Tfw trump bans H1-B visas and theres no more pajeets and chinks to push down tech wages

>tfw trump bans H1-B visas and theres no more pajeets and chinks to push down tech wages

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Instead tech wage bubble will pop, pushed down by companies hiring hundreds of fresh college grads who have no idea what a good wage is

you think nobody has thought of that before


If Indians are only hired because they're cheap, then why are they over represented in the upper levels of Silicon Valley? You don't become CEO by being cheap labor, yet Indians are over represented as CEOs.

What's really going to happen if H1Bs are banned is that silicon valley is going to move more jobs to other countries, taking billions of dollars from our economy.

Goodbye pajeets!

>implying that's even how outsourcing works

It doesn't stop companies from getting pajeets in Pakistan from working for them for pennies remotely.

>At the same time fucking betsy deVos is responsible for education.

Better start learning chinese

>Pajeets get deported
>Sup Forums still can't find jobs
>Sup Forums has no more boogeyman to blame and is forced to accept that they can't get jobs because they're lazy

>implying Trump won't massively tax outsourcing

That'll only make things more expensive for US consumers.

And not to mention, he literally campaigned on slashing the corporate tax rate.

school choice will result in market-based schools that emphasize value skills like STEM, you fucking cretin. Charter schools always outcompete shitty union-strangulated government schools

no shit it will make things expensive for consumers, but we're talking about tech wages here

for the fraction of the population that can afford private schools Im sure that's useful.

...that's not how school choice works. The government pays for vouchers that people get for free to choose their school. Sweden does it.

Most of them aren't even here on visas anyway, they're naturalized. They may be shit skins but they're murrican shit skins

Trump isn't going to still be president this time next year, so his plans are irrelevant. Even his own people are turning against him already.

Like pottery

Considering she's a religious lunatic and that the GOP education platform discourages critical thinking I doubt the school system will produce engineers of the same caliber as today.

Only thing america does best is universities

Your Sup Forums (in real Sup Forums) will fallback to the "eternal kike" meme. It's easy to come up with excuses.

Except the IT companies will then simply do what the rest of them have been doing for decades: offshore technology jobs and move services overseas. This is basic economics.

Stay in your safe space with the other literal retards:


>GOP platform discourages critical thinking
the Democratic definition of science is pic related, you partisan reddit faggot

Is SienceMarchDC an official part of the democratic party?

I despise garbage science as much as you do, probably more since I'm actually doing science, but if you think the GOP stance on science is anything but medieval you're wrong, and focusing on the garbage heap of questionable SJW "science" won't change that.

>Tfw literally came to US with H1-B and got my green card like two weeks ago.
Phhh That was close
T. Spic

I wish I were American right now. We have these STINKING shitskin indians everywhere doing IT shit because they do it for almost no money.

They just smell so bad I want them all to die.

Would you actually be willing to commit murder just because you don't like how someone smells? Or are you a pussy who just hopes someone else would do it because you want to be removed from the violence?

what's anti-science about the GOP? climate skepticism? Ok, but that has nothing to do with school choice or STEM education

Putting a muzzle on what scientists are allowed to even say for one.

They still can do jobs remotely or online in places like freelancer
Theyll just start hiring them per assingnment basis

>climate skepticism
It's denial. You might as well say that you're "skeptical" of Darwinian evolution and quantum physics, too.

Just because there's coming smoke out of the windows doesn't mean the building is on fire!

Just FYI I'm a european doing a PhD in CS with neuron/machine interfacing, I'm currently learning chinese because I'm losing faith in american science and I want to keep my options open.

Too bad I am not constantly getting brainwashed by cnn so thats one less vote for hillary. We won like this


Well, he would get accused of racism and get fired if he criticised how those half bred monkeys smell

Actually I'm pretty sure Trump said said he loves skilled workers. He's banning refugees and terrorists to get the skilled workers in faster.

So do you imply even after lobbying billions into elections to get a maniac elected, you lost to your incompetent rivals? Pretty pathetic if you ask me

>he actually believes the "Trump will get impeached" meme
GOP knows they won the election on the basis of trump and impeaching him with majority power would result in a destruction of faith in the party

Good riddance and hopefully he kills himself as a result, then?

