>omg my bronon is going to uni with a green bubble android
>um is he trying to give himself blue balls
Omg my bronon is going to uni with a green bubble android
What's a bronon? Are you trying to force this image as a new meme?
>force this image as a new meme?
I for one welcome our braless slut overlords. If only more girls with perky tits would go braless, the world would be a better place.
I don't get the fucking joke...
not the only thing you don't get
You are suprisingly right...
half of Sup Forums have bigger tits than her on the left.
Id still smash her back doors in and make her face look like a plasterers radio
its true though
This is only American, right?
Never seen this shit in Aus.
>my bronon is going to uni with a green bubble android
>Buying a pre-built
>Oh my god, my bro+user is going to university with an android smartphone which is shows green bubbles in the iphone chat, instead of blue once. So when someone with an iphone chats with someone who has an android, he can see that he is using an android because of the color of his chat bubble in the iphone software. Chicks love iphones and will not date him because he got an android.
I'll never understand you people's fascination with
a) having sex
b) wanting to talk to brainless normies
c) caring what other people think about your hardware/software choices
lmfao that is the most RETARDED shit i've seen all week fuck
Th more you know.
Why the fuck iPhone shows different bubble for different tyoe of phones? Please tell me because it come with additional functions and not just to make the iPhone user feels special.
Blue is iMessage, green is standard SMS
ok aspie
>tfw no phone with composite video output
this, eurofag here, iphones have like a third of the marketshare or less and androids are quite popular and have their "Premium" brands, known for their flagship phones. At first it was mainly Samsung and HTC, now there are also Huawei, maybe LG and chinkphones like Xiaomi are becoming recognized (even if not popular). But in fact as long as you have whatsapp nobody gives a shit about the phone you have
What is whatsapp?
Sorry no mental illnesses here snowflake
Why has no one ported iMessage to Android so we too can enjoy the bliss of blue bubbles?
> all niggers
really makes you think
god americans are so fucking dumb
yepp its a meritard thing
Is it like European Facebook or something
however if true, lrn 2 google, it is a chat service for phones owned by facebook, like we are too poor to afford sms
i'm american and it's still bullshit
So I don't understand why anyone would want this. Can you even buy a cellphone plan without unlimited sms?
you can buy any plan you want but the cheaper thing is to get one with a minimum amount of internet and you have everything covered, my plan is 2GB/400min calls/1000SMS and i pay 10€ a month, there are also plans for 5€ or less if you don't need that much
also, here is quite rare to found someone with a flagship on contract, we like to buy our stuff for ourselves. i think is extremely stupid to get a 700€ phone if you can't afford it so i change a 130€ phone every 2 year or so, even if we do have contracts for for 30€ for good phones
>you need an iphone to grab this pussy
fuck that. user names sound like they could all be baristas at a cafe.
Who the fuck still uses SMS?
Why would you buy a plan with ulimited SMS when everybody including my 65 yo mother who lives in a 9k pop little town uses whatsapp?
to be honest where can I see those distinct blue/green "bubble"?
Burgers, obviously
Why are only American girls so shallow? Holy shit
these are the same chick that work at chick-fil-a and dream about a rich handsome man to rescue them from their shitty failed lives lmao
to even get cell phone service you get free sms now
yeah but plans for internet are this low here, sms are too slow/limited while whatsapp gives you the full service only internet can give and it works pretty damn well
>travel overseas
>SMS is now 70c per message
Yup, Americans are tech illiterate third worlderswho still see phones as a status symbol and use shitty outdated technology like SMS
imessage isn't sms, lol
what did they mean by this pic related?
You do know what the green bubbles mean, right?
That you're not using imessage and are instead using sms?
Stop replying to jordan
why all of them are niggers
thx now I know what porn that is from
Yup, and guess what kind of texts you're sending to people with green bubbles?
I thought the point is that it's rare and awful to see a green bubble, if I judged the context correctly.
The iPhone is a nigger phone
>she sees blue bubbles appear on her phone
>believes I must own an idevice and therefore am a well-adjusted person
>I'm actually using a hackintosh
1: Thats not true
2: Why would you even use fucking SMS, can you send pictures videos pdf files locations etc through SMS? can you take pictures and send them from the SMS app? can you send voice clips with a single button?
Yuropoor here.
Green/blue bubbles and all the shit around it is something purely murica
>pictures, videos
mms extension to sms allows
this is what email is for
>voice clips
we call that a phone call, you can even receive responses in real time
Find me a good alternative to SMS.
Has to be
>supported on absolutely every current mobile device
>able to send text, images, media, and other various attachments
>no character limit
>doesn't rely on an internet connection
I have not aware that someone could be this out of loop. Even my 60+yr old boss know (unfortunately) how to use whatsapp.
