Is it a coincidence that the US "won" WW1 and WW2...

Is it a coincidence that the US "won" WW1 and WW2, wars they entered when the fighting was pretty much over already and they had nothing more than a ceremonial role, and they lost Vietnam where they actually had to fight?

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Oh yeah, by the way: No, it's not a coincidence.

I'll never get tired of posting this.

Also, I agree with you OP, it wasn't a coincidence

Success breeds jealousy my irrelevant country that I can't locate on the map friend.

Heh, you guys never cease to make me laugh

Not a coincidence at all.

We won ww2 through lend lease and all the other logistical shit we did before we actually started fighting.

We won ww1 because the side we were on, won. I dont see people claim that we are 'responsible' for winning ww1, germany kept sinking our shit and so we decided to go shoot germans.

Shut the fuck up Russia basically won ww2, it doesn't work that way


That shit doesn't make any sense because your scientific community formulates itself with the metric system.

Also, fuck you for visiting the moon. We'd trademarked that idea already (refer back to the works of Jules Vernes and George Meliès) and you had no right to thieve that idea away from us!

>they entered when the fighting was pretty much over already
Is this what they teach in Dutch "Schools"?


>the moon was our idea
You snooze you lose

>we use metric anyway
Why can't we just be weird fucks like the Brits and say we use metric but secretly use imperial?

No we actually entered during the end of the war. He's right

>1941 was the "end" of WWII
Get educated proxyfag

They did not use the metric system for the moon. Learn your history frog. Also it's called free market.

>3rd worlder "education"
You fucks should be thankful we secured the most peaceful era in human history for you.

He's kinda right. About entering in the final part of the war.

What happened there

You can make a case for WWI, but WWII pacific front was 90% the US.

Don't get mad at them. Europeans are like children that say "I hate you mom! You never do anything for me" It's our job to protect little Europeans. We love them since we practically created them

yea I think most Europeans forget that it was in fact a world war and there was also the Pacific

Please, You were getting fucked. The war was over and the japanese still refused to surrender. Just the thought of invanding the mainland would cause heavy casualties. Youd had a trump card no one had and one you didn't use in vietnam. Nuclear Powa! I like saying powa, makes it feel more dramatic.

We provided some of the guns != we won the war for everyone

By Dec 1941 the war was already decidedly against the Nazis and the Nips were getting BTFO in Burma

Oh and that has nothing to do with technology?

Stop attributing one phenomenon to another. Correlation != causation

>Russia basically won ww2

Britain would have fallen completely and russia would not have had oil with out US support before we even entered the war militarily.

seppos are pussies who can only win when they cower behind loads of money, big guns and drones, and die like flies when it comes to down-and-dirty fight.

It makes sense when you realize that imperial, like the english language, is a collection of independent measures, and not a single system like metric is. Therefore we are free to use metric if we want to, and it still counts as imperial, because we use it alongside the other systems of measure we use.

>moon landings pics

Like clockwork

The only acomplishment the United States did and will forever be written in the pages of history, perhaps just as revolutionary as the birth of christ was the discovery, use and control of the atom.

To think one man, could hold the power of a God. Plus, the russian became scared shitless of such power. Stalin wanted to reach lisbon, like napoleon once did.

thats a finnish name you dip

US was in WW2 since Dec 7, 1941, about 7 months after the USSR joined in.
Also unlike the USSR the US was actively fighting Nazi Germany before it officially joined, rather than actively helping Nazi Germany.

>Learn your history
Wernher von Braun to be precise.

>By Dec 1941 the war was already decidedly against the Nazis
No it wasn't, Barbarossa had just fucking started. Soviet Russia was being decidedly pushed back.
> Nips were getting BTFO in Burma
After securing Singapore, the Philippines, and New Guinea and threatening to invade Australia.

You really don't know much about WWII do you?

>he believes in the moon landing meme

>his muh heritage

He got american citizenship in 1955 = hes an american :^)

>After securing Singapore, the Philippines, and New Guinea and threatening to invade Australia.
Nips never took New Guinea and were nowhere near in position to invade Australia.

>You really don't know much about WWII do you?
I mean, the other guy's retarded, too, but you are not helping yourself.

>Werhner Von Braun
Glorified engineer tbqh

>The British and Frenchould have easilly provided the men needed to succeed in the unasion of Normandy and the Rhine.
Ah yes, Britain easilly was able to send 2 million riflemen across the English channel because of le magic spitfire. Oh wait.

Honestly the war was all us with a little help from autistix Russian cannon fodder, and there's way too much vassal cope in these threads.


>Please, You were getting fucked.
Lol, what? The Japanese fleet was essentially wiped out prior to the bombs. Is this some kind of new meme that the US absolutely needed to use nukes to win instead of forcing demands on their terms?

Can you imagine the sense of awe, of sheer despairing madness? A bomber carrying but one single bomb. A carrier whose pilots are trembling from sheer cold, from fright of it going off before the time and then letting it loose on the air and count what seemed like an ever lasting purgatory, without even knowing what sort of bomb they had dropped before watching the very birth of the universe open into their eyes, even though their goggles could see the bright light, a light so strong it could make blind man see before desperatly attempting to control the bomber away from a monstrosity that howled like a hurricane, the control on your hands just trembling by the sheer force of it, the gloves on her finger tightening as you try to avoid the imcomprehensible shockwaves of this monster.
Dear Lord. As you see something rise from the clouds, as if a monster itself of clouds...a giant like tree of death!

