No GUTS no glory


i am but a humble man

Put some ghetto fans in your life.

Need an AIO in my life I think.


Just get an air cooler that isn't garbage and mount the fans properly you mong.

>i want that cooler


Shrek is love,
Shrek is life.

They look pretty sexy desu.

>all the AIOs
אױ װײ


The Corsair 400C looks nice but it doesnt have a DVD Drive. I want to get rid of my Antec three hundred two. Is it worth buying? I want something that looks sleek, minimalistic, and clean. Should I get something else that has a dvd drive?

What do you need dvd drive for?

Movies, drivers, burning movies to dvds

>installing drivers from dvd
Wew. Ehm, you look like a tech illiterate normie, no offense. You can buy a usb-dvd drive i believe.

Guess I'm not buying AMD anymore!

>push it to the limit

The power draw of this system at full load is truly a sign I should've stopped long ago.

Arctic makes some cool shit.


What case?

Corsair 540 Carbide

Looks clean. Very nice. Does it have a side panel?

Where`s the PSU?

ya windowed

it's a cube it's behind the mobo

>tfw there were mice hanging around my pc twice now
I guess they wanted to install Linux on it
Very nice my humble man
I wonder how it would look like if you managed to hide the cables
Compact/10 i love it
inb4 fire. Add green lights for extra Chernobyl feel
Slickest guts of them all

>I guess they wanted to install Linux on it

Thats because mother nature is telling you to install gentoo.

Ill try it eventually.



> (You)
>I wonder how it would look like if you managed to hide the cables

>he thinks that case has any solution for cable management.

Its Quality Control stamp says "Apr07". It's almost 10 years. Much emotion it gave me, no cables it ever managed.

>CX 430.

It's a perfectly adequate CWT PSU, don't believe reddit tier lists.

I hid cables in my old pc under the motherboard plate since it had no cable management holes. Worked well, but they werent sleeved.

Its trash. Refresh version is fine though.

This is the V3 (white stripe) latest model. It's fine.

Gpu sink / 10

>fell for corsair fans meme



more pic?


should I do server guts?



They are like one of the best fans you can buy



Just look at this and try not to throw up Sup Forums

Fucking censor this shit.

MSI MPower board
Silverstone air cooler
Crucial 128 SSD
3X WD Blue 1TB HDD
OZ 750(yea but it has not died yet)
MSI/AMD HD-7950 X2

Waiting to do a Zen midrange upgrade then go VEGA maybe crossfire them.


>1 graphics card, few HDDs, 1 CPU
Seriously, power draw can't possibly be that bad. I mean you're running it off of a 750W (?) PSU, that alone is telling. You should've seen what 2 OC'd aftermarket 290Xs can do.

If you water cool and don't use blocks on the video card you might as well get an AIO

How do you clean it from dust?

W..will AMD put CPU Cooler companies out of business?

I don't use blocks on the graphics cards because they're too much of a PITA and graphics cards get upgraded pretty often. The loop is from 2009-2010 or something, I don't even remember. AIOs weren't really a thing back then. It's significantly better than a friend's 240mm AIO too, but I don't know what model he has.

Only shit ones. Ryzen will auto overclock with good cooling.
If anything Air will be BTFO by AIO's

Its not fine
Its not a seasonic

Its an 8320e at 4.7ghz on 1.428v along with a 290x at 1200mhz/1500mhz on 1.4v - at full throttle that system is pulling effectively 600w.

The gpu alone will pull 375w.

I use an air compressor. You can use a vac in reverse. Try not to blow the fans fast you will fuck them up.

One question about SLI, do they consume twice the watt than a single gpu?

What do you think? Of course.

Yeah, when I had 290X CF my system was pulling ~850W with a Haswell CPU in regular game load, I didn't even try actual stress tests on both CPU and GPUs at the same time since I had a 850W PSU. Upgraded to 1080 SLI, power draw dropped to ~600W and performance pretty much doubled.

KEK, that's exactly what I want mine to look like, when I finally buy the ASUS Strix 1080 and NH-D15

Getting one of these on Tuesday. Can't wait

Yes double the power consumed.
For example if one card gives you 50fps you will not get 100fps with a second. More like 70 to 80 if crossfire/SLI is supported. If a game does not support it you will see no difference. Then why? I play primarily BF4 and CF is supported. Also the future is looking good for dual/ multiple cards. Expect better preformanace scaling. Expect support for multiple cards meaning one system can have an AMD and a NVIDIA card.

This is game dependent CF in the new deus ex game gets 100% scaling but 99% of the time you are correct.


That second intake fan on your radiator inside the case is just snake oil.

Yea boi!

I did have a plan for this build but it never happened.


Clusterfuck is back.

>the only intake is through an AIO rad
>half of it is further obstructed by a HDD cage
lmaoing at ur life

Rest of the parts arrive later today
Including an original hard pcb pci-e riser, since one made out ide cables didnt work
Or the hd 3450 didnt work
I dont know, either way a gt 710 will be on my porch today and it better fucking work

>you look like a tech illiterate normie

Yet all the devices which normies use don't include an ODD anymore. Hmmmmmmmmmm.

I know my build is shit but i bought it in promo and it was the cheapest

>tfw you want to watercool but not enough room to put a proper 240/280 up top because vents are centered instead of offset

god damn it fractal

their newer cases don't have that problem :^)

true, the r5, s and xxl series all have better rad support, but I'd like them to also add eatx compatibility and maybe a psu/hdd shroud

So basically a Define C, but for larger mobos?

I'm the guy who posted Define Mini C earlier in the thread. Came from a TJ08-e. Got to say I'm quite impressed.

what's a gud case for a micro atx mobo and a medium sized card for around 65 burger bux

yeah, a little deeper and thicker than the base c model

Define Mini, Define Mini C, CM MasterBox 3 Lite, CM N200 if you're just looking for the cheapest passable case.

Who /clean/ here

Love it. Although the 1070 mini would be a better option.

They are the next best thing after poo fans you idiot.

Not even close.

>25 buckaroos a pop
shiggy diggy

Too loud.

is this your first custom loop?

Bananatech PC. should I post specs?

My first but it's ~7 years old at this point. Why do you ask?

Arctic Cooling
Be Quiet!
Fractal Design

Hell, even the default fans Thermaltake cases ship with are better than any Corsair fan I ever had! The loudest part of my entire desktop computer was the Corsair ML120 Pro before I finally got fed up with that whining noise, and put the default case fan back!

the point is to have a giant protruding gpu cooler, that's how you get mad pussy

Be mad.

My horizontal mini ITX case has a hard drive cage that's in front of the motherboard and does not block the GPU. That means 37cm clearance for graphics cards.

pretty happy with my guts

>fans in pull on radiator
>negative air pressure
>slanted CPU block
>bad cable management
There's room for improvement.

what case and cooler?
