/pcbg/ - PC Building General

Post your component list, rate other anons', ask questions in general.

Always state the purpose of your PC, your budget, AND YOUR COUNTRY if outside the USA.
If you are asking for improvements, clarify whether you want to lower price, or improve specs or build quality.

>Assemble your parts list with price comparisons by vendor and compatibility filter.

>Have a budget, but don't know where to start? This will recommend you a parts list based on price.

>General build advice including chipset compatibility, power supply advice, Windows activation information.

>Information about how to assemble a PC, how to select components, etc.

>Subsitute a G4560 with 2400MHz RAM for any Pentium or i3; similar performance, up to 50% cost reduction.
>Consider using an i5 6500/7500 in any RX470/480 or GTX 1060 tier build.
>Consider stock fan+heatsink for any i3 or locked i5 build without a Z mobo.
>Consider a H110/B150 (old chipset needs UEFI update BEFORE installing CPU) or B250 mobo for any Pentium or i3 build.
>Add a 240GB SSD to the "Very Good" tier build.
>The only worthwhile gfx cards are the GTX1050Ti, RX470, RX480, GTX1060 6GB

If you see any other build advice or part list threads, direct them here with

Other urls found in this thread:


Reminder that AMD Ryzen is most likely going to be released very early next month and you should wait to buy a CPU until after it's released.

Praise Lord Jim "Pussy Destroyer" Keller.

Anyone know if Intel patched the OCing of non-K models with Kaby Lake?

Unless it's shit. Then they pretty much handed Intel the market and their price gouging for years.

upgrading from this (4yo), with a broken old logitech cooling desk, in a broken ass recliner to a $4000+ fully armed and operational battle station AMA, don't think i've been this excited since i got my Ps1 as a kid.

He'd look better without the 80s nerd haircut and perhaps adding a beard.

cool story bro

Dreams come true brohan, no longer am i stuck in the endless cycle of "dont have enough money to commit to a battle station, just gonna get a new laptop".

if you believe it enough, you too can be free.

Yes they "fixed" it. i5 6400 + Z170 is still the best choice for budget power.

What would be a good graphics card for my build?

Also, the reason it's an matx board with an atx case is because I got the case for $9, brand new.

i hope half of that $4k is going towards something else than the PC itself

fucking kikes!

GTX 1070

>PC Building General
kek'd at your title.

what you guys are doing is called ASSEMBLY. you ain't building shit. that title is an insult to intelligence.

when an uneducated chink who never saw a car her whole life an "build PCs" you know you've overblown your fucking skills.

We know but we're not autistic enough to be insulted by it.

dont worry m8 it is, build itself is around $1650, dont have fancy LED and shit, just straight performance in a Fractal S.

Table, Monitors, Chair, Microphone, Speakers, Keyboard, all that shit adds up, though.

go assemble stuff with your lego

>not getting a Define C
u fuked up

>$4000+ fully armed and operational battle station
That actually isn't that much depending on what you need. If you need desk + chair + PC + peripherals inkl. monitor and some headphones + mic the $4000 are going to melt in no time.

maximum autism

You got your way with Friendly GNU/Linux General but you aint having this thread you piece of shit.

>he stepped up the shitposting game

idk mate, not seeing that much difference between Define S and C, going air cooling though, just know how to build the S already.

you're absolutely right mate, dont need headphones and mouse, but other than that its all new, got around $2300 for everything other than the pc, though, so i think i'll be okayish if i distribute it properly, dont need no $400 mic or XXXULTRAEXTREME ALIENWARE "Abduktionn" gamer chair, just gonna focus on getting the most out of my money.

>tfw it's actually the video game console assembly general thread

check a review, basically updated and improved define S

>>tfw it's actually the video game console assembly general thread
The truth finally comes out! that's exactly what this general is.

will do mate, thanks for the heads up

I'm looking for simple case designs. I don't need any of those fancy ass gaymer cases. Best companies for builds? Simple boxes is best boxes.

>just gonna focus on getting the most out of my money
Make the table yourself, kitchen working plates are a good base for this.
For the chair get the Ikea Markus, got one, too. You can see it's a cheap chair but for the money it's good.
For the mic i'd look at a cheap Rode or Audio Technica for 100-150 bucks, AT2020 is a good choice, even the USB one.
What about keyboard? Imho the new Ducky Zero TKL or what it's called looks great, but don't waste you money on Razer or Corsair gaymen trash.
Monitor.. no idea, 1440p144Hz should be no problem with your budget, should be around $500 for a decent one, maybe 1-2 1080p60Hz used ones as secondaries.
The PC itself.. well, up to you.

Just my two cents.

Shameless samefagging.


ATX, mATX, ITX, do you mind some gaymen features / LED fans?

bring it on nyanpasu

I don't hate it but I prefer simple and clean designs.

Fractal Design.
Lian Li.

You asked for it.

whoa dude, didnt expect that much advise, thanks for looking out for a brother, ill be saving this. And yeah, exactly what i had in mind for monitors, hope i roll lucky on the IPS lottery.

definitely gonna steer clear of LED riddles mid tier products at stupidly high prices, dont need no rainbow lights flashing, hence the no-window fractal case.

thanks again for the extensive advise

Thermaltake Versa H15 no window
Says gaming but it's actually nice

Fractal Design Core 1000 USB 3.0

Rosewill SRM-01

Cooler Master N200

Assuming you want Micro ATX


make your move. I'm ready.

looks good

No problem, you could also look into Be Quiets Silent / Dark Base cases and Nanoxia Deep Silence series.
Oh and don't fall for the AIO meme, get a custom loop set from EKWB or stick to air, preferrebly Noctuas finest poo fans.

