Why are they "SJW"?
Why are they "SJW"?
because they fired their shitlord of CEO and since they started to lose market-share, they pretended to care about "real issues" and social justice, which is easier than having standards of great excellence
They are wasting their limited funds on political bullshit rather than trying to improve their product.
What browser do I use now?
Google Chrome
Yeah, Google botnet never pushes SJW propaganda :^)
Hi Sup Forums what web browser would a white nationalist use?
Stick with Firefox
switch to waterfox, literally no difference in browsing experience but you aren't contributing to google telemetry farming
Probably IceCat.
what real issues? be specific?
what political bullshit? be specific
how the hell am I supposed not to suspect if the guy posting against firefox all day is vague
Internet explorer. It's the only way to be safe from the boogeyman I mean sjws
I know a white supremacist and he uses google chrome.
>install meme funtoo gentoo
>emerge chromium
>feels like eternity and shit still compiling
Ahaha this fuck. SJWs by themselves can't do shit without literally being showered by shekels. Did you watch the trump protests? A niggress had to hit a fucking pinata TEN TIMES before it would tear apart, had a good laugh tho. If we gas the kikes behing them the PC movement will die by itself.
you know there are binaries available, right?
A noose
f-fuuuck, didn't know about that.
so I had wasted my time and data plan?
Cause Sup Forums says so
Who the fuck has the time to care? Firefox is still the best browser even if it's a few milliseconds slower than Chrome.
I thought Sup Forums cared about the technology, why is the supposed political affiliation of a dev even a factor?
Google is the biggest SJW in SF and fa/g/gots still attack maozilla, because their ex CEO couldn't fit in the gay parade what is the tech is there. This board is full of shit.
enjoy your botnet honey
>tfw spent too long customizing and finding the perfect addons to get furryfox exactly how I want it to ever leave now
leaving a browser as some kind of political statement is stupid anyway
No idea. The ex-CEO ended up making a browser whose main feature is inserting ads into your web pages, so I'm not sure why we should have wanted him as CEO of Firefox.
I'm using Firefox because they're SJW.