>brother tries to convince me to learn php
fucking lol
>brother tries to convince me to learn php
fucking lol
Other urls found in this thread:
he is right tho.
probably 90% of Sup Forums is on web technologies tho.
PHP is one of those languages that is created for stupid people. Any shit you can imagine is forgiven. Learn C# for a serious language that is still not for basement dwelling sperglords that dream to take the place of Linus Torvalds.
poo in loo
>poo in loo detected
>C# is M$'s thing so it must be good! yay M$ omg let me suck your cock some more
Java > C#
Also PHP has been significantly improved and updated to modern standards, especially 7.0+. If you want to get crazy performance then you can use HACKlang. Basically you can do anything with PHP. The only people who trash it are shills like you and edgy .js framework faggots.
Php may not be the best language by design, but it has a massive userbase. If you are looking for a job and don't want to be a NEET like the rest of Sup Forums, it is awesome. Laravel is used in big projects and this language won't fade soon. Java is great also.
Please call our dedicated call center. Susan at HR would love to offer you the position of Chief Executive Officer at Marketing. Love to see you soon!
JavaScript is also terrible but look at the massive userbase... Don't judge the language by it design decisions
>Also PHP has been significantly improved and updated to modern standards, especially 7.0+. If you want to get crazy performance then you can use HACKlang. Basically you can do anything with PHP. The only people who trash it are shills like you and edgy .js framework faggots.
This. PHP7 is very decent. Sup Forums doesn't know what it's talking about
php is nice
Outdated cog detected
compared to C#?
What should I use that isn't PHP? Ignorant fuck here.
Leave web "programming" and design to sjw's
Assuming that you want to build web apps, you can use Java, Python, Ruby, C#, Golang, etc for the back end and some JS framework for the frontend. It depends on how you want your architecture to be.
>Python, Ruby
These were the ones I had in mind, are these bad choices?
I don't think they are bad in any way. You should decide what exactly do you want to build, and how well integrated are the tools for such job.
As browsers have evolved, you don't have to do all the work on the server anymore. You can load some part of your application code on the browser and communicate using REST APIs.
so you're the dude that's been killing my laptop with memory leaks and slow as fuck JS
Lowering the prices on server hardware upgrades is the future
Use elm for front end
eh, i was already planning to upgrade to 32gb ram anyways
Also worth mentioning Angular / React
Vue.js -> Angular 1 and 2
A great web framework for python is Django. For Ruby, check Ruby on Rails.
Earning money is nice.
They're bad for anything performance critical, but good when it's the programmer time that's important.
I wasn't aware PHP was any better performancewise.
truly the argentina is white meme of programming languages
Interpreted languages will always run slower than compiled ones.. But again, what is the scope of the project? Is it a personal blog or something like Netflix? If that's the case, overall language performance may weight more than practicity
php is the worst bullshit ive ever seen, this language is just a fail. better learn something useful and well designed like js instead of this steaming pile of crap. btw most php developers i met are a couple of fags
Should probably tries to learn English 1st.
>tfw you're a php developer for a web app that is impacting 100.000+ lives a day, and are making a cushy salary
Your brother is a good one. His advice is sound. Also stay out of the market. More room for me.
>well designed like js
yeah cuz the .js crowd isn't filled with gays, feminists, trannies, and other radical left degenerates. I know a dev who built his cloud hosting service in PHP. He was a poo in loo, but smart and i'll take him over .js devs who cover their laptop in stickers
Let me guess, you grow corn in a farm and want to make america great again, right?
>anything other than python and flask
kill yourselves
>"poo in loo"
>goes on to recommend the Pajeet S-tier language
Well memed, friend!
You do understand that JS is client side and PHP is server side correct?
>what is node
Javascript is anything BUT well-designed. The whole thing should be scrapped and remade from scratch.
C# is the most poo and loo language, trust me, i live near microsoft...
hipster trash
Interpreted apps are slower to execute but much more memory efficient than native apps which hog lots of memory. In an interpreted app, it isn't the actual app that's running, it's just being interpreted.. The app that's running is the interpreter itself. So you can have a HUGE codebase and many apps/websites "running" all at the same time.
It's the very reason interpreters were invented in the first place. I don't think you could really run a modern server efficiently using native code. Maybe you could on a home server where your apps and your website was the only one on that server.
>if you want performance don't use C use some random ass scripting language that webdevs thought was a good idea
Why? You're just processing text and doing some syscalls in PHP.
I dont get why you have to complicate it. Write some simple library for what you're gonna do and use it.
stb_sprintf is probably all you actually need for most of what you do.
JS have its flaws but ES6 is actually not that bad. Browsers have kept up with the new stuff and also check Typescript.
>He doesnt write his own web server and language in C
It's not js ;)
Why write own language or even web server? Just write a long-running FastCGI process in C.
Sure you can do that but... Because security..
>PHP created for stupid people
>recommends C#
PHP is great. I use it for all my scripts on linux.
