What a fucking piece of shit irony when you can't find a working C ide for Linux. Eclipse is shit and keeps moaning about binary faults, Code::Blocks is literally filled with bugs, fucking Geany wont accept my compiler flags

Other urls found in this thread:

plus.google.com/ LinusTorvalds/posts/iySKQGtkmtb

Vim, you fucking dipshit frog poster.

Dude, just use vim and gcc, it's all you need if you're writing C code.

clion, you fucking retard

Something from intelliJ? I know it is paid byt you are not poor, right?

How do you add compile flags like -lpthread to clion?

Qt Creator is a top tier IDE and despite its name you can use it to compile programs without Qt.

Vim has tons of plugins to make it behave more like an IDE.


Just use vim + gcc + cmake + tmux for a convenience + gdb if debug printfs aren't enough. Cost: $0. Freedom: 100%.

And it works equally well with any other programming language, so you never have to make another thread like this ever again, nor do you need to mentally switch to a different environment if you're switching from C to Java to Python to Lisp to Haskell to Befunge.

kdevelop you stupid nigger

>it works equally well with any other programming language
Spotting a shit IDE 101

gnome builder
eclipse is shit, but it is used a lot of places.
You should learn eclipse just because eclipse is forked into so many projects, you are likely to encounter it again.

You should learn how to write cmake files, so you changing to a different IDE is less of an impact.
Especially since other people might not want to use the same IDE as you.

qtcreator is decent.
It is online, which means fast startup and stuff, but if you use giant projects, it becomes really slow.
I personally switched away from it as I got into larger projects, but it is great for people who are new to programming and for small projects.

>Cost: $0. Freedom: 100%.
More like
>Cost: 10 000 man-hours

Retina MacBook doesn't have this problem.


Emacs you cumguzzling shitter.

>Hasn't used it
>Thinks his opinion matters

If it takes that long for a 7 lesson tutorial I feel so sad for you

use vim + youcompleteme

I don't get what you mean by online, because it works very well offline for me, and it works well on our current project for which mercurial reports 210k lines of code.

I have used it.

Enjoy wasting time on platform dependent shit

Sure you did

>watching tutorials
top kek


Kill you'reself, you retarded frogposter.

Vim and GCC works with almost all UNIX systems


>Vim and GCC works with almost all UNIX systems
So? That's not platform independent

because it is dysfunctional OS?

pls use -pthread instead of -lpthread.

-pthread isn't supported

clang + vim / tcc + vi

works everywhere... if you want to have something platform independent then use pforth

There is no other platforms other than *NIX.
C is born and maintained in, to and for UNIX

This is the correct answer.

And then you wonder why people don't heed your advice.

I prefer to write software that you compile ones and then run everywhere.

Dennis Ritchie, C, UNIX go hand in hand, my child.

That's Java.

C exists far and wide outside of Unix.

That's funny because this entire thread is about how shit support there is for C on Linux


Linux is written in C, compiled with Emacs+GCC and all those work in Linux, my child :)

Visual Studio

>linux is compiled with Emacs
>my child :)
do you require medical assistance

UNIX specification is a superset that includes within it the C standard library.

GCC via Emacs, my child. What is it that you seek?

> Unix includes C
> from this you conclude that C can't exist without Unix
Sometimes you just can't tell if someone is baiting you or actually that retarded.

Proof, of course, that official procedure for compiling the kernel, requires emacs.

>compiled with Emacs

>that official procedure for compiling the kernel, requires emacs.
It needs GCC, and Linus uses his cutom Emacs distro

Have you ever used Emacs? I said compiled with GCC via Emacs (=called from Emacs) :)

As I said before, C was created for and by UNIX

full fledged ide for c is stupid

atom, emacs, or any other editor makes more sense

Still waiting from that proof. Also don't forget that Linus isn't necessarily the one building and sharing publicly available kernel images.

"For" is incorrect, as it's also maintained for other platforms.
You also said there are no other platforms other than *NIX, which is just plain retarded.

>i am right because i am right

Watch and learn, my child.
plus.google.com/ LinusTorvalds/posts/iySKQGtkmtb

His name is Linus Torvalds, He created the Linus kernel

Still waiting from that proof. Also don't forget that Linus isn't necessarily the one building and sharing publicly available kernel images.

