Why should I run Linux if I'm not a basement dwelling neet sperglord?

Why should I run Linux if I'm not a basement dwelling neet sperglord?

I'm a basement dwelling sperglord but I'm not a NEET

Linux works for me

Last I checked ; Wine handles CS5/CS6/CC just fine nowadays. Check WineHQ or try and see it for yourself.

>and that's the only software you'll ever need to run

Are you telling me you don't only use free and open software?

Full speed compared to Windows? What about premiere?

LOL USING WINDOWS. what are you? some sort of deplorable?

Don't bother wasting your time with it.

Why should I run windows if I am not a computer illiterate gamer manchild?

Because maybe you like technology since you're browsing Sup Forums which is a TECHNOLOGY board and Linux gives you more control over your machine which most tech enthusiast love

You like illegal pictures of children and are quite worried about telemetry

You are working poor and can't afford a real os

You're dumb and Sup Forums told you too.

tried linux and went back after a few mos.

>qt3.14 asks if she can use my computer
>never been this close to an attractive female
>she smells so good
>breast is brushing on my shoulder
>i lean in a little to smell her hair
>" what the fuck?"
>recoil like I was caught
>why is your laptop so weird? I'll just use my phone
>wasn't caught smelling her
>still feel shame
>install win 8 in case this ever happens again.

Exposure to other operating systems and paradigms. So when you encounter a new system, you simply adapt and don't go into an assburger meltdown because things are rearranged.

that guy has a cute ass

It's good for servers since you can run a near complete UNIX-like system for practically nothing.

you should see his dick. it's adorable

Why does the UI look different, specially that Mac style menu? Is that a newer version?

user, you are a sperglord.

yes my EPSON runs a linux firmware. Let's keep it at that.

how do u install PS under Linux??? I must know.

Almost everyone at Adobe uses Macs so when they design UI, they just make it look like a Mac since that's what they're used to.

they run it with an unstable piece of shit called wine.
it runs almost nothing that matters reliably.
just a few extremely popular and old ones.

and it's bloatware


Cause you can into hacker mode and be l33t OP

Take the redpill and you will go deeper into the abyss and start installing gentoo

lol you are mad, aren't you? Just get over it, PS runs on Linux just fine. Fuck.

Nobody is holding a gun to your head, dipshit. Use the software that you're most productive with and shut up. Everyone needs to stop complaining about each other's software choices. It's not that hard. Maybe someone's more comfortable using ms dos, maybe pc-bsd.. doesn't matter. Unless it directly affects you, you literally have no reason to complain other than the fact that you're 100% autismo

I'm asking because I have the 2017 CC release installing on Windows and it doesn't look like that. It's not a big difference, just the menu mainly.

>throw away windows and move to linux just to run windows programs through wine
why not just use windows?


But I am a sperglord with at least a fleeting chance of being close to an attractive member of the opposite sex. More than I could say for most of you. I bet Sup Forums is the 2nd ugliest board on 4chinz.

Why doesn't adobe develop for linux

Cause you're a faggot.

Adobe is the Spanish word for mudbrick. Mudbricks were used to build much of Jerusalem, the holy land of the Jews. Free products interfere with the ways of the Jew.

>why not just use windows?
telemetry, botnet

Linux is really easy to deploy servers with, especially because of Amazon et al.

>and that's the only software you'll ever need to run

then name another one with no linux alternative that also can't run in wine

The windows file manager, so my fucking file picker can display thumbnails in every fucking software's open dialogue.

t. basement dwelling neet sperglord

are you hiding cp?

I'm a neet sperglord but not a basement dweller.


It works for me on guhnome


Because you're a sperglord using a Laptop or even worse a supersperg using a Desktop?

Normies use tablets now, half of them run Android, which is Linux.

>not just using Android or iOS like everyone else.

-t spergmax

I'm a non-sperglord with a decent paying job and an attractive girlfriend. I get to do more than just smell her :)

I use Ubuntu with fvwm-crystal desktop-environment, I'd say it doesn't get much more spergie than such a DE. But it does exactly what I want and does it fast, while being incredibly ugly.

No it does not.

Installing Photoshop on Linux is the easiest thing to do. You can even crack it. What is this thread?

Its crashy with large files though. Cinsidering how much work goes into a PS project if it crashes it's no joke.

Still not perfect unfortunately.

Thank goodness for MAC

This is a shill thread, just report it...

>Linux auf Deutsch
Ob du behindert bist

>Why should I run Linux if I'm not a basement dwelling neet sperglord?

Do you
1. Develop software?
2. Maintain a server?
3. Maintain a supercomputer/cluster?
4. Care about your privacy?