He's said that he thinks H1-B allows corporations to basically bring in labor and undercut american workers. He's not anti-skilled worker, but he wants to make the rules so the companies actually have to demonstrate not being able to hire an american resource properly and pay above market rate for skilled foreign labor so a company would only do it if there truly was no qualified american labor.

No that's not at all what Im implying. I'm implying you will get massively shafted because there is no "we", you won't get treated any better because you voted for le cheeto man.

I'm not a burger though so it doesn't matter that much to me, I just think it's funny that you dumb rubes got duped by an obvious fraud.

>You don't become CEO by being cheap labor, yet Indians are over represented as CEOs.
you become CEO through office politics, not through skill at a tech job
indians have a built-in politics system based on their names alone
they favor indians of their caste to dote and grovel over

Thanks trump for bringing back the jobs, I won't have to worry about future system administration jobs being stolen by dirty Indians.

Vouchers won't buy shit. Federal school funding per student is a couple of orders of magnitude lower than average private school tuition.

I actually voted for him going with the "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" motto because liberals should be stopped either through democratic process or being gassed. Otherwise I hate his guts for supporting israel and being a half kike himself

>M-muh racism
Literally every group does this, and whites were dominant in the first place. White people having an in group preference would have stopped unskilled pooloos from taking over their companies if those pooloos weren't legitimately skilled.

>american politics

Would you be willing to kill me for being liberal yourself? Or are you a pussy who wants to be removed from the violence and just hopes someone else will gas me?

Companies will just leave. Just like MS and Apple are already doing.

Your jobs are gone. Your precious free market has sold you down the river.

Read on how nazis rose, soon.

Pajeet worked for two years out of college as a Senior Engineer writing enterprise applications for Infosys.
What have you done in the past two years with your CS degree, except work at McDicks and fap to anime girls?

>implying OP has a degree

Way to avoid the question. Would you fly out to where I live and try to kill me yourself because I'm a liberal?

>Meanwhile in other countries that actually matter.

Everyone is laughing at America because of the stupid Hicks who voted for Donald Cheeto Man Trump.

No user I won't fly out to your house to specially target you. Although my second best bet is escaping to Argentina.

...Democrats did that.

That article doesn't mention the Democratic party nor is it equivalent to the president of the US restricting scientists ability to say what they believe.

NY's Democratic governor was responsible for finding that AG the bring the charges

And it's a chilling effect on publishing findings, you ideological fanatic.

Dont know what country youre from
But in Europe the people is waking up and patriotic right is on the rise more than ever, in part emboldened by Trump success in the elections

All H1-B should be immediately banned and all companies that have taken part in this crime need to have their CEOs imprisoned, assets sized and redistributed to those they've hurt, and taxed. If those taxes are then redistributed back onto customers, death sentences of new CEOs should follow.

Any US based company that has a non-american/non-legal citizen work force greater than 10% should be taxed into oblivion. This includes remote workers from outside the US.

All US companies that have non-native born CEOs should be treated as foreign companies and taxed and if those taxes are pushed back to the customers, then off to the fucking gallows.

I've seen alot of US companies wanting to cut investments in the US and move to Europe (Discovery Channel for example) solely because of all the migrants (read: slave wages work force) that have moved in.

Note: When i say american worker i mean ONLY US born workers. IDGAF about visa or green card holders. You're ass still ain't fucking american.


Hire Americans; Or Die

he's talking about how having "Kumar" in your name grants you a better position. It's a shit system and you should stop defending them

says the neet

How cute, the cuck is trying to act tough and edgy on the internet.

You'd still at best get a job at a fucking gas station

Been employed for almost 20 years straight, but i've seen more and more americans getting the axe and replaced by some 3rd world shitskin with 1/10th the skill for 1/10th the cost. It's fucking sickening. No matter how much more knowledge you have or how much more dedication you posses, you will always be replaced at some point by a 3rd world shitskin because of corporate greed. Make the greed punishable by death via a speedy fucking trial and watch it plummet.