And think. Now man has become god. Now he has taken the seat of his father.

you can be an american too qt, gay mariage is legal now in many states :^)

>Australia had been shocked by the speedy collapse of British Malaya and Fall of Singapore in which around 15,000 Australian soldiers became prisoners of war. Curtin predicted that the "battle for Australia" would now follow. The Japanese established a major base in the Australian Territory of New Guinea in early 1942.[98] On 19 February, Darwin suffered a devastating air raid, the first time the Australian mainland had been attacked. Over the following 19 months, Australia was attacked from the air almost 100 times.

>oh look, another thread where the entire planet forgets that germany wasn't the only country involved in WWII

>Nips never took New Guinea and were nowhere near in position to invade Australia.
What the flying fuck

All you are doing is making yourself look more and more ignorant.

>The Japanese established a major base in the Australian Territory of New Guinea in early 1942
There was no major base on New Guinea. Japan took Rabaul, which was a major base, but on New Britain. The only major base on New Guinea was Port Moresby and the Japs famously failed in their attempt to take it at the Battle of Coral Sea.

>Darwin suffered a devastating air raid, the first time the Australian mainland had been attacked.
This "devastating air raid" killed a couple hundred people and destroyed 30 aircraft. It was less than nothing.

>Enemy has 3000 aircraft
>I destroy 2500 aircraft, or 83% of his air force
>I have 50,000 aircraft
>Enemy destroys 10,000, or 20% of my air force

>I still have tens of thousands of aircraft
>I still have a tremendous tactical and strategic advantage over my enemy
>HURR DURR they shot down more planes then you!!!

Also are we going to discuss the hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese troops that got incinerated by our bombs (despite our *relatively* small losses), or would that be inconvenient?

South Vietnam was on your side

>entered when the fighting was pretty much over already
>Dutch education

Between you and me. I'd get salty and nuke the ever living shit out of Vietnam if I was in charge back then.
Then again, I'm not the best suitable leader.

>>Enemy destroys 10,000, or 20% of my air force
that number is relevant because a bunch of fucking farmers managed to destroy 10.000 planes of a fucking world power with the best technology and stuff, no matter if those 10k were 20% of your air force or less, it's fucking amazing what they did with a lot less resources

I obviously meant North Vietnam. I mean that should have been self-evident

>Japs famously failed in their attempt to take it at the Battle of Coral Sea.
I thought we were talking about non-US operations now? As you said before, the war was "pretty much over" according to you.
>killed a couple hundred people and destroyed 30 aircraft.
Oh yeah m8, it's not like Australia was still an extreamly small country at the time that had never been attacked before, totally nothing, just like Pearl Habor

Actually read up how Australians reacted to it at the time and you'll find that it wasn't "nothing" to the vast majority of people.

You were using the casualty numbera for South Vietnam

>that number is relevant because a bunch of fucking farmers
Love this meme, it's not like the NVA had tanks and high tech fighters and a half a million Chinese and Russians bankrolling them or anything.

They were supplied by the USSR wand PLA with state of the art MiGs, SAMs and radar, not to mention AA and AAA.
Do you think a bunched of uneducated peasants just sprayed into the sky with rusty AK-47s held together with bicycle wire and shot down 10,000 bombers, helicopters and jets?

Tell me, do you aspire to be an idiot or are you actually doing the best you can?

>North Vietnam & Viet Cong
>65,000[21] civilian dead
>444,000[21]–1,100,000 military dead or missing[32]
>600,000+ wounded


>I thought we were talking about non-US operations now? As you said before, the war was "pretty much over" according to you.
What the fuck are you talking about? Japs never had a major base on New Guinea. You are retard. It's as simple as that.

>Oh yeah m8, it's not like Australia was still an extreamly small country at the time that had never been attacked before, totally nothing, just like Pearl Habor
So what? That has absolutely nothing to do with whether Darwin raid showed Japan's ability to invade Australia or not.
Darwin raid was a small time attack by 2 carrier divisions. That's nothing. It's literally day and night compared to the force and logistics required to conduct an overseas operation in Australia.

>Actually read up how Australians reacted to it at the time and you'll find that it wasn't "nothing" to the vast majority of people
Yeah and thousands of Americans thought Japs were going to land on LA. Who the fuck cares? The fact is Japan was not close to invading Australia even in a weeaboo's wildest dreams.

americans are simply natural cowards

I can always count on an interesting point of view from you, OP
Very entertaining, often edgy, but never dull.
How do you manage?

all i hear is a loser making excuses for himsefl

you killed more civilians, congratulation.
But you still lost the war

first time I agree with a disgusting german animal

dont worry, i am a fellow muslim, brother

>talking shit about other nations abilities to wage wars


>werner von braun
>not based goddard


the lols, this thread is full of them

>fucking farmers managed to destroy 10.000

That list you posted is losses due to all causes, not just combat

Most of those us losses were things like accidents or cases of a plane/copter being to old to be worth repairing - aka write offs

A bunch of fucking farmers with high grade anti-aircraft weapons, SAMs, Radar, etc.

This fucking meme is actually having effect on the minds of third worlders.

>his """"""""country"""""""""" needed to be liberated by A FUCKING LEAF

your "white" house was burned down by leafs lmao

WW1 our entry was symbolic and just gave a morale boost to the Allies
WW2 we did a shitton stfu we had the entire Pacific theater to ourselves (because Britain was embaressingly useless in that, Australia did more), liberated France Belgium half of Germany and Italy (therefore preventing them from being commie) as well as the economic aspect of keeping the Soviets living with lend-lease

Sorry, we were busy fighting the Nazis in Europe and Africa while you were fiddling with your cocks waiting for the Japs to muh Pearl Harbour

You guys did jack shit except defend your island and beat the shit out of Italians in Africa which isn't hard because even fucking Ethiopia did that once