I hope Terry is okay, he has a doctor's appointment today :3
I hope Terry is okay, he has a doctor's appointment today :3
Other urls found in this thread:
>not being concerned about the CIA nigger
Let's hope (((((they))))) don't get him
The autism God will protect him
it's odd to see a legitimate schizo person. you always hear about it but this is a real life example. this guy is actually a crazy person
i wouldn't of ever guessed he was "crazy" if it wasn't for everyone else screaming it
what does he do thats so crazy? say nigga all the time? that's Sup Forums for u
the part where he talks to God and has seen aliens
i think the alien is a metaphor
and if it is a metaphor for god, then ur argument is about god and that it's crazy to believe in god
God hates anime.
It's not a metaphor though. This man believes god told him that a specific resolution was the correct one to use when communicating with him. He is insane. He has a medical disease and should be medicated. Y'all are bad people for encouraging him.
if it is not a metaphor , then what is it?
Hallucinations because the man is a fucking paranoid schizophrenic you fool.
He thinks the CIA has a personal interest in him and thought they edited a Wikipedia article to spread lies in order to stop people from reaching god. That's literal insanity. I've met people who have this shit in real life before and it's sick as fuck that y'all encourage him.
You want to suck his dik don't you OP?
I have tried to find a true faith for years. Every religion seemed wrong. Terry's is the first to speak to me. I am not encouraging a mental disorder, but a prophet for the best religion out there.
ur still talking about aliens right?
also the cia nigga thing is a metaphor too
i don't think u get the meta stuff
although the mixing of the metaphors and literal is a little confusing LOL
>not putting TempleOS or tosg in the subject
why live?
You're full of shit. You really think that God talked to a middle aged man and told him that a 16 color 480p commodore 64 look-a-like is the way to communicate with him and also that the CIA doesn't want you to know this and is actively trying to subvert god by having nuns perform abortions? This is what you believe? Because these are the things Terry Davis believes. Or maybe you're just full of shit and you like him because "hehe he says cia niggers a lot, what a memester!"
Sup Forums is sick as fuck sometimes. I get when it's benign shit like saying niggers or making nazi themed memes. But encouraging and fucking with a mentally ill lonely man who has lost his grip on reality is just wrong.
he said u don't actually need temple os to talk to god
it's all in the randomness
also he said if u make low-effort expressions to god, he will reply with low-effort.
making an OS is high effort.
also he said god lies so there is that possibility
>Sup Forums is sick as fuck sometimes. I get when it's benign shit like saying niggers or making nazi themed memes. But encouraging and fucking with a mentally ill lonely man who has lost his grip on reality is just wrong.
shut up bird
>This man believes god told him that a specific resolution was the correct one
funny, now you know how childish you look when you tell me you went to your church ask your god to cure your throat cancer, you sanctimonious user
im more inclined to consider that the abraham god is more concerned with the correct resolution of a device that 70% humans use, than with the infirmity of a single human among 7 billion
im also more inclined to believe he talks to terry instead of talking with that argentinian senile sjw pope, isnt "to know the face of god is to know madness" ? for all we know, all the people chosen to communicate directly to god look insane from our perspective
"In mid-March 1996, "I started seeing people following me around in suits and stuff. It just seemed something was strange," he says. He thought it might be part of a background check by one of his prospective employers, but it unnerved him. He began connecting it to a side-project he'd worked on involving computer control systems. And he'd been listening to Rage Against the Machine; the line, "Some of those work forces are the same that burn crosses" stuck with him for reasons unknown.
He got thinking about conspiracy theories and the men he'd seen following him and a big idea he'd had. He spooked himself. "It would sound polite if you said I scared myself thinking about quantum computers," he says now. "And then I guess you just throw in your ordinary mental illness."
He left town. Driving south with no clear destination, he says, "I was listening to the radio and it seemed like the radio was talking to me." It spouted commentary on everything he did. He believed the end of the world was at hand. His head swam with conspiracy theories and apocalyptic foreboding."