>how having "Kumar" in your name grants you a better position

what's to stop pajeets from changing their names to be in the best caste

>If Indians are only hired because they're cheap, then why are they over represented in the upper levels of Silicon Valley?
because they're cheap

Keep pushing the white nationalism meme, you'll finally get actual white nationalism.

You can't change skin color or accent

>his own people
>still believing in fake news
>implying we ever stopped blaming kikes for our misfortunes

And I'll personally enjoy it when you worthless cucks are curbstomped in the streets. We're itching for an excuse to execute you scumfucks and I hope you give us one. Ridding the country of your ilk would be one of the single best political changes one could want.

There's a difference between the most powerful individual in the world censoring scientists and someone filing a lawsuit against a think tank.

How cute, the cuck is trying to act tough and edgy on the Internet.

>Nazis in the US
All 5 of them?

lmao I'd love to see these effeminate nu-males trying to aim a gun

I don't even live in America you retard. I'm just disgusted from how the shills and CTR and the leftist media turned an economic problem, lack of jobs, into another of their ideological identity politics shit.

At some point all those FUCKING WHITE MALES who only wanted a decent job and a safe family and who only received disparaging "just git gud and code javascript while sipping soy lattes like me" from hipsters are going to snap and actually develop a racial identity like the rest.

And nepotism. Indians are good at bullshiting their way to positions of power. Extreme example is Oracle. Incompetent Pajeets hiring incompetent Pajeets.

If that's true, then it would be impossible to get work done by definition. As far as I can tell, Oracle is still in business and still doing work.

Protip: being a FUCKING WHITE MALE doesn't entitle you to a job. And it's no one other than the FUCKING WHITE MALE's fault for going into a crowded field anyways.

Also, for not being American you sure seem quite obsessed over it. I sure as hell didn't give a fuck over Brexit.

Unlike the other poster, I'm not "trying to act tought and edgy on the Internet". Whereas he was just virtue signalling his racist xenophobia, I'm explaining the pleasure I'll experience, the desire we as a group have, and the consequences when reactionary body count starts growing exponentially.


I'll just assume you're an ignorant jackass who has had literally zero experience with anyone who wasn't a some liberal wannabe. Feel free to go to an antifa riot anytime and try to not piss your diaper when you seek people in black bloc carrying assault rifles, which is becoming commonplace now.

If you're not in the United States, then who permitted you to speak, cuck? In the rest of the world, especially Europe, your kind is already being beaten and murdered en masse. No need to pay you any mind.

>shills and CTR and the leftist media turned an economic problem, lack of jobs, into another of their ideological identity politics shit.
Liberal bullshit that I don't care about. What "leftist" media? You have to be either insane or an imbecile to think there is any strong "leftist media" presence outside of the underground outside of Europe. And don't act as if you aren't guilty of the same bullshit. Degenerate reactionaries like you are just the obverse of that "SJW" bogeyman you like to peddle, up to and including the virtue signalling and identity politics. Not that it's all that surprising, though, given that "SJWs" are basically one giant collective projection by the "alt-right".

>America First
>shitskin is mad

>good work
Not even a bait.

>skepticism is a muzzle
>not allowing beuracrats to shit on the boss which would get you fired anywhere else is a muzzle
>being this fucking stupid
Science isn't for you friend.

Enjoy your rapefugees.

Oh no, a problem that is overblown by a certain group trying to push an agenda.


You don't become CEO by being cheap.

I'm white.

>and there goes my chance of moving to the USA

t. white conservative Brit

Disagreeing with your boss isn't shitting on them. Trump put in place a bunch of Canadian style restrictions.

>tech wages

please expand this.....also reason why tech wages are down is because 93% OF ALL TECH IS a completely practical sense

>tfw no matter what trump does you will always be a delusional NEET and just find someone else to blame for your failure

>Europe has over 700 million white people
>their tech industry is pretty irrelevant

>the US has around 200 million white people
>we are the world leader in the tech industry

Why does America achieve so much more if white people are so superior? Hmm???