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A recent physics experiment has proven that Terry is correct.

Correct about what, CIA niggers glowing in the dark?

Physics experiments proved that the Christian God is real?

If you read this you will find that terry ISNT really a particular type of religious person.

There's no way in hell I'm reading all that. I stopped after
> I say the purpose of life is to do continual offerings
to God like Cain and Abel and enjoy God's response

So, I'm not sure exactly what he's getting at, but Cain and Abel's "offerings" were animal sacrifices...

nigger still doesn't know what a random number is?

There's no such thing as a random numbers on the scale we exist at. Only unpredictable numbers.

Proved we're in a virtual computed reality

Only Abel's were, dummy.

Who is to say that the true reality doesn't have the same properties that we are attributing towards a simulation?

there's isn't one true reality, only many reality frames


This experiment doesn't make sense to me. The probability of it hitting either detector is 50% in both setups. Why is adding the second half-silver mirror meaningful?

because they put in a particle and it outputs a wave, which should be impossible

Yes, I understand that was the result of the experiment. I just don't understand why it makes any difference whether there is a second half-silver mirror when that does not affect the probability of which sensor it should hit.

without the second mirror the particle doesn't become a wave

Yes, I understand that was the result of the experiment. I just don't understand why it makes any difference whether there is a second half-silver mirror when that does not affect the probability of which sensor it should hit.

That's not the point of the second mirror

Then what is the point? And why does he spend so much time talking about the probability of it going through the mirrors?

>Then what is the point?
The point of the second mirror is to convert the particle into a wave, are you dense?

>why does he spend so much time talking about the probability
because the conclusion is that there is no such thing as a particle, what we thought was a particle is actually just a probability

>what we thought was a particle is actually just a probability
We've known that for a long time.
I'm more interested in how a half silvered mirror can have absolute 50% probability.
P,S, not that guy.

>The point of the second mirror is to convert the particle into a wave, are you dense?
I'm asking why having two mirrors instead of one has any signficance in that process. Are you literally mentally retarded? There's obviously a known reason or there wouldn't have been a point in performing the experiment in the first place. Stop being a retard just because you don't know the answer either.

>Stop being a retard just because you don't know the answer either.
Are you that faggot that used the same line yesterday in SQT?

Do you not know how discoveries work? Probably not since you're this mentally challenged.


An actual TL;DW would be really useful here

explain the nigger that they're like lottery tickets

oh wait the nigger already got lost and his mind is blown

In what way did they prove it?

I'm watching the video right now, weren't they always supposed to be indistinguishable?

I don't even browse that thread. Anyways, you've demonstrated pretty clearly now that you are completely ignorant regarding the question I asked. You have literally tried to use circular logic.

>They added the mirror to convert it to a wave
>It turns into a wave because they added the mirror
Do you even realize how fucking stupid you are? Just because you don't understand something that doesn't mean you get to pretend like there is no real answer.

If you actually watched the video, you would know that people have been thinking about this experiment since long before we even had the technology to perform it. They knew this experiment was likely to yield interesting results. There is very obviously a reason why they suspected ahead of time that adding the second half-silver mirror might affect the outcome. What is that reason?

>Double slit

Well it's a wave-particle experiment.

In what way does this prove that it's a simulation rather than the way the Universe actually works?

You only need to watch 5 minutes in.

If you've done Physics in high school, you'll be familiar with the experiment.

and you clearly demonstrated that you're fucking retard cus you think im samefag, i dont even care about whatever the fuck you guys are arguing about .

We though particles made up everything, the test proves particles don't exist and instead they are just data that only exists when a conscious measures it

When did I ever accuse anyone of being a samefag? Now I actually do think you are samefagging. I didn't before. Way to go samefag.

>Anyways, you've demonstrated pretty clearly now that you are completely ignorant regarding the question I asked. You have literally tried to use circular logic.
Right there. I just asked an unrelated question and you go full retard.

But this video was two years ago.

When I learned this, it was just considered another part of the uncertainty principle, that waves can have particle like effects (momentum) and particles can have wave like effects (diffraction).

Measuring it forces the particle to behave as such, because we now knew where the particle was, we had less knowledge of its velocity and by extension, where it would have originally ended up.

This is a crock of shit that's two years old, though still interesting.

It's a fantastic summary of wave-particle physics that shares a lot in common with the double-slit (as the guy says) however, it has no effect beyond reinforcing our preexisting knowledge.