What a sane individual
It is crazy to believe you speak directly with a god who speaks to you directly. That's one of the most common signs of mental illness and not an aspect of most people's faith.
thats what mainstream mental science wants you to believe ,yes
>Other people believe dumb bullshit so I should believe even dumber bullshit from a man with a diagnosed mental disorder!
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Yes because if you look at people who believe such things they behave in an irrational manner and believe things that are demonstrably false.
i thought i heard terry say once that, when he worked at ticketmaster , the cia approached him to get him to develop something
or am i making that up?
It's objective fact. If you had family members with schizophrenia, you would know how this shit works.
demonstrate the things he says as false then
i'm not questioning if the symptoms are real, just if they are mental illness or not
why are you here?
Schizophrenia is a mental illness. Most religious people, including very devout folks, do not have it and they live perfectly religious lives.
here is a good article on Terry's life and break with reality as he stripped, believed himself to have special powers, and thought aliens abducted him.
Keep encouraging him though you sick fucks.
They want everyone to use Windows 10, to become placated with their high-resolution screens that cause games to be terrible. Please user, explain why Wolf 3d wasn't better than anything kids touch today? Why it wasn't more educational?
Maybe I am as "insane" as Terry. Or maybe he is onto something greater and has awoken me to greater possibilities. There is no afterlife. God doesn't care about your prayers. He just wants entertainment. I try to be random just to keep it interesting for God.
"At the hospital, he overheard doctors talking about "artifacts" on his X-ray scans. Panicked at the thought of artifacts supposedly left inside by alien abductors, he bolted from the hospital, despite the broken collarbone."
Aliens did not abduct Terry and implant things inside his collarbone, he broke his collarbone trying to escape from a police car. There you go, took me all of ten seconds to find an insane belief he has that is demonstrably false.
what did terry say
Ok, I'll play along:
Who is they? Why would "they" care about video games? Why do high resolution screens make games terrible? Why would "they" want games to be terrible? Wolfenstein 3d wasn't a game for kids, #1. #2, how was it better? How was it more educational? What makes you think its purpose was to be educational?
Maybe you're just a kid who has been listening to an insane man rant for long enough without a breather and are starting to think that these are normal and correct thoughts because you are listening to someone tell you that they are. Go to Sup Forums every day for a few months and you believe their main line ideology. Go to /lit/ for every day for a few months and you'll likely embrace their far more leftist ideology. You're doing the same shit here, just with a paranoid schizophrenic.
i think we're playing games here LOL
""From 1996 to 2003, about every six months I would have what they call a manic episode and I would end up in a mental hospital," he says. He hasn't been to a hospital since; once diagnosed as bipolar, he's since been declared schizophrenic. He now only takes a single medication, and shrugs off the diagnosis. The label doesn't concern him. "For those first few years, I was genuinely pretty crazy in a way. Now I'm not. I'm crazy in a different way maybe," he says. He says he's learned not to freak out. "
From the horse's mouth. Stop being sociopaths.
now demonstrate talking to god as false
Schizos are generally pretty harmless, they are just scary because people assume that their unpredictability will lead to violence. Especially when they say stupid shit like they killed people in a car.
They are the government, the same people trying to force you to be fat and lazy. They care about video games because they distract people from the truth. High resolutions make games terrible as people will insist on increasing expectations with them, such as higher graphics and colors, which leads to games trying to tell a story. All games are for kids, otherwise explain why Sup Forums BTFO anyone playing games, thus Wolfenstein 3d must be for kids. It was better because it was real gameplay and not just a movie. It was more educational as you had to plan and survive against enemies who would hit you in a couple hits with their guns, not unlike how the government will strike our homes, in comparison to just a few enemies that teaches you to hide and wait for your health to return. All media is made to be educational in some form, else there is no point to make it. Nowadays the stories are teaching us to be cucks and SJWs. Just what the government wants.
Schizos are more likely to be hurt or killed themselves rather than hurting or killing anyone.