>doesn't rely on an internet connection
Funny thing that iMessage relies on an internet connection
Whatsapp/Line/Viber, depending on geographical region.
nice meme. literal billioniares use android. Iphones are for queers and women.
>having to use MMS SMS eMail and call for what can I do with the same app
>having to give your mail to all your classmates so you can share pdf
>phone call is the same as voice message
>Conveniently letting out the taking pics in-app part out
When I'm driving I open Whatsapp and send a voice clip with 2 taps, I keep my eyes on the road, get to say whatever I need to that person and I dont get fined.
>onveniently letting out the taking pics in-app part out
didn't notice that part of the post, but my messaging app can open my camera no problem
>>supported on absolutely every current mobile device
well, apparently iMessage isn't
>>able to send text, images, media, and other various attachments
literally any im app
>no character limit
SMS (atleast in EU) DOES in fact have a char limit
>doesn't rely on an internet connection
if you have a phone plan, you get atleast 500 mb data. Telegram, Signal, Line and normie IMs (WhatsApp, FB Messenger and Viber) don't use up a lot of data
Well my message app has its own camera.
Can you even make SMS groups? how does that work, you send a SMS to every person on the group?
mms can handle group conversations properly
What if you want to send a pdf to a group? you make a email group?
like 1 to 2 gig a day. not kidding. Huge group, everyone is posting videos all the time.
Except the internet part WhatsApp is supported on any device manufactured in the last 7 years or so, they have good symbian support (not the oldest one) and respect the other requests way better than SMS. Also, used to chat on Facebook on my n70, internet on phones is not a new thing
a pdf isn't something I'd send this way. I'd use some other software like email, slack, or upload to some shared place.
My understanding is that you use whatsapp like facebook for personal messaging and stuff. Cannot imagine why I'd need to send Chad or Stacy a pdf
Ikr a talk about riding arch or or or MY LITTLE PONY iS B3tteR tH4n sex LMAO sex is St00pid!
>1-2 gb a day
You know that you can stop automatic downloads??
You know you can disable the auto download for attachments on data/WiFi or both? You fucking idiot why even on Sup Forums
Also, 1-2GB a day, you fill a 128gb phone in 2 months?
Chad or Stacy usually study/work and have to do group projects, share stuff with their classmates, coworkers etc, is this something that hard to imagine? because I dropped out of uni 3 years ago and we had a class WA group since day one where people shared class stuff all the time., actually everyone I know that is studying something has a class group, but yeah i guess you can email everybody a pdf and then talk about it via SMS.
At least you got an iphone right?
Lots of photos there mate :^)
>group projects, share stuff with their classmates
I'm not a child
We'd use some sort of standard system to share files, not a chat program
>At least you got an iphone right?
I have a Google Pixel
Why is the button on her pants blurred out?
>reading pdf's on a phone
I'm sure that's fine and dandy for Mr. Tandy's biology homework assignment. Going over 50-100 pg pdfs (work) isn't feasible on a phone, so I totally understand the namefag's stance.
>omg ur so small, tyrones is 3 times bigger
This photo was likely monetized so company labels have to be blurred out
what's the title of picture related?
>literal whores selling pictures of their bodies
Apple shills are getting pretty desperate huh?
What's the name of this pornographic actress?
>CeeCee LaBella
>Shavalsia Monea
Your point is invalid
such pure qts
>omg my bronon is going to uni without whatsapp
>um is he trying to get himself deported back to syria
>Niggers want Bling Bling stuff while on Gibs
>water is wet
Christ dude, we get it, they have different names. I imagine the protocol is different as well. But is there any actual difference for the user? Any feature? Because Jessica sure as hell isn't bragging about her messages going through an encrypted pipe instead of plaintext.
I don't know what kind of friends you have but no one gives a shit here.
Two main differences:
- uses mobile data traffic instead of SMSes, which still cost money for a lot of users
- blue bubble
For a long time the "blue bubbles" using mobile data (instead of SMS technology) was the only difference.
However, these days it's a lot more, e.g. handwritten notes, special effects with your text, special background effects and "reactions" to messages (e.g. you can "like" a message instead of replying).
Holy shit so nobody uses Whastapp in 'murrica? Is this 2003 or something?
Group chats, pictures, videos, voice clips, files... I can't believe you STILL use some crappy workaround with SMS and MMS...
Literally everybody here is using Whatsapp and you look really weird if you don't (typical reaction: "how does people even communicate with you? with phone calls?")
>Holy shit so nobody uses Whastapp in 'murrica? Is this 2003 or something?
That's because SMS are either unlimited or very cheap. It's places like Europe where these apps spread first because SMS were more expensive and usually not unlimited.
So you know when it's using SMS and when it's using iMessage retard.