For any of these, Linux is an ideal choice.

Sorry user, but most of the world maintains both smartphones/tablets and desktops, and therefore machines running Windows and Mac OS X are rather ubiquitous. You see tablets are nice and all, but they're terrible for doing any real work on.

>Thank goodness for MAC
What does Media Access Control have to do with any of this?

>benis: Befehl nicht gefunden.

>Sorry user, but most of the world maintains both smartphones/tablets and desktops
Smartphones and Tablets yes, Desktops, no.

Desktops are for spergloads and 'pcmasterrace' types.
Laptops are still common amongst the older crowd, but even they're dying.

Workstations will always exist, as there is a need for them.

Office desktops are even dying due to the prevalence of BYoD.

>Why should I run Linux if I'm not a basement dwelling neet sperglord?
you shouldn't. you should stay on windows so that linux doesn't get too normie and as a consequence, shit.

Your life sucks because you commune like a common slave; laptops are a retarded idea if you don't move them at all. One Smartphone and one Desktop is what 90% of people will need in the distant future and only failures like yourself are going to remain on stupid laptops or god forbid on fucking Tablets.
What is 100% sure to fucking die a horrible death is the Tablet.
Phones are staying 200% because even if some idiot fell into the Tablet meme, he can just use a slightly bigger phone next purchase.
Desktops are staying 100%. It's inevitable. It's how you get the most value for money on a stationary machine and this will never change. Only mentally unstable idiots like yourself are even contemplating the idea. The desktop is de facto the most efficient use of space for stationary machines so screech all you like it never goes away.

So, in summary:

1. Phone stays, 100%
2. Desktop stays, 100%
3. Some minor uses for the Laptop will remain, mainly because some people will still commune like slaves
4. Tablets will definitely die

They know they can't compete with GIMP, a free and far more advanced alternative to their products.

And whats with the other Adobe software? After Effects, Lightroom, etc?

tablets are for reading and desktop like usage oon the go.


id rather a tablet then a phone in a perfect world


dumb slutposter

If your success with the other gender is determined by your choice of operating system, you got problems way worse than most on this board.

What actually happened
>"Can I use your laptop, user?"
>"It runs windows, it's the os of the successful people"
>"Um, ok"
>"Unlike linux, windows users are not basement dwellers"
>"You see, windows has all this software. Feel free to use photoshop!"
>"I don't think I need to"
>"What about a game? You can play games. Linux can't do that!"
>"I'm just gonna go ask the guy with the weird laptop"

There is none

Windows users don't have to peddle their OS on other people, it's already used by 4/5th of home PC users.

This so much.
My causing asked me fix a bug in her W7 where the windows were maximizing under the panel.
I couldn't fix it and told her to use the panel in auto hide mode meanwhile.

She started sperging out on me that she can't possibly use the panel in auto hide mode because that's not how normal Windows work.


I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

Because you may be sick of their licensing policy when you get just a box with software for $1K, and if you need to get a support, all you get is a Pajeet who will read a Technet article for you. Basically, MS says "We'll take one grand for a software. Good luck, bud, you're on your own". Why not use Linux then, where you're on your own, but it's free?

You can use GNU/Linux to your advantage to enchant her.
Chicks (especially intellectual ones) dig that.

>enchant her with your shell scripting skills
>impress her with your ability to command your computer using only the keyboard
>show her how easy you can create elegant, professional documents with mathematical equations and technical drawings using LaTeX
>drive home the point that you are doing this because only GNU/Linux can keep up with your intellectual superiority
>reassure her you can still do on your GNU/Linux mobile workstation everything that she does on her computer
>youtube, movies, music, video chat, image manipulation, even facebook and instagram only much faster

She is literally wet now and now is the time to make your move.
Kiss her fool, now you can fsck and mount her.

> Belives privacy is only a concern of hopeless degernates

For fuck sake, I don't need to be a kid toucher to not want the NSA crawling around my anus.

Why do these pics where you dudes show how GNU/+Linux can run Photoshop always show outdated versions of it? Can't you run the CC 2017 release?

CS6 is perfectly fine on its own. For the majority of people the upgrades to CC isn't worth it.

Because you enjoy crashes and lower productivity?

>implying Linux users give a shit about market share

You're a professional software developer and you need a sane development environment.

It really is over for the Linux desktop.

>Why should I run Linux if I can't even imagine the potential benefits and conveniences it brings.

That wasn't the question. The question was whether it can run CC2017, not if you believe CC is better than CS6

This guy gets it

Thunar + Tumbler

Nice Windown Syndrom