On the move right now, inshallah senpai desu.

What's a good H110 Intel mobo under $100? For a dad comp




have anyone here tried this mobo?


pic not related

How's this instead of the gaming version?


Should anything with the "ECO" tag be suspicious? Wouldn't get it for the eco aspect, but just because it seems like the most bare-bones and I really like MSI mobos.

how do i leave reviews on pcpartpicker


Perfectly fine mobo, doesn't have wifi though if that matters.

You probably have to register and login i'd assume

>doesn't know how to fucking post a review on PCP
>thinks his opinion will matter to anyone

thanks for the helpful replies

Gibs (You)s please

Looks good



Guys should I download and install Windows 10 Enterprise ltsb for gaming since it's free of bloatware?
Any repercussions from Ms and burgerland?

van enroute

Will I notice a significant difference between the 1050 2GB and the 1050 Ti 4GB?

What is that extra 2 of RAM going to do for me?
I'm on a really short budget, and the 1050 is the best I can do, but I'm hesitant because maybe the Ti looks like the better option.

Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.

What? Explain

I'm looking for an ATX Z270 board with a budget of ~$200. I'm thinking about the Gigabyte Gaming5 or 7 but I was wondering if MSI or ASUS had something better/more featured for the same prices. Mild to moderate overclocking is a consideration but I'm not going to try record breaking or anything like that. Also I have a local Microcenter so their walk in deals count for price.


Ti on it's own is quite a bit faster, 2GB Vram won't be enough soon.

Then again, if you're thinking of getting the 1050 Ti just go straight for the RX 470.


Party van aside, can it be use for gaming and shot? If not, what windows 10 the least shit?

Save a few more checks or do more chores if you're that poor.

What about the rx 460 4GB?

Would that be better than the 2GB 1050?

windows 10 minus 3 has the least shit

No, Rx 460 is slower either way, not worth it.

Go with the 1050 I guess.

It's 10% slower.

But my rigs is kaby Lake,
Also can I use ds4 for Windows 10 with ds4windows, can I use it wireless and wired?

>Jim "Pussy Destroyer" Keller.
He does look like he has a 70's porn pringle can prick with sideburns.

get windows 7

First time building a PC here...

How do you pricks get around to choosing your parts? Jesus. There's so much fucking information and most of it codewords and other "gaymer" shit. I mean, I can research which general process and video card I want then I STILL have 200 or so to sort through.

>figure out budget
>AMD or Intel
>Nvidia or AMD
>buy highest CPU/GPU in the current gen you can afford from said company

Did someone call for a party van?

Yeah, I did that already.
>Intel Core i7-6700k + EVGA GeForce GTX 1070.

I'm still sorting through motherboards, RAM, HDs, Power supplies... Like holy fuck. I'm paranoid some of them have features and some don't and I have to worry if one company has good tech support or if one delivers broken shit.

Kek I spent 2 weeks researching a pc build and just ended up buying a pre-built because it costed around 200 less than building it myself.

With a k series CPU, pick a Z270 board that's at least $100. $130 if you plan to do more than a very mild OC.
RAM is RAM, buy whatever you want with good reviews.
Google PSU tier list by Johny Guru.

>>AMD or Intel

Why would anybody unironically get AMD CPUs instead of Intel?

so no one?

>if you plan to do more than a very mild O
Nah, video editing/encrypting and maxed out gaming (as far as I can get it with my CPU/GPU). Kind of figured I wanted a z270 already but it's nice to get confirmation about it.

Thanks on the other stuff.

And here we see the sourgrapespotamus gentooman post from his businessman thinkpad. An akward and invase species of subterranean mammal.

Entertainment software and gpus have been common topics in home computing for as long as I remember Mr. Nofun

>talking shit about popping a graphics card in your pc

>posting anime reaction images

>the irony


Exteme budget concerns.

If I thought I could get away with that without a shit ton of extra shit I don't need I probably would have.

this, grab a powercolor 4gb 480 when they're on sale, Were just going for 145 after mir

What ever happen to gtx 1080 ti? I thought it was going to be released January?

Would there ever be a reason to go over $130 for a z270? I plan to overclock but not until after I'm comfortable with the idea.

Hi, Aussie guy here again,

After some research for a computer that I can fit below my TV and be able to play Skyrim at 4K. Will this be enough as a bare minimum. And be used for watching downloaded movies


It'll be released right before or after Vega. They might slide the MSRP for thr 1070 and 1080 down $50-$175 to stop AMD.

Got a Gtx 950 and a mid sized tower. Idk too much. Not sure if heatsink will keep an i7 cool. I don't plan to oc. Plan on upgrading gpu and ram later.

What's the best paperweight

You're spending more for ports and shit not actual overclocking performance.

If you don't plant to OC don't buy a K-series.

I'm aware. But I also want to make certain I'm covering all my bases.

LEDs on the motherboard.

If you're going with that cpu+mobo combo go with 3000mhz ram