You asked what the point of the mirror was so I told you, the reasoning and logic behind why they added the 2nd half silver mirror isn't important and was probably nothing more than some guy saying "hey lets try this".

fuck off

judging by the other video titles it's not worth watching this guy for 1.5+ hours. and this title is way too fucking vague

>hurr... I don't know the reason so therefor it is unimportant and probably doesn't exist
Literal retard

>everyone is jesus in purgatory

Go away Terry, nobody loves you and your operating system is useless.


Maybe the particle makes wavy distribution if it goes through three mirrors but it makes a big clump if it only goes through two.

Spoken like an agent of The Simulation.

i dont see how this experiment proves we live in a virtual reality?

>ground breaking experiment
>half the youtube comments are just saying how sexy the questionnaires voice is

>double slit experiment
>ground breaking

I don't think it is the double slit experiment. The double slit experiment showed that the behavior changes based on whether or not the particle is being observed. This experiment shows that the behavior changes based on whether or not there is 1 or 2 beam splitters.

Interesting video however there are many problems and contradictions.

He mentions how the elf does not create the player, I agree however, as elves we can deny or allow the creation of consciousness i.e reproducing with other elves. So what does this mean? There is an infinite amount of consciousness in the "non physical" part of the reality queued up waiting to snatch a body? Whats happening here

This is just one of the points

It doesnt affect which detector got hit, but it affected the output the detector gave out. The second mirror was to testify that a system change while the """"particle"""" was in the apparatus will change the behaviour of the """"particle""""

Can we not physically detect particles? As in, can you not fire a particle in a direction and prove that it has a physical presence in reality? I seriously don't know the answer to this, but I've always assumed that it can be proven. If particles are a probability and effectively just binary data, how is it possible that they have a physical presence at all?

I think what this guy is saying is that all the particles that make me who I am is a million billion units of binary data, or probabilities, and therefore I'm not a physical being, but literally 1s and 0s.

Which kind of makes sense the more I think about it.

My brain is completely fucked right now.

Terry is live!

Thats the whole point of the virtual reality interpretation, we cant make measurements along the way, so how can we actually know anything is there? As far as the machine is concerned, nothing is relevant until a demand in information is made (i.e hitting the detector), its really backwards thinking I know, but I guess thats how QM works, its pretty stifling to think that (You) fire a particle and it somehow doesnt exist after youve fired it

I think that is a very simplistic way of looking at it and it makes the assumption that a simulation is the only possible explanation. The fact that adding the second beam splitter "retroactively" causes the electons to behave as a wave demonstrates that it is absolutely relevant before it hits the sensor. I think a possible explanation is that whatever mechanism determines this exists outside of time and legitimately knows what the state will be ahead of time.

Oh! Terry is John A Wheeler re-incarnated?

Another possibility that people don't consider is that things may not be logical or explainable in nature, there may be a legitimate conclusion that you cannot know further beyond a point, like he mentions in the video its your own job to find out whether thats true or not "be your own scientist".

Too bad I don't give enough shits to dedicate my whole life to this lol

someone get terry vanned on stream

I think that's unlikely given that the behavior seems to be deterministic.

>I'm a philosopher
>but I don't want to think very hard
>My opinions matter when it comes to objective truth

Jesus. Do you even listen to yourself?


Dont really have an opinion on this, but this seems to be relevant

I think the tldr is, from 3d space there are some things that we wont be able to understand if the universe does actually operate in 11d (?)

Here is a display of autism, who is just spouting random crap, don't be like this guy peoples


He's here.

Probability waves have been around for a while now user.

Nobody cares about your youtube channel Terry. Fuck off you dumbass christfag
>hurr durr... I'm a genius who believes things without verifiable evidence

it's the same probability wave stuff.

>hurr durr... I'm a genius who only believes in things with verifiable evidence

>hurr a hypothesis that isn't even based on an observation is worth believing
>literally arguing against the scientific method

>it's a casual popsci normies spout inane bullshit about things they don't understand episode

Is this another one of those crazy pop-sci religious cult things around misunderstandings of quantum mechanics terminology?

He starts ranting about how you "can't communicate across realities, not easily" at around 30 minutes. Crazy.

>In what way does this prove that it's a simulation rather than the way the Universe actually works?

The claim is that in order for the wave pattern to emerge, the wave/particle has to retroactively realize what it's supposed to be.

Terry is correct about everything. CIA niggers BTFO eternally.

Everyone BTFO eventually

tldr is it about the delayed choice quantum eraser?
