>allows for the OnePlus 3/3T’s bootloader to be unlocked without user confirmation and without triggering a factory reset.
>able to access a root shell before the user can even enter their credentials.
>The flaw works by sending a proprietary, hidden fastboot command: fastboot oem 4F500301. By sending this command, the user’s bootloader lock state is bypassed (even when “Allow OEM Unlocking” has not been enabled in Developer Settings).
>As you can see, when he boots the device the application he built is shown to be already pre-installed.
>A stolen or bricked device that you think is safe because of your typical security measures can be completely defeated using this exploit.

>proprietary, hidden fastboot command
>proprietary, hidden fastboot command
>proprietary, hidden fastboot command

>Never did we think that such highly privileged commands would be sitting in the bootloader code. As for “why” these fastboot commands are included in the firmware, we were given a “no comment.”

>no comment
>no comment
>no comment
>no comment


>Buying Chinkshit.
>Expecting security and privacy

poorfags BTFO yet again. when will all these africans and indians ever learn.


Why the fuck do you have a """smart"""phone you dumbass?
>inb4 muh friends
fuck off, it's less important than freedom

Oculus is bankrupt and BTFO anyway, it's not like this matters at all.

Its not like they would sell all the information or anything

>Oh no! They're gonna sell information about the usage of the 3 games they support by the 1000 people who were dumb enough to purchase it! How horrible!

VR is a meme that's not even good for that.

I'm glad I didn't fall for this meme.

Are you retarded? Why the fuck are you mentioning Oculus? It's not even relevant to the thread.

The title said Oculus when I came to this thread. What the fuck. This must be the Mandela thing I keep reading about.

There actually is a Oculus thread so you probably got confused.

>buying chinkshit
>thinking the PRC doesn't have full access to your device

God I wish that were me

Shit mates OP3 owner here
They now have my fingerprints, my passwords... everything............


t. rms

wtf i hate my phone now

Have to agree. Literally a walking botnet machine. If you need to to shitpost and "socialize", then you actually don't need it, just want it. And that's blind ignorance.

the sad thing is this is probably some shitty debug stub they left just like that chinkware linux kernel where you sent "root me" to a /sys|/proc device would SUID 0 on you.


Hahaha OP3 users on suicide watch

i have nothing to hide and nothing important on here :^)

You're safe if you don't let anyone plug their USB into your phone tho