What's so special about women?

What's so special about women?

Other urls found in this thread:


becasue women need special resources in order to achieve things

that's called equality you fucking moron

>Arch Women

Sounds like a secret society of pissed off ex-girlfriends.

>women need special resources
Yes, because I'm a man, I don't need any help or resources?
Because I'm a man, I don't need a "safe space for people to share skills"?
Because I'm a man, I prefer to wade through shit posts and sexist comments to get my information on Arch?

Fuck off

i was being sardonic dude

chill the fuck out

i just saw this post, you are trying too hard and being way too aggressive dude, you dont have to be a tough guy for us, just be yourself

So when is Sup Forums opening up Archmen.org?

they are more intelligent and have an easier time focusing in general. they are also more efficient due to the fact that they don't need to masturbate once per hour.


>Archniggers have the arrogance to call other distros cucked and SJW while they have arch women

wtf i hate arch now.

And we thought the arch meme ricing shitposters were bad...

I bet trannies are behind this.
>Look, I'm a real grill, I'm even involved in this thing that has the word woman in it!
How many females even know/care about Arch?


>cis women
pick one and only one

>becasue women need special resources

A urinal is an example of a special resource that is only helpful for men. They're not "needed" but why not have them? Theyre fucking great.

If women want special resources like keyboards that are easier to use when you have huge floppy tits then so what, let them have it. Who fucking cares.

The biggest whiners on Sup Forums are not sjws, theyre the losers complaining about sjws.

>A urinal is an example of a special resource that is only helpful for men

But that's bullshit. Women can and do use urinals. There's zero reason for them not to be included in womens' bathrooms, other than the fact that most women don't WANT to use them.

women tend to be shit at technology so they need support groups to do stuff men can normally do

The more shitposts and sexism, the better. Why do you think I'm here?

I love how confusing this post is.

>I love how I'm unable to understand standard English

what the fuck do urinals have to do with career achievement

dude i'm not complaining about the existence of maternity wards or something you dense shit

Sorry to have to tell you this: your gf is a transexual. Real girls cant urinate out of their "large clittoris".

Potentially a troll site. Not updated for years. Fedora and Debian took feminist thing somewhat seriously. Everything else is bs.

Women have to be the focal point of any group or organization they are in. If it isn't centered around them, about them, and for them then it's sexist and chauvinistic.

What does archwomen have to do with career achievement? At least you can piss into a urinal

>how do we get women into tech


>The biggest whiners on Sup Forums are not sjws, theyre the losers complaining about sjws.


I'm going to interpret this autistic screeching as you saying that women can't urinate in urinals

Here comes the entryists

Arch is literally dead and finished. Not shitting.

I still love your posts. Genuinely cant tell if youre trolling or actually dont know how women piss. Good show.


As a man with a piss fetish, I find your incredulity stupefying

It's like building a car for women, pointless.

Hell no, you can get a woman to pay much more for much less.

There is literally nothing wrong with this.

Urinals are cheap pleb shit that only men have to put up with. I do not like people watching me piss, or having my dick in my hand as some thugs stroll in.

1/10 customer experience, would not use.



long time since I kekd so hard.

They get pregnant

This. The only thing they're good for.

I see this pic posted once in a while, the quick summation of this is "hipsters"

>lol we were here first and therefore get to dictate who gets to play forever
you don't

alternative is everyone else is normal in terms of socializing and you are a removed, stingy asshole so you're just going to hate anyone new

>implying man can't do this too in mass

couldn't they, oh i dunno, maybe just work on arch normally?

and for all those fucking trannies bitching about prejudice and whatnot, why are you telling random people you work with online that you are that while at the same time yelling it's not other people's business? You wouldn't be getting any of that headwind if you weren't such a fucking snowflake with a need for spotlights aimed on you for being what you are

if you're fucking first and responsible for the original idea of the game then you get to fucking choose who is allowed to be part of it and who isn't. If people who join the group ruin the original atmosphere with their 'normal socialization' then they can fucking leave.

People tend to like to keep things how they are. Not wanting changes is nothing bad.

are these the same guys that made that arch with openrc site? It looks preety darn similar


They have vaginas and boobs
That gives them leverage over men
But it wont last much longer when they introduce perfected affordable sexbots
Women will become literally obsolete overnight

>what's so special about women?
>virgin detected.

>affirmative action is like urinals
OK then.

That isn't what that image describes at all you fat retard.

I snorted.

Only 200+ pound hambeast snowflakes care about this
It will fail anyway
Like everything that is forced on people just for politics sake and doesnt adjust to reality

There are only one discussion on reddit.

I was surprised it's not more popular.

Equality is an expensive delusion that is paid by the welfare state.

>virgin detected.
virgin detected

>they need to be different to be equal

Underrated post