ITT post you're tech waifus

ITT post you're tech waifus

OP here, I'll start

>Alexandra Elbakyan
>Russian hacker wanted by the FBI
>Hillary would probably like to see her droned
>Currently in hiding somewhere in former soviet union to avoid getting extradited
>Pioneered the field of Neuroscience and Consciousness and worked on a brain-computer interface
>Got tired of people living in poor countries had to pay like 40 USD for a single research paper, so she stole 50 million papers and poasted them on the interwebs for free

Other urls found in this thread:

that girl is a total fucking dog you're disgusting

she's mine


Illiterate Amerifat detected

>Not wanting to fuck a qt doggirl

>All the positive qualities
>"would not fug :^)"

When they complain about women in tech, I'm starting to get it.

it's a meme from

But I'm not

In the name of Allah, I claim Isis as my waifu.

She's the one behind scihub right?

As a sapiosexual I find her extremely sexy. Would fuck.

>hiding somewhere in former soviet union
u fucken wot

Camila Achutti

>tfw a dog is more valuable than your own existence


Chick was a nutter, but she tried shit.

Kazakhstan, last I heard.

Who is this? She is a qt.


Lepht best waifu

>Hillary would probably like to see her droned
Implying she won't die next month. My digits confirm it.

Fuck. Guess I don't have enough meme magic mana

>50 million papers and poasted them on the interwebs for free

so shes a russian Aron Swartz?

btw where can i download swarts and elbakyan dumps?

i really need it in my digital hoard

Fugly though.

Woman made a choice. She didn't have wife or fuck toy. Let the woman live out her choice.

I, for one, am thoroughly aroused by this woman.

a rhinoplasty, a reduction of the cheeks and a stretching of the skin behind the ears would make her a 7/10, add a b cup implant for 7.5/10
and of course she gets a new face to run around with

but the cheeks say totally relaxed and cooly, the nose says russian, and the fact that her skin doesn't stretch to behind her head with her hair means that she leads a fairly relaxed life. I wouldn't want her any other way.

the nose says jew
the cheeks and her unstretched skin say that she was fat as a child



That's not a jew nose. Those cheeks aren't saying that. They are saying alcohol.

The unstretched skin means fat? Are you from China or Africa?


so you'd rather have a dumb, but pretty whore rather than someone with alright looks and a real brain and heart?

your relationships are going to be very disappointing

>wearing no makeup whatsoever
do you realize what most women look like without makeup?

she's one nosejob away from being 8/10.

MILF as fuck.

pic related.

she's so ugly. and a shitty popsci attention whore.

Don't let Terry find out you've- well, WE've got the hots for PhysGrrl. She's a looker, tho..

Ugh not this meme again


If you want this man to put his GNU into your Linux, you are required to dress like this.

I assume everyone knows exactly which video this is from? Still kek everytime I watch it.

Disgusting. Go back to plebbit if you fap to lincucktechtips.

If only time travel were possible :(


She's just a tech journalist, but does Veronica Bellmont count?

She looks like the girl from shameless, just not retarded like she is

Also why would shillary want her droned? she didn't hack her just stole a bunch of papers like that reddit guy who anhero'd did

Thats a man

Not sure if man or not, talks a lot of bullshit tho and she doesn't seems to know what the fuck she's doing



>alright looks

no, she's ugly af. and my relationships don't exist

>b cup implants

>not F cups like sexycyborg


>being this buttblasted because even some chink chick does more hax0r stuff than you do

Don't be a salty nigga

Speaking of salty niggas...

>be part of python foundation

>not even one commit to their repos

>never proved to actually know how to code

Animals select for looks, men, if not degenerates, for other features (like high intelligence)

fuck off back to plebbit you motherfucking retard.

surprised that no one has claimed the Queen of Sup Forums

oh well, more for me :^)

I want to sniff her butthole and jerk off as she does her jittery insane laugh looped.

Stay buttblasted faggit

failure makes me soft

It's weird, she's kinda hot in some pictures and kinda tubby looking in others.

She's no longer a fatty fat fuck, got under the knife and has some big plastic titties now

Just a matter of time until she starts doing porn again

Indeed, by marrying intelligent women you are driving all humanity forward.

holy shit had no idea, last i heard she was the donglegate bitch that got that father of 3 kids fired

edit: just read her twitter, it's exactly what one would expect

One thing I learned doing a bit of photography is angles can make a huge difference. There is a reason the fat girl angle is a thing.

go back to pebbit you HIV-infected faggot. you're as welcome here as shit in a swimming poot.

Hurr durr aids joke

KYS nigger, take your macshit and shove it up your pozzed ass as usual

That is an old-ass pic she looks like this now. She's still pretty cool in my book, but not a super QT.

Epic bread


>buttmad plebbitard
kek. cry some moar. I'm enjoying it.

People like her are a necessary evil to make men learn how to properly behave in public, amongst the opposite sex.

I want someone to share my autism with

Jacob Applebaum

Okay, give it to me straight. Is she a trap?

>using the smiley with a carat nose

Aw yeah Lepht Anonym. Pretty sure she's a real girl.
Completely crazy though. Tried to implant magnets into her fingers in her kitchen without anesthesia.

Pic very much related


like this girl? do you like to prep bulls too?

just to be sure, does she have ovaries?

Dont matter if she's dumb or smart. If you're a little bitch that doesn't stand up for himself she'll leave you eventually. Or cheat on you. Besides, having an intelligent partner is overrated.

>post you're tech waifus
>post you are tech waifus
Here you go:
you are tech waifus

I posted it. What now?

and lip and chin and cheek and hair dye
yea, I totally see it now

best girl Jeri

>what is no makeup?
she's not really ugly, if she lost like 30 kg and and put on some makeup, she would probably been a 8/10 girl. also, even the most beautiful girl in the world doesn't look very pretty without makeup

The only tech girl I would like to meet is Limor Fried.


her movements make me horny as hell

She achieved exactly what she was hired to do at Yahoo!


Don't know if she can be considered tech, but BEX from Grinding Gear Games gets me hard every time I hear her voice.


>Ctrl+F Joanna Rutkowska
>Phrase not found
You fucking what neofags? She is the only woman in this thread that actually writes programs and her own OS.
Sheeit, she even wrote Blue and Red pills.

She's mine, no touch

nice mustache

>i wouldn't lovingly shag a young women for her competences more than her looks
men do that. you are a faggot so you don't.

this is a 'tech waifu' thread

her competences are either secondary or share the same place of importance as her looks, by default.

>i've never seen a woman up close: the post

Drone the bitch.

When we were both teens she tried to sext me on IRC.

>tech waifu
>not having a regular waifu
It doesn't matter because I can't post my regular waifu here anyway.

Good man. Knew there was hope left in this board.

Te queen of my techno faps