hax0r user.

That girl is at least 10 years too old to be aesthetically pleasing

Using a systemd distribution.

eat shit and die wannabee linux user

ugliest desktop I've seen in weeks.

holy fuck... you got everything wrong and everything looks like it's from late 1990s.

i'm using Discord on Gentoo aswell, yes it's not Free as in Freedom, but if everyone and their mother is using it and you want to speak with them, what's the problem?


I get it you have one of those ultra minimal loli wallpaper wall of text desktops..

OK bud, thanks for the opinion

>everything wrong
>literally default xfce with panel on bottom and a few tiny tweaks


found your problem. anything based on xfce looks like shit and it looks like it was written in Borland Delphi. those xfce buttons and other UI elements are atrocious.

ps: that file manager looks basic as fuck.


Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.


>2GB RAM usage
That would be 2MB under Windows 95.

literal autism

>find an aesthetic

how the fuck do you define software that matters, you piece of shit? afaik any software that matters runs on pretty much any *nix and the only people that bitch about "muh software" are gaymers.

>this guy doesn't run a server and doesn't know how anyway
>this guy doesn't code
>this guy doesn't use a theorem prover
>this faggot spent a thousand bucks on a machine for him to sit around wasting his fucking time on non-productive time-wasters / a media center / a porn looker-upper

Seriously, what the fuck programs are you talking about? Photoshop? Illustrator? You only need those if you're a front-end faggot or if you have a deviantart page for your babyrubberfur "masterpieces".

Ableton? Protools? Fucking garageband? Go be a nigger somewhere else / go overdose on molly, k, and meth somewhere else.

Literally WHAT THE FUCK that isn't gaymer bullshit and touchy-feely "pro" media editors can't run on Linux? Fuck, I'd be happy with just vim, coq, and cabal, you piece of shit.

Please call our dedicated call center. Susan at HR would love to offer you a position as Chief Executive Officer at Marketing. Love to meet you soon!

Are you kidding? Linux is for fags and casuals. I'm OpenBSD all the way.

>inb4 fbi backdoors

Anyone who should be using OpenBSD parses the whole source code. My server is secure as a motherfucker and I know what every goddamn bit on it is doing. Seriously, you could be using this machine to e.g. make a simpler proof of Fermat

Are you kidding? Linux is for fags and casuals. I'm OpenBSD all the way.

>inb4 fbi backdoors

Anyone who should be using OpenBSD parses the whole source code. My server is secure as a motherfucker and I know what every goddamn bit on it is doing. Seriously, you could be using this machine to e.g. make a simpler proof of Fermat or rewrite languages to support the calculus of inductive constructions or whatever, and you sit around using it to fucking jack off and watch Netflix and shitpost on Sup Forums. Fuck you.

There's no fucking way you know what every bit of code in OpenBSD does. Not even the fucking OpenBSD devs would know.

I'm not saying it's insecure by the way, just that it's stupid 1 person has that capacity.

Otherwise, donate your brain to CERN, they need people like you.

You're goddamn right I do. Just because you don't have patience and dedication doesn't mean nobody else does. I've been using OpenBSD for like 17 years now. You probably aren't even that old, fuck off, kid.


I'm old I get what you mean. You know each package by now well. I'm not saying you're not building a secure system, just that it's based on best practice is all, you can't possibly say with a straight face that you have analysed 100% of the source code.

Then again, you might have, I take it back.

Is it your job?

no software
only good for servers and embedded applications

everyone and their mother is using windows, why not use that?

It's not a desktop OS
Way better alternatives exist

>what is macOS
>what is uncucked LTSB

Windows 10 is the best OS because it mixed usability with function and form that synergizes together perfectly to create the best user experience.

I personally highly recommend it

nonfree kernel blobs, cuck

Because that wouldn't be necessary for communication. Are you literally retarded?

I used macOS every day at work for years. Eventually I had to dual boot with Arch because I couldn't handle it anymore. It is even less stable than Windows. The update procedure is just as bad as Windows. And the last update I installed broke my internet so now I randomly get connection errors regardless of whether I'm using WiFi or ethernet and regardless of which network I am connected to. OSX is a steaming pile of shit. Literally the only thing they did well is the touchpad/magic trackpad and multiple monitor virtual desktop support. Everything else is garbage. I'll take KDE over OSX for productivity 100% of the time.

the maximize button is useless nowadays, its the current year, user, just drag the window to the top or doubleclick the titlebar

the fuck is wrong with your wallpaper
who told you that looks good? i don't think anyone could convince themselves that it looks okay

someone is pranking you


that was easy. What do I win?

I'm not OP, but I would say no. You're just a troll.

>non-free software
>shitty wallpaper
Gee OP, that was really hard. I guess if you don't write shell scripts, Bash is okay. However, zsh is better for writing shell scripts.

No, I'm being serious.

I know Arch and Gentoo users like to believe their distro to be superior, but running those two will not get you out of the basement and into the workplace. You've got a better chance running Slackware. Right now, RHEL/CentOS, SLES/OpenSUSE, and Ubuntu are the only flavors of Linux worth using if your end goal is getting out of your parents basement and living a decent lifestyle.

So, Arch is the problem with that desktop.

>but running those two will not get you out of the basement and into the workplace.
It's funny you say that because I actually primarily used Arch when I was learning how to use Linux and I eventually got a job as a Unix Sysadmin. I do a type of software engineering now, and find Linux to be more productive for that as well when compared to OSX or Windows.
Most Linux distros are more or less the same. There's not really much of a reason to hate on any of them other than maybe Ubuntu because of the Amazon integration. Arch is incredibly convenient because the AUR allows me to easily install almost anything that isn't in the official repos. I find this to be much more convenieint than having to use my web browser to search for a PPA. The package manager itself is also my favorite. I prefer it over apt, yum, or others.