Find one (1) flaw


>doesnt support x software

and go

Other urls found in this thread:

cant, i love it

what program is the 3 diamond icon?

That calendar sidebar widget has a different (and clashing) theme than the rest of the sidebar widgets.

cuz its not stock

I'm replying in an effort to turn this board into 100% shitposts

There are none, at least no non-autistic ones.

Then you would have to bump /tpg/ and /fglt/ threads.


>doesn't support X hardware, where X! = apple proprietary cuckware


It is not free.

>being broke

My nigga

getting fixed in APFS which is better version of ZFS. next

>a 2012 13" MBP
>still better laptop specs and build vise then a T420 or X220

it is actually

show us the source code

You said free, not open.
>being this tech illiterate


I agree, macOS is pretty great.

- posted from my hackintoshed T420


I bet only the display is better and everything else the same or a direct downgrade from a sub-$200 T420/T430.

Go away devil, your bait is shit.

>better display
>better trackpad
>better graphics
>better CPU
>better speakers
>full aluminium
>backlit keyboard
>USB 3.0 and other useful ports like Thunderbolt still has ports like Ethernet

Has anyone tried out the Butterfly keyboard of the new Macbooks?

>tfw a MacBook Pro is a better ThinkPad then a ThinkPad

>using a trackpad
>gaming on a laptop
>falling for the Intel CPU progress in the last 5 years meme
>caring about aluminum

get out applefaggot

wrong board

>using a trackpad
>jelly about not having the BEST trackpad on the market
>only having a synaptic trackpad and a trackpoint without gestures (KEK)

>gaming on a laptop
who was talking about gaming? enjoy your cucked pefromance and bettery life while software decoding video

>falling for the Intel CPU progress in the last 5 years meme
>what are real world benchmarks
>literary faster
>literary more power efficient

>caring about aluminum
>liking broken plastic

Cuck detected! Btfo tech illiterate faggot.

>i know, already said that
>who the hell uses the trackpad on a thinkpad
>both are ivy bridge with same cpu
>dual core
>i don't use speakers at all so no opinion
>meme for retards who can't touch type, despite that the T430 still has a backlit keyboard option.
>aside from TB it's also available on the T430 and you can extend a T420 to get USB 3.0 ports too.

>buy macbook pro
>buy razer core or like
>use bootcamp so no emulating
Anything wrong with this plan?

>getting so defensive and buttlasted about something

What are you trying to do?

Also, what emulating? Wine or virtualisation is no emulation.

If you want to gayme get a desktop PC with Windows.

Where do technology illiterate mactoddlers get the false impression that they or their fruity toddler toys are welcome much less belong on a technology board?

Seriously, they even constantly samefag hard like they're doing in this thread.

We don't want you homosexuals here, go back to the fashion board where you all belong.

The file system, lack of default package manager, lack of DE customization / ability to change DE, lots of it is still non-free software. I think that's about it. It's still pretty fucking good. If I could keep GNU market share the same but swap the market share of Mac OS and Windows, I'd do it. It wouldn't quite save the world, but it would help a ton.

ugly as fuck. Why do people think this lifeless gray colour looks good is beyond me. Even windows 10 looks better than this shit.

>close button doesn't close

Where do tech illiterate normies get the idea that their shitposting is welcome and not against the rules here?


Just trying to do vidya.
Dual booting instead of virtualizing would have less overhead right?

>I like to rice!!!
>Ugh! Your STOCK desktop looks so ugly
>implying one can't rice everything

the autistic non-logic is hurting! fuck off faggot

>Dual booting instead of virtualizing would have less overhead right?
Obviously. Go with straight Windows on metal for gaymes. But gayming on a laptop is still mediocre at best.

>doesn't support x software

We know you are jealous.

The more you post the better we will feel, knowing how jelly and butthurt you are. Please continue until you are removed by moderation to be able to continue anymore.

The most I would want to do on a laptop without a GPU thunderbolt thing would be games like Minecraft.
I want to know what it would be like playing on a laptop with a dedicated gpu.

I'm not a ricefag you autistic pile of shit.

- no gpu passthrough
- outdated opengl and other *nix stuff
- metal is a joke
- no proper packet manager system

Yes, the T430 not the T420
> 2012 13" MBP < T430 < T420

all wrong


>not a ricefag
>does not like something stock
autism is still hurting, fuck

Shit apps that crash all of the fucking time. I support a lot of these and they are no more stable than anything else on the market.

uh okay? I was comparing specs to both the T430 and T420 because both are sub-$200 laptops than run macOS very well.

I just said i'm using a hackintoshed T420, never said that my T420 was better than the MBP.

Works for me. I click it it closes the window as it's supposed to, not like the autistic Windows way Linux DEs are copying, closing the whole program, having to use autistic "hacks" to keep programs running in the tray.

They run them well, but they are still just hackintoshes. You're not getting close to the full potential. Also a used 2012 13" is around 300 bucks these days.


no games

that falls under doesnt support x software bud

>I don't like it so it must be shitposting

>find flaws
>but please don't state the obvious ones that basically render the system useless

>it's expensive
>has no games
>rendering a system useless

>find just one flaw
>don't use these flaws though

>calculator's not in RPN mode
>dock on the bottom
>dock not set to autohide
>icons on the left
>notification center is bright even though dark theme is enabled

Is not Windows 10.


OP said to find a flaw, dumbass.


Faggot can't into rice

That's the mayor flaw.

>threading your own post

N e w f a g

Is there a sheriff flaw too?

You're one determined shill. What's Microsoft pay you? 3ยข/post now?



>ask about flaws
>whine when they're pointed out

You know how dumb and tech illiterate it makes you look if you post shit that's not true?

If you're going to shitpost, at least post something that's true.

I love my iMac.

>t. mactoddler

uh? is that some kind of made up shit?

Kek, fail user. See

doesnt support X hardware

Nice photoshop mactoddler.


not an argument

pls, btfo faggot

>t. Apple Internet Defense Force

>no option to move and keep both files

>literally too stupid to use a mac
>b-but m-uh s-hitpost


It's a bigger botnet than windows







>not knowing the difference between freedom and having a price

Please refer to Also, making up things to make yourself feel better is the rock bottom of pathetic.

>b-but I thought it's true! I didn't make the picture!
You lost, you are no better than a tech illiterate if you don't know simple things, if you're going to bash over something, at least know about it.

why are apple phaggots so btfo?

He is right about the *nix stuff, at least the shell is a very outdated version of bash

>using btfo against a group of people about the subject the thread is about

Fail user.

Triggered, macfag?

>getting fixed in APFS which is better version of ZFS
Nigga, I'm posting from ZFS 0.7.0.
APFS adds fuck all compared to the real deal.

Yes! It is, it's because licensing issues, but nobody stops you from updating the whole base system as you see fit.

>replying to a shitpost means you're triggered
>not liking Windows 10 makes you a macfag
Pajeet pls

You can update it to bash 4 if you want, or use another shell entirely.

>wanting to use ZFS as an actual desktop filesystem replacement
user, ZFS is great and all, but it's not an viable option for everyday use, APFS will be more balanced for it.

>please refer to

>We know you are jealous.
>The more you post the better we will feel, knowing how jelly and butthurt you are. Please continue until you are removed by moderation to be able to continue anymore.

What part of that debunks any of the images that were posted?

>kinda true
>it's good it's just pleb software doesn't use it
>there are at least 3

who are you quoting?