I'm sick of webdevs. They make security bugs and pretend like they're impossible to avoid. It's not hard to enforce a server-client contract when you allow yourself to not accept certain http messages or you kill them early via a default route. Checking input is super well understood.
You're not more safe just because you rely on others. Unless you're just shit at your job of course. But for you to claim security is a concern maybe you should just remove yourself if you're the one causing the leaks.
It is good for small contained projects. Incredible wrong choice if your project is constantly changing, it is one of the worst languages and framework in terms of maintainability
If you are using vanilla php, maybe. If you're working with a sane team using some MVVM framework (Laravel), it is not that bad. Dynamic languages all suffer from the same problem..
Let me rephrase this, because user here is being way too kind.
PHP is literally the worst language, by design, in the world. The only exceptions are old as fuck languages (COBOL) and languages designed to be bad (Brainfuck, Befunge and co.). It makes everything you could possibly want to do hard. It has no consistency, either with itself or with any other language anyone would know. It has weird syntax and a list of quirks the size of the Burj Khalifa. I sometimes have nightmares about being asked to maintain a legacy PHP application and not being able to refuse. Its main inspiration, as far as I can tell, is Perl, and they nailed it: PHP is also write-only. It has object-oriented parts stolen from Java and poorly bolted onto the language. It has exceptions stolen from Java, except they fucked those up even worse - most of the stdlib has no idea exceptions are a thing. It has namespaces stolen from Java, except the namespace operator is a fucking backslash. It's so loosely typed it makes your mum's vagina look like a hydraulic clamp. And so on.
But it's also one of the top 5 most used languages in the universe, and its main users are complete cocks who don't know how to code and are willing to hire random fucktards off of Upwork. This means you can, in a pinch, learn some PHP and make money by fixing broken Wordpress and MediaWiki installs. This is probably PHP's only meaningful contribution to society.
>It's so loosely typed it makes your mum's vagina look like a hydraulic clamp.
Nice GIL multithreading lock
Nice scaling bro
C# is for dumb ppl, srsly 100% copz/paste bullshit, you don't have to do anything by yourself, c# is fucking gay kys
Aurelia > Vue.js > Angular 1 and 2
C is under PHP and under everything lel fucking webfags
They also want to add lambdas of the form |expr| => {} like in Rust, or Ruby.
I don't understand whats wrong with learning PHP. PHP is a open source server side scripting language used by about 90 percent of the web. Javascript is a client side scripting language. So if you want to build a website you need to know both, not one or the other.
Its extremely useful to make your own sites and not pay for others to do it. Its also fun and easy as fuck.
It can be a fun side hobby and useful to learn, also you could get a job out of it, unlike shitposting on Sup Forums all day. Also, just because you know PHP does not mean thats all you need to know, so why not learn it as a hobby?
>you need to know both
You will almost always have to interact with JavaScript, but PHP? Fuck no. Facebook is the only big Internet company I can think of that still uses PHP, or at least their slightly improved version of it.
There are so, so many websites that run on php. It's the sheer volume of small to medium websites that makes php worth learning. Besides, it's not that bad of a language since the more recent versions.
fk.. thanks for the analysis
How shit PHP could be, it's still better than all the javascript framework bullshit nonsense that is trendy today.
Noone needs 10 megabytes webpages using 50% of the cpu. Keep your shit server side
oh jesus fuck why...
Keep your shit server side... running on a decent language like Python or Golang.
PHP has no place anywhere.
>PHP is for stupid people!!
>Recomends C#, a programming language for stupid people
>Comparing a scripting language to a programming language (if it can even be called that)
LMFAO the tech-illiteracy!!
>what is LAMP
>100% FOSS ignoring special snowflake J2E nonsense no one uses
>patented runtime
>.NET Core
>nonfree everything else
no thanks M$ shill
old and busted
Still the standard today.
Gotta support the legacy code !
Won't shit on PHP cause it landed me a job easily, and it is pretty easy to use.
>Lenovo Thinkpad
>Arch Linux
>mechanical keyboard
Is this whole thread a meme?
Be serious, please. I just taught myself html/css/some javascript/ and the next one on my list is PHP.
I just downloaded drupal webdev and was going to start messing around- am i totally in the wrong here? I know my company uses drupal for our website and i was hoping on learning how to use php so i could maybe get promoted.
Like is php seriously not the way to go to learn server side scripting?
PHP is used a lot, so it's not a wate of time if you want to get a webdev job. It is a horrendous language to write in, so if you have the time to learn a framework like RoR, Django, or anything else not PHP-based, you'll be able to do webdev without hating yourself every minute of it.
LAMP stack is still used in many(most?) webservers. PHP might not be the BEST language, but neither is Java and both of them are heavily used in enterprise settings. So... if you're learning to code because it's fun, PHP is probably not the way to go. If you're learning to code because you want to use it in your job(and especially if your workplace already uses it), learning PHP is probably a good idea.
Thanks for the responses.
Okay ill stick with PHP for now.