>are no other platforms other than *NIX, which is just plain retarded.
There does not exist any platform other than *Nix.

Some people use an abomination called "W**dows", but I don't count them as a (((platform)))

>When children get so scared they start screaming the same words repeatedly
plus.google.com/ LinusTorvalds/posts/iySKQGtkmtb
His name is Linus Torvalds, He created the Linus kernel

Well, ignoring Windows as well as multitude of embedded operating systems is exactly why I said you were retarded.


Wow you're retarded.

>Linus prefers it
>hence it's a requirement for building the kernel


It's not a platform, it's an abomination created by a scam company

Pretty much all of them work for me, are you on Ubuntu?

Also try IDEA.

It needs GCC, and Linus uses his cutom Emacs distro
my child :)

Sometimes it's okay to admit your mistakes. Linux is compiled using GCC. Not GCC+emacs.

>My brain is out of ideas
>Oh wait, I can just download idea and pretend not to be retarded


>I can't read

Because C doesn't have enough semantics to properly enable IDEs and on the other hand doesn't have that much semantics to require one.
Beyond a clang based parser plugin there is not much you can do about it.
C lacks lots of polymorphic elements from other languages, so a C IDE could at best offer you to correct basic struct types and missing headers.

My child.
It has come to my attention that you lack the ability to read. I urge you to re-read post and for clarification. If your confusion persists I highly suggest you to ask your kind mother to send you back to your primary school.

>Eclipse is shit and keeps moaning about binary faults

>He doesn't edit with punch cards

KDevelop 5.


Good for you but it's still pure bloat.

You are still to post evidence that the official compilation procedure for kernel involves emacs. Last time I read the instruction there was no mention of that. And, no, Linus' personal preferences of text editor is not the evidence.

Cuz Linux users are too stupid to use C
XDD ;pp


My mom did this in high school

post ur mom





>needing anything other than GDB, GCC, and VIM for C
lol fag

>c ide

The problem with the autistic sperglords above with the kneejerk reaction "duh, use vim, duh" is that they are locked inside their little box of coding simplistic shit that can be done on notepad.exe anyway, or doing systems programming or other low level shit.
When it gets to actually requiring to code a GUI itself, then IDE=based development shows how mentally challenged those people were to even have the audacity to have an opinion here.
The fact linux has failed to offer an environment of the quality of Visual Studio Blend for the creation of XAML Interfaces does not negate the fact it would be utter stupidity to do it in plain text.

Vim (editor) + Unix (IDE)

>implying an dumb frogposter is entitled to opinions from anyone else but a bunch of autistic sperglords

I've never even had a bug with Code::Blocks, except it maybe often asking me about the changed perspective. What bugs even exist for it?

I'm serious because I actually use Code::Blocks, including on the RasPi

Let's be real here. Despite how much I hate Microsoft, there's no IDE on Linux that's as nice and slick as Visual Studio.
For me Visual Studio isn't just about individual features like Intellisense or visualization tools, it's about the consistency and integration of the entire platform.
I'm not familiar with Xcode but I'm assuming that's good too.
On Linux I use vim + plugins and a bunch of terminal sessions. It's ok for me but maybe that's not the way some people like to work.

>implying I use linux
I think pforth or mentioning forth at all should have given a clue of what I do...
Anyway C is a shit language for graphical interfaces, haskell, vala, or similar would be better for that kind of task.

An IDE is literally a notepad.exe with Makefile generators and a GUI for the underage's pleasure you fucking retard.

>An IDE is literally a notepad.exe with Makefile generators and a GUI for the underage's pleasure you fucking retard.
When you actually use an IDE capable of doing actual GUI development you will actually realize how retarded it is to even fathom to begin to even insinuate that a plain text editor can be enough for GUI development.

I can't open a single .c file or switch between projects without the program hanging itself. Im using the latest version

Use a linter nigga.

only good thing an IDE offers is automatic completion. It's hard to fully memorize 100s of function calls -- especially when you might be using a random library. But, with experience it comes.

vim master race.

Visual Studio runs on linux no problem

Emacs however has some pretty neat tricks, like being able to 'live code' so hook it into a browser page and render is as you program

i still ahve to manually type gcc -o blablalba if i use visual studio the text editor
