Update asus router firmware

>update asus router firmware
>now connection drops out of ass
>ok lets downgrade
>asus went fuck you. nope.

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Gas yourself.

>crunchy shit 1080i source
oven yourself.

wait for the bd retard.

even bd sources are 720p
few shows are truly mastered in 1080p

is this your first kyoanus?

it's literally children's cartoons you autists

>BD sources are 720p

Not a single anime has been produced in 720p in over 6 years. Most of them are a midway thing that can be downscaled to 720 or upscaled to 1080.


Why are you not ripping your own episodes from a channel that broadcasts in 1080p and then remuxing it with HS you fucking retard? Jesus Christ what a fucking scrub.

No, they're not

>spending way too much effort on a highly compressed broadcast that looks like ass.
>not downloading the bdmv.
what a plebeian.

which asus router? on rt-66u the new firmware actually downclocked the cpu, and someone released a DEV firmware with stock cpu clock. look around

You turbospergs will talk about nothing but argue with each other passionately when it comes to children's cartoons from japan.

Absolutely petrifying I am mortified for all of you. Never going to make it.

Of course children will bicker about children's cartoons.

Today's episode of Kuzu no Honkai has a few glitches with the timing and shit. Is it just me or for you too?

nice thread

>Not a single anime has been produced in 720p in over 6 years
Uhhh no? The only things mastered in 1080p are movies. TV series are all mastered at 720p. Just because they upscaled your shit to 1080p for your bluray doesn't mean they're 1080p source...

>using a consumer grade router
>not making your own
>fucking pleb

it's the pleb RT-N12 D1.

i'm sorry, i don't want a 120W space heater pentium 4 for my router.

Upgrade to OpenWRT.


Not exactly.
A lot of shows are mastered in 720 (or even below) still but KyoAni has used above 720 for a while now. They just don't use 1080 yet.

Also, Nyarlko W was done in 1080, so you're wrong about the only things mastered in 1080 being movies too.

running a router is not cpu intensive my has never had the fan run even during compiling the kernel

>asus went fuck you. nope.


>have good tp-link router
>am able to install openWRT through firmware update


>not openwrt

step it up senpai


just flash shibby tomato firmware

>Using a consumer router

I bet you also use a shitty router+access point combo like the fukboi you are.

Firmware is "If it isn't broke don't fix it". Sorry you had to learn the hard way.

You run a router on a atom or Jaguar core you faggot 10 -20 watts fag

This. Just like your average BIOS, or Windows 7.

Fukboi casuals that can not flash bios.

>Not running ASUS Merlin firmware

Jesus what is wrong with you people

>using botnet firmware
>not using openwrt

Fuck animefag!