Insane man believes false things like the cia cares about his efforts, believes he has been abducted by aliens, acknowledges he has had psychotic breaks in the past, and speaks like a man constantly deluded by paranoid delusions (Now you'll see the cia niggers edited wikipedia to spread lies...wait no...no there were lies here but now there aren't - good ole terry from a stream a day or two ago). Insane man then claims god is talking to him.
I think it's pretty fucking safe to say insane man's insanity is just continuing.
The insane are often the most intelligent user. I would listen when he speaks.
You people don't have anything better to do?
There's smart people on here, right? Some of you have skills, right? Go do something productive and stop being goddamn NEETs.
Yup they go on a mania and either get picked up by cops that drop them off at the ER or someone beats the shit out of them or robs them.
I'm glad Terry has a stable environment and is medicated but I wouldn't wish that hell on anyone, when his mother dies he will most likely end up in a state hospital.
i wouldn't of known all that about terry if u wouldn't have told me it, so i see no reason to think terry is crazy because of what he says about god and aliens
which one of his livestreams is that from?
I'm not overly worried about terry hurting anyone (sans his line that he has killed before, but eh), it just bothers me when people actively encourage the mentally ill in their delusions because I have seen seriously mentally ill people before and I have seen people encourage their insane beliefs and it's heartbreakingly sad, and a morally disgusting thing to do.
Why does the government want you to be fat and lazy? If they want you to be fat and lazy why do they fund multiple programs attempting to combat obesity? How do video games distract from the truth? If video games distract from the truth isn't wolfenstein 3d just as bad because it also distracts from the truth? What is the truth? How do better graphics lead to a story? Doesn't wolfenstein 3d tell a story about you trying to kill nazis? If a game like wolfenstein is for kids, why does it include blood and murder and violence? What is "real gameplay"? Aren't all games bad according to your previous statements? How do you know the government will strike our homes? What if there is another reason besides education, like entertainment? Why does the government want us to be cucks and sjws?
and that was le point, what does terry do that makes him seem so crazy? Talk to god and talk about aliens? says cia nigga a lot?
doesn't look so crazy until everyone else starts screaming "He's crazy look at all this stuff"
5 6 7 8
Well now you know that insane man is insane, therefore the logical conclusion is that insane man's statements are just as insane as they have always been.
Look at the shit he has done and said man. I've listed so much insane shit he's believed (aliens abducting him, being implanted by aliens, that he could escape a jail cell with his powers, that the radio was speaking to him)
That objectively insane and incorrect shit is what he has done that makes him crazy, and his current rants are just extensions of that insanity, but not as overt because he's on light meds.
He's not doing anything harmful, just developing an OS based on his schizo delusions.
his OS is not insane, it works as programmed
therefore not everything he says is false
He believes things that personally distress him and is being further distressed by the encouragement of his fanbase.
Go down to a homeless shelter and find someone there who is a schizo and hype up their beliefs for a minute and tell me whether you think that was a good thing to do for their mental stability or not.
The man has been programming for longer than you have been alive, and longer than his schizophrenia has existed. Your ability to perform functions you already know does not necessarily deteriorate because of schizophrenia eg I could still count to 20 if I had non-extremely severe schizophrenia. Likewise, he can still function at a basic level. Not enough to live on his own (because yes, this man is so insane he cannot live on his own without his parents), but enough to function at a basic level.
I believe. You're just jealous and Jewish.
Moloch BTFO.
here's your (you).
To placate us, the government wants to control us, so being fat and lazy makes us easier sheep. They combat obesity to make themselves look good, it is poo in the loo. Not all video games are bad, but modern ones or ones where we are blind to the meaning will result in a weakened society through SJW propaganda. Wolf 3d is a distraction, but also a tutor for the real deal. Better graphics increase realism, realism causes people to want believably, believably leads to a story. Wolf 3d has a minimal story that is practically non-existent for most people. Again, I don't care about violence and Terry says kids should be exposed to such, Terry says games are for kids and thus no matter how extreme it is something to teach a child about our world. Real gameplay is intellectual stimulation, hand-eye mechanics as you react to the world, much like you would in a dangerous situation involving the CIA raiding your house. Games aren't bad for children to be taught how to survive the CIA. The government will because they will strike anyone who resists when the majority becomes fodder and placated enough not to revolt if we get killed. Some can be entertained by games, but games are made for kids and kids are to learn about the world, so education is the foremost thought. By being cucks and sjws we let anyone walk over us and freely give up our rights, we become docile and can thus be easily controlled.
