what went wrong?
best buy employee here
the demo units are an asus prebuilt unit that is the minimum Oculus spec
the best buy demos ran fine at first, but they sit in a closed box with no ventilation. I'd imagine they're slowly cooking the things running all day
lol more like VR just doesnt sell
Normies probably don't know VR exists...
Geek squad here can confirm.
Having a god-awful occulus rep doesn't help either.
What are they running 1050ti "VR ready" on them
>Having a god-awful occulus rep doesn't help either.
>Facebook employee
Yeah, he's a lazy piece of shit. No one shows up for his demo station all of the normies are too busy drooling over ps4 vr. It's sad.
They probably have no concept or grasp of what he does or what the occulus rift even is.
meme tech for stupid gullible rich people. Just like the electric car.
Just die already VR.
Cuckulus gets the old cuckeroo from Zuckerpus gang. They have to up the damn ante a bit
About the only VR that normies like is the one where you slip your phone into it. Something like the Oculus or HTC Vive is too complicated for a normie to setup and deal with.
No amd rx480 actually. But they're still prebuilt pieces of shit. The graphics card always decides to fuck itself when I'm turning it on for a customer.
Just drill a 140mm hole in the case for the case and then have it vent so you get massive negative pressure
Best Buy Employee here, our PC gaming display section consists of a shitty AMD prebuilt... The sad thing is that people buy it. I can't tell you how many I've seen come back.
Why on earth would anyone care about Oculus when you have Vive with pretty much the best VR experience you can have right now?
i dont speak Sup Forums. Translation?
I don't know maybe because your whole life has to revolve around vr to be worth it. You need a dedicated room, and the price point is much higher that cuckulus and ps4 vr.
Don't get me wrong it's probably the best vr experience on the market. But that doesn't say much does it?
most expensive DOA console gimmick ever
and and no gamez
that enough?
all computers are prebuilt user
you didn't built your computer before using it?
>Says "shitty" amd prebuilt
>All computers are prebuilt son! You sure look stupid!
it was a simple rhetorical proposition
that was an embarrassing attempt at framing my statement as some sort of lazy oneupmanship
First of all, we all know the distinction between prebuilt and a self-built. Second of all, it's not just that it's a prebuilt, but that it's a shitty low end rig.
HTC Vive is better, that new game Onward seems lit
Then what the hell was the point. You knew that he meant shitty quality computer.
Best Buy employee here, all the other people posing as Best Buy employees itt are fags.
OK nicole. I bet your coworkers complain about your passive agressiveness.
something about facebook needing to push oculus to compete better with the competition, I assume.
NPS score?
Lol 75
Wouldn't be surprising, everyone talks shit about everyone else no matter what store you work at or your position.
So true.
Nicole is a cute.
>Not qt3.14
Hey Nicole, how come I can never get any service when I go to Worst Buy? It's like the staff isn't interested in you unless you're buying a big screen tv or apple product.
>normies are too busy drooling over ps4 vr
PS4 VR sold less than 1M units though.
I was looking at Bestbuy and asked about which models they carried with the latest version of Android and she told me to my face that only Google phones have it and Samsung phones were getting it first. I told her that the LG V20 comes with nougat and that Samsung was actually known for having late updates, then I asked her if they still carried older phones like the LG G4 or G5, she showed me the Moto G 4th edition. I told her I would be fine browsing the phones without help after that and she went away.
I can't honestly say I have ever had a good experience with customer service in any BestBuy, the employees always tend to just make shit up and lie to your face.
>Yo man you want the rock climbing or the wizard battle?
>Rock climbing sounds boring
>I'll look like a dumbass battling wizards
This is what killed it.
I went there with a gift card to browse and they wouldn't leave me alone
I go there to buy something I don't know the location of, nobody in sight
THIS so much.
I'm the toolbag that looks shit up on the best buy website to see if it's in stock.
Then I go in, spend a half hour looking for it, and finally by then ask some poor kid where it is because it says it's in stock and they have more than 1 so likely it hasn't sold out yet.
The mouse I bought was just like that, both of us spent a half hour looking for that shit. They now have mice/keyboards/shit in like 4 different locations and the guy ends up finding it underneath tons of other mouse boxes at the back of a shelf.
Meanwhile I noticed some snot nosed kid throwing a razer mouse back onto the shelf all willy nilly. That's exactly how shit gets lost. It's gotta be easy to steal shit out of best buy with all those kids grabbing gaymer shit and putting it back when the parents finally tell them to fuck off.
Kill yourself, you dumb fucking shit stain.
you could channel all that rage into a healthy hobby, user.
something triggered him. maybe he should go to Sup Forums
Oculus used disgusting pajeets/pakistanis for their advertising.
and now they wonder what went wrong...kek
VR gaming is shit
There's a vr arcade two blocks from me. They use Vive and have decent compuyers but the shit still crashes all the time and only a couple of the games are interesting. If it doesn't get better, vr is going to die completely.
oculus was dead the moment zuckercunt bought it
Our AP guy is really good at stopping shoplifting. It's pretty easy to see someone sneaking something.
VR has no future. There, I came out and said it. Cry moar, facebookfags.
I just wanted to emulate my husbando. Why is this too much to ask for?
VR is a gimmick with a high barrier to entry and it's physiologically incompatible with our bodies.
>Oculus or HTC Vive is too complicated for a normie to setup
it's also stupidly expensive for a neet liek me
PC sales turned GS here. Used to work IT before best buy so this shit is easy.
a nervous system bypass implant connected to the computer would be the only logical conclusion to VR
we got this cute as fuck short redhead after the first dude quit. She knows more about it than the first guy too.
>using a pic from 2012
>qt3.14 with knowledge