Tfw MILITARY GRADE encryption enabled

>tfw MILITARY GRADE encryption enabled

There's no such thing as "military grade" encryption. AES is equally secure for everyone. Are you retarded?

>nice b8 m8 i r8 8/8

AES is a military encryption standard. Hence, military grade.

>anything the military uses should be referred to as "military grade" regardless of how many other people use it.
Yeah, you're retarded.

AES was a military standard at first. Then it was given to civilians.
You dumb nigger faggot. Stop shitposting on my board or I'm gonna find you and shoot you

>Then it was given to civilians.
See how easy it is to admit that you were wrong? Yes, it is available to civilians. This means that it is not exlusively used for military purposes.

>I'm gonna find and shoot you
This post is against US law and could get you permanently banned from Sup Forums based on Global Rule #1

I shit in your mouth, sperglord
Maybe I meant shooting you with love? Like shooting my ragweed into your mouth?
Really makes you think, huh?

The law doesn't work that way. It's all based on how a "reasonable person" would have interpreted the original message.

Yeah, a reasonable person sits on Sup Forums and completely ignores the
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Stop trying to induce shitstorm on my board and fuck off. Nobody likes you, even on the internet

>stop trying to induce a shitstorm
I don't even have to try. You are doing it all by yourself.

You started it.

No you

literally the first response in this thread
Get back to

That statement still stands as correct so you are retarded.

>It's all based on how a "reasonable person" would have interpreted the original message.
>murikan law
So if a feminist says I've tried to rape her by saying "hi" I can be locked in jail?
This is some hardcore autism. I hope US bans all types of visas, so it contains itself on an isolated continent.

>So if a feminist says I've tried to rape her by saying "hi" I can be locked in jail?
No, because neither a judge nor a jury would ever believe that a reasonable person would interpret it in that way. You really are mentally challenged.

Why are you so mad, user?

Why are you so retarded, user?

I'm not. You are

No you

>AES was a military standard at first. Then it was given to civilians.
Stop posting already.

Don't forget to push the turbo button my man.
Also, you better buy some blue LED case fans before your system overheats!

your mom should have encrypted that pussy of hers last night

>military grade
It doesn't mean shit if you use weak ciphers or anything less than 2048-bit keys.

You realize that 512 bit encryption would still take longer to bruteforce than the expected lifespan of the universe even if you had a country filled with supercomputers all working on it?


512 bit encryption provides you with 13407807929942597099574024998205846127479365820592393377723561443721764030073546976801874298166903427690031858186486050853753882811946569946433649006084096 different possible passwords. The amount of energy it would take to try all of those even with future hardware is likely greater than what would be possible for humans to obtain.

You likely will only have to try half of them.

Even trying half of them I still stand by the statement


>implying I know my own password well enough to recite it for someone else

You'd better, or there's another 3 hours of electroshocks to the balls for you

Joke's on you, that's my fetish.

In order to try half of them within a 100 year span of time would require 2^512 / 2 / (60*60*24*365.25*100) password attempts per second. Sup Forums won't let me post the actual resulting number because it thinks it's spam.

Other user here. Seems bad m8, I can't tell my passwort either, doesn't matter how hard I try.

>hurr... I've never heard of a keyfile

What if they can't prove there's any encryption to begin with? Doesn't it just appear as random data?

Oops, meant to say 2^512 / 2 / (60*60*60*24*365.25*100)

It's still a 144 digit number though.

Typically, there the encrypted container, partition etc. starts with a header containing information required in order to decrypt it. This information contains the used algorithm to encrypt the data, the key size and other information.
Your options are to either store the header elsewhere (e.g. a flash drive) or you always have to provide these informations yourself when you decrypt the data.

>not knowing all your 256 bit