Schizophrenics know they are crazy, even when they are in the grip of a manic episode they can tell you the delusions they are having probably aren't real, they just have a hard time controlling their thoughts.
I haven't watched any of his livestreams but people discussing his delusions with him isn't going to hurt anyone unless they are trying to convince him to do harm.
So many dumb fucking CIA atheist jiggers in this thread.
GOD IS REAL. You atheist niggers are fighting against something with infinite power, are you fucking stupid? What we have here is a failure to communicate.
Get down on your knees and pray to God. Take a bible. Pick a random page after and read it. That's God talking to you, fucking niggers. NIST is a public lottery. It's PROOF that God is talking. You can confirm it yourself.
God practices perfect justice. You think the CIA would wage war on God if they knew he was talking? NIST is the proof. HotBits is more proof. Pick a random page from the bible. Give God an offering and then do it again.
God says...
apprehension forbadest hundreds short trusting decays allowing empty seraphim questioning tosses painful ideas abolished hadst forgiven be grace lastly stretch obey restest heinous grievously wonder sighed thrones valued gowned based compared confound
Of course god is real, it isn't sentient though.
>I believe in talking burning bush, water walking, and instant cure but Terry is too much for me
God talks to anyone who opens their ears to him you fucking nigger. God chooses many people for different things you atheist nigger. God has chosen CIA niggers like you for execution by A10. Surrender to the IRA immediately, nigger. God is perfectly just. You and all other jiggers have a court date set in his holy court on the day of your death.
God says...
world communication CIA surveyed said blottedst presideth Boo password top beholdeth stiff suggest manna virtue true exceeding filename continueth prescribes impiety intrude affection associate impious quarrel sights literature forsooth conquests shop anxiety
>commodore 64
tell me more about this progressive scan C64
He's in great shape.
He also believes he is in a CIA prison and the internets he has isn't the real internets cuz the news stories he reads run out like they are limited. So his world is similar to The Truman Show. Plus anyone who suggests he become a wagecuck is an instant CIA nigger.
Not trying to be a pain, whether I'm being one or not. Where else do metaphors fit?
yeah dude, you definitely fit in here by being a literal lunatic
fuck off retard
1. We all essentially live in a CIA prison
2. What is your proof his internet isn't being fucked with?
3. He has a full time job, he is high priest of God's third temple.
God says...
base notes setting garb laugh agito leaveth dress umm_the_other_answer never_happy guilt manufactures frequent tempting portion reason wrench harmonising consonant wooden repentest you're_so_screwed virus prey Yes_you_are shoe drive course happily agree you_don't_say assurance
Mania is part of schizoaffective disorder (bipolar mixed with schizophrenia) but not schizophrenia. Just so you know.
t. schizophrenic.
You're full of shit if you think a purpose giving God would stoop to just choosing little chinky eyed children to do his bidding.
Do you really think he means that they micro-manage him like a toy in a dollhouse? No. He means the logistics of someone like him, specifically so very much specifically so, are tied up in a way that he is pretty much imprisoned in his house.He calls it the CIA because its a branch of the government clearly, that has left in its midst the fallibility of the american male that has been through the american justice system. Especially considering his story and how it hops from point to point, there is a YUGE chance that a cop was in on it to some degree.
Like listen to this point of his story. It's about where it all breaks down for me and what makes it easy for everyone to just accept that someone that intelligent could just "fall" into madness.
Terry heard the radio chatter, very often cops will do this kind of thing. Shit the fucking AA does this kind of thing. Common knowledge if you're not some autist hiding under his mother's wing. It's what you are taught about not drinking too much, not going against the general flow of society ( trapping rather than opening up the source for the purpose of education ). And guess what? I heard it was the ArizonaPD. APD does that kind of thing. How do I know? My ex's family is part of it! They did all that to me! Still do or at least I can still feel the after-effects. And guess what? To this day they accuse me of something that I never did, simply on the basis that I was a free thinker and didn't let them threaten me around. They agreed to disagree, flipped the switch on their society and bam. I was not some loner they could just prey on, though.
