>Pushing on your $600 GPU with all of your weight to try and get it to lock in
Pushing on your $600 GPU with all of your weight to try and get it to lock in
Other urls found in this thread:
>spending $600 on one piece of hardware just to shitpost on an anime imageboard
>snap snap snap
>all of your weight
Eat more, auschwitz
that's nothing OP, wait until you grow up and realize you spent 600$ on a graphics card to play video games like a child LOL
>tfw I already have
Being so poor that you worry about $600
>not putting away 50% of your income into a Roth IRA and a matched 401k while enjoying one of the cheapest hobbies there is
Enjoy blowing your money on overpriced toys that you'll grow bored of in 3 months.
Being so ignorant that you don't
What is the point in saving money if we're all just going to die anyway?
Rich people are usually rich because they worry about $600
>being this triggered
do you want me to tell your mom, mister?
What's the point of not killing yourself if you're gonna die anyways?
Shit, guess it's been a long time coming.
Look after you're dimes and you're dollars will look after themselves.
kill yourself
upvoted my dude :)
I watch anime off of Nyaa and plink with secondhand Nerf guns, what now you little bitch?
>posted from my T60
t. fat spoiled american children
You sure you can push with 400lbs of force?
Do you really need a $600 dollar CPU to play vidya? I have a $400 budget computer and i can play all the games i want on high settings.
>50% of income in roth IRA
>$5500 annual limit
>$11,000 annual income
>justifying a socially isolating hobby that overall does not improve any of your skills, mental or physical
its cool to play video games sometimes but if you play video games for more than 14 hours a week you need to examine yourself
That was mfw when I put my 6700k into a $400 mobo for the first time and was pusing the lever down
shit aint right. this shouldnt need that much force.
That's nothing compared to the horrifying feeling of installing THIS thing.
>all of your weight
Isn't Sup Forums 13+?
>mooooom the Sup Forums man is saying mean things to me again and laughing at my new toy
>not using a hammer to hammer it in
>putting it in incorrectly to where you think you need to put all your weight on it
>bitcoin mining
>playing all your games in 4k
>being future proof
you can shut up now
>hearing that crunching sound when latching down the cpu
Fuck outta here with that gpu, that's as easy as inserting RAM. Latching down the cpu and powering on the first time are the most heart pounding moments.
>Having to remove an over-sized graphics card to get to your CPU that's covered by an over-sized heatsink
>Using a screwdriver to push the latch down
>Slipping means stabbing your motherboard with a metal object
One of these days I'm going to kill a motherboard that way--one of the few advantages to using CLC watercooling
if it makes him happy then fuck it
Michelangelo would probably be on fucking reddit rn if he was here
Probably not--most artists are counter-culture as fuck. Being anti-social and/or psychopaths is half the reason why they're able to accomplish as much as they have.
>smug anime face
>bitcoin mining on gpu
Are you fucking retarded
>Computer boots up the first time after taking 10 hours to put everything together
This is NOT a technology thread
If you use windows you are NOT discussing technology
If you talk about gaming hardware you are NOT discussing technology
fuck offfffff
>tfw "all of my weight" would turn a graphics processor into a pile of dust and scrap electronics
>put cpu in place
>use lever to secure the bracket
why do MSI boards do this
This. Stop playing on muh meme ultra wide and 4K. Budget for 'gayming' GPU shouldn't be above $300.
>Taking 10 hours to put a computer together
thats either one well done computer or you slow af
who are you quoting
at least it was just CAD
Fuck installing coolers. How the hell are you supposed to do it alone? Building a PC is piss easy until it comes to this shit
You think that's bad? The Gamaax 400 is the same size, but uses the plastic intel pushpins.
>mfw put everything together and computer doesnt boot
>the cpu was DOA
You could, ya know, use some sort of plastic poking device instead
>prepare 2000$ rig
>everything just werks
>motherboard defective
>all the components are fried
>tfw I panic if my savings account dips below 5k
I'm not rich but I like to think my autism about money has kept me afloat and comfortable all these years
it's good to be vigilant, you never know when you'll remain homeless or need that 5k to do care of some urgent health matter
oh fuckin boy
Funnel that autism into actual financial freedom, user: mrmoneymustache.com
And to the rest of you dumb motherfuckers: stop glorifying conspicuous consumption, companies WANT you to be as materialistic as possible and guess what. Buying shit does not make people happy. It never has and it never will. You've been brainwashed since the day you started watching TV or going on the internet by marketers.
>not buying noctua
>not being able to order new brackets for next gen motherboards for free
If I weren't a completely broke peasant right now I probably would've. But as it stands [spoiler]my Kickstarter campaign is being delayed because our video guy is shitting the bed and my YouTube channel is still just starting[/spoiler] so I don't have enough cash to get high end parts.
Fucking spoilers not working on Sup Forums, why has that not been fixed? Spoilers add to posts. They're useful.
>putting 50% of your income into the hands of jews who are constantly hoping/scheming of ways to get you to die before your retire so they can take all that money you gave them
I thought I was going to compress my fucking CPU into a singularity.
So they would be on Sup Forums.
i am about to buy this
is there a problem with it that i should know about