Reminder that the age of Canonical's botnet domination is over.
Thank fuck.
Reminder that the age of Canonical's botnet domination is over.
Thank fuck.
distrowatch has a small impact in the real world
you think everyone looks for distros only from distrowatch? only hobbyists go there.
I go directly to their respective websites. I only go on distrowatch to check news and ntohing more.
Can't say I expected a dignified response from a niggerbuntucuck
Those statistics are based on page clicks on distrowatch.
Reminder that Linux Mint doesn't even have a security team like Debian, Ubuntu, RHEL/Fedora, openSUSE, etc.
No self respecting sysadmin will actually roll out Mint.
I don't see Gentoo. OP, we have a problem.
Mint is bad and you should feel bad for supporting it.
Where did you read that OP supports Mint you delusional fuck?
>is presumably still talking about search function that has been removed years back
Reminder that the only difference between distro's is their repo's.
What the fuck are you talking about? Mint is literally Ubuntu with some lipstick on top. Canonical could sneak a rootkit or two into their packages and Mint would happily push them to your machine.
Can't say I expected much from a Wincuck Fecesfaggot.
>Windows 10
meme me all you want kids, but I am happy. you are the one's not happy that you have to tell someone how to live their life LMAO
deal with this windows 10 wallpaper while you're at it
>he thinks Distrowatch represents real world usage
Top kek bro
>you are the one's not happy
Of course not. We want privacy, which governments and companies are actively trying to take away. The fact that a lot of us went as far as completely ditching an operating system should kind of display the urgency.
Even if you don't care about privacy:
There are lots of issues (technical, security, etc) with Microsoft/Windows that are repeated in other threats over and over again.
>Solus is 13th
The must be Sup Forums's most successful project ever.
Heil Mint! The best distro for all who just want to use a computer.
>nigger fuck faggot feces cuck poo in loo pajeet bitch ass damn fuck everyone niggers shit
You have to be 18 to post here.
lol loonix retards... do you even know what a firewall is?
I'm not sure that's better
Microsoft uses the same IP addresses for telemetry and updates.
a) You don't update.
b) You use wsus, which is a pain in the arse and fucks shit up on a regular basis.
You can't stop malware if it IS root.
page hit ranking = first distro link click per day for each unique visitor.
Trips decides which distro we popularize.
I'm going with gparted.