I didn't know they were cops until waaaaay later when I heard Terry's story. I didn't think to consider it but it was juxtaposed just right. And guess what else? My ex's tumblr name is about juxtaposition or some such plug and chug maneuver.
asking again, which livestreams are these screenshots from?
Her whole life has been about juxtaposition.
Do you really think he believes he goes around "subverting" God by having nuns perform abortions? Do you really not think that over 30 years it all changed enough that now he's calling it out as nuns rather than kappa sisters or middle women? That instead of CIA Niggers he used to say India Niggers? That before he frequented Sup Forums, somewhere he's more than likely to find someone willing to speak up, he perused sites like OSdev.org and reddit.org. He is not stupid, dumb, ill-informed or even combative. Terry is a totally approachable person with more concerns now than the hopes of a few girls and their boyfriends walking around campus. He's got to make sure he doesn't run into the wrong kind of people that will take to his presence automatically.
I agree fucking with him is wrong but encouraging what exactly? We don't hound him, he puts himself out there and selectively interacts. Sometimes he talks back, other times he just says hi, okay, bye. We don't mind. But please don't act like us calling this guy schizo or crazy makes him less intelligent than you or any of us and that intelligence alone might be enough to defy the stupid psychological rhetoric that probably follows around this guy that lives a catholic life. Why or how? We have to wait and find out, wait til he tells us or figure it out from what we know about him.
These are all metaphors and you're the same shill that works against him like it's your job.
Arizona is a little hick town. That the local eccentric would be followed as he's trying to find some solace and then assaulted is a very common and hick like thing to do. That it would be a cop who does it and provides a very tongue in cheek report is another thing but not some far-fetched thing either.
30 years of mistreatment will come together this way if you're always presenting it to the children as something to spectate over or mock.
terry's livestreams
no shit, I mean which of his livestreams, can you give me the youtube URLs to the specific ones? If you know which ones.
I love this guy.
Free Terry.
Why are there so many CIA niggers in these threads lately? Are they scared of the temple?
Investigate the random words, niggers. NIST cannot be hacked. God is talking.
God says...
minutest placed gazing won't_you_be_my_neighbor courage base in_other_words glorify breath attested basilica element ungodly render singular wave bridegroom soap_opera soft login unlicensed amidst number guide suppliant hurt darkness desert doings ministers thanksgivings service
god bless
I just don't get why people are so triggered that we like Terry and appreciate both the technical side of his work, and its uniqueness.
Nobody ever tried to make an OS which was a shrine to God before. This one even has oracular powers.
Terry appreciates that people enjoy and use his OS too, he puts up peoples packages on his web site and has talked about it on his stream. When Terry smiles we all smile.
i love TempleOS
Hey guys, over here!!!
Check this shit out homies!!!
This is the peak of OS right here!
It's called niggerretardOS check out how sick it is!!! It makes sure I can keep being a nigger and pedo!!!
No CIAFBI gon' catch me now XD
Why the fuck did you post your shitty tweet over here, manchild?
so you're saying terry isn't "crazy", just manic?
so the talking to god ..........is real? !!
no stream today?
Let's ask God.
Mr. God will Terry stream today?
God says...
palm energy fornications reach vent maintaining chastenedst honied rolling prevailing luxuriousness lady temper check psalter deliberating discussed selected I'm_good_you_good bosses directed laughter ascension name boundary resent unchain humanity virtue initiated torrent affairs
he did that in several streams just before 15th December. Check streams one week from that day till 15th, you should find.
BTW he got new camera, now quality is better and we can see the bird!!
>Check streams one week from that day till 15th, you should find.
I think we all love Terry but you essentially told that user to watch like sixty hours of video.
It'd be better spent running TempleOS and going through Terry's carefully designed tutorials.