Why is C# the best programming language?

Why is C# the best programming language?

>inb4 le bajeet microcuck meem XDDdd

It is not Microsoft-specific, it's open sores and a lot of Linux software is written in C#.

Other urls found in this thread:


Because it's a very robust language and the CLR doesn't even feel like a virtual machine.

>a lot of Linux software is written in C#
Like what?

It is Java with the proper namespaces and first-class functions.

Like Banshee, you ignoramus.

C > *

C# is a piece of shit, it has no use in this world. It literally is chewed up C++ for fucking retards.

If you love buffer overflows, then yeah.

What the hell is a Banshee?

>a lot
>can only name one

Buffer overflows are only a concern if you're a bad programmer.

Then I guess a majority of C programmers are bad programmers, since buffer overflows are still the most common security exploit.


Keep grasping at straws, faggot.

That is not true at all. Bugs happen independently of your programming competency.

>Literally software nobody uses
ok fgt

Of course, it's Linux software. Stop saying obvious things.

>Literally 19 applications where half of them are using WinForm only
double kek

You just btfo'd yourself mang.

fuck off poopjeet

That's about half the entire Linux ecosystem. It doesn't really have a lot of softwares...

Wouldn't say a few small bad software is "a lot"

Nobody cares what some anonymous shitposter would or wouldn't say on a Crimean matryoshka imageboard.

I guess you have a different definition for "a lot" then ;^)

>half of Linux ecosystem is 5 shoddy music players, a game making framework and a on-screen keyboard for Nu-Males that's literally named Nu Tech

Ask me how I know you come from Sup Forums.

The last three characters of your post invalidate your entire argument, I'm afraid.

Why are you so mad that your OS doesn't have softwares?

I convinced our company to switch our back-end to PHP and we got owned by SQLI. fuck you faggot.

"Softwares" is not a real word, Pajeet.

Also, it has plenty of software, but I guess all you use your computer for is listening to mp3s from your obscure indie bands and making indie games about a Fez.

Well, at least I'm not autistic like you

Your own damn fault for not reading the OWASP Top 10 and taking the necessary precautions, faggot:


It should have it built in that it can't do this, just like they fixed buffer overflows.

It does. It's called prepared statements and parametrized queries. The documentation even mentions it.


But you didn't use it, of course.

You could also have used Active Record, but I am not a fan of it.

It shouldn't let you do concatenation of user input for queries just like it doesn't let you overrun buffers.

>Have the choice of checking the length of an array
>c is bad because you have the choice of doing a bad thing

>have the choice of using prepared statements
>Php is perfect. you're just using it wrong.
top kek lad

>It shouldn't let you do concatenation of user input for queries
Then you wouldn't be able to build complex queries.

You're just using the wrong interface for your purposes.

>it doesn't let you overrun buffers
It does, the difference being it won't let you go into unchartered memory. It will detect the overrun and either reallocate your buffer for you or raise an exception.

>Have the choice of checking the length of an array
How? C has no way of letting you check the length of an array. You have to figure that out yourself, for example by passing the length around.

>you have the choice of doing a bad thing
It's not just "the choice of doing a bad thing". You're just letting everybody know you have never coded in C by oversimplifying things like that.

Buffer overflows in C don't happen just because the programmer made a bad choice. SQL injections in PHP do happen because the programmer made a bad choice.

>php is perfect
Nice strawman, I never said that.

All the retards defending C unironically ITT have obviously never had to deal with strings in it.

Don't worry, this is Sup Forums. It is satire. They are being ironical.

By keeping the number you use when you allocate the space and taking that into consideration whenever you read from or write to the array.

>Too stupid to deal with null-terminated strings
Stop projecting your incompetence onto everyone else.
Dealing with null-terminated strings and manually managing the buffers is easy.

Best? No. Top three (C, C++, and C#)?

Fuck yes.

Fuck Sup Forums's obsession with that shitty beginner clusterfuck of a language python and its nulanguage ilk. If you're not using C/C++/C#, you are doing it wrong.

Been coding for fucking 20+ years of my life (oldfag) and I know my shit.

>Sup Forums's obsession with that shitty beginner clusterfuck of a language python

That's not really Sup Forums specific as it could make them a salaryman. Stay mad.

>Dealing with null-terminated strings and manually managing the buffers is easy.
You've obviously never had to deal with strncpy/strncat.

You just contradicted yourself. You said you had the choice of checking the length of an array. You obviously don't, you have to know the length beforehand, which is what I said.

>Sup Forums's obsession with that shitty beginner clusterfuck of a language python
What? People give people shit for using memesnek all of the time?
Please fucking lurk before posting.

>Sup Forums is one person
>Actually using that clusterfuck that is C++

Of course I have.
strncpy zeros out the other bytes.
strncat is fine.

I don't typically use those functions though. I prefer to use s(n)printf.

All the retards putting down C are shitty "programmers" that think the pile of fucking garbage python is the pinnacle of programming languages.

Go piddle around in VB, kids, that's all you're ever going to be able to accomplish. I've written huge, complex programs in C with tons of string manipulation and I have had ZERO fucking issues with it because I'm not a fucking first year wannabe programmer being taught bullshit programming by a memorization factory university.

>strncat is fine
>sometimes nul-terminates, sometimes doesn't
>no way to detect truncation
Yeah nah, it's dogshit.

I have never done Python. I do Object Pascal. It's infinitely superior to both C and C++, both in string handling and memory management.

>I've written huge, complex programs in C with tons of string manipulation and I have had ZERO fucking issues
I'm sure you have.

>You've obviously never had to deal with strncpy/strncat.
But I have, and they're pretty straight forward.

Go to bed Ulrich, you ruined glibc.