My lil bro got an hoverboard for his birthday

My lil bro got an hoverboard for his birthday.
Anyway to have fun with this shit ?

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yeah, make fun of him for looking like a faggot.

that thing has wheels, thats not an hoverboard

install gentoo

Perhaps he can go shopping:-

ya you lean forward to go and backwards to reverse pretty fun

This. What retard came up with the name?

>r2 dindu
Gets me every time

already a modern classic.

Put it on the second to last step on a flight of stairs. Setup your go pro and wait. When it happens say "It's just a prank bro".

Cardboard robot costume

Install gentoo on it.

It's not a Truing machine, it's a finite automaton.

unicycle versions are more fun.

Install Solus.

Im so glad I got mine for free
It's super awesome and cool for about 8 minutes after you get the hang of it
Maybe if I lived in a warehouse or something it might be useful

Install TempleOS

riding it is kinda fun

It'll blow up on it's own eventually
Just wait until then and tell him to keep it out of your house

These came around the time when hoverboards would come in 2015 according to Back to the Future. So of course they took that name since they are similar and there was tons of talk about hoverboards already.

2015 called

I understand, the weight limit on those things is usually some 200-odd pounds OP. There are plenty of ways to have fun with it without riding it.

Whenever I see some faggot riding these things I have an urge to just shove them off and run. I'm not a nigger though