/urban/ + /architecture/

Which religion has the best architecture and why the Roman Catholic Church(aka the only true faith)?

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Yes probably RC.

But the vernacular of Med countries tends to be great, too. So I'm not sure how dependent the good architecture is on the religion.

>why the Roman Catholic Church
partially true, Catholic church took architecture from the ancient Greece and Rome, so I would say that the greko-roman religions had the best architecture :3

These low-density towers are such a blight on London.
Sad to see them continue to get built.

those houses look comfy af 2bh

>this is a serious contender for England's second city



but gothic is great too and its not mediterranean

>true faith
Pick one

Some new building in Bordeaux that looks like a silver turd.

A Med, RC city is often almost entirely beautiful.
Same can't be said of most non-Med cities.

It's hard to know why exactly. My original theory was that the MEds were poorfags whilst all of the destructive building of the 20th century took place, but I am not sure that stats bare this out.

Istanbul, Turkey.


That's actually kind of gross.

eerything i see in that picture looks like cancer

I was thinking the other day about a codeword used in architecture sometimes:

When an architect says he wants to "challenge" something, like the perception of beauty, or the public's opinion on what a building should look like; that word, "challenge", when you hear it used, you know that what he means is "I'm gonna build something that I know most people will hate, but too bad."

It's a neat way to deflect criticism. You're not building ugly shit, you're just challenging people's perceptions.

is this in eastern london?

looks lie its being shat out with the top sitll hanging from the pooper

Uni of S. Cali are building an entirely new campus, by the looks of things, and it's actually quite nice!


Yep not really very nice.

Poundbury update:

This thing, on the main square of Poundbury, is supposed to be finished by autumn 2016. I doubt it'll make the deadline, though.

This'll be one of the best town squares in England.

>is this in eastern london?
No idea. It belongs in Eastern London, though, where the dregs live.

this is our main church



Beautiful. Reminds me a bt of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Brussels.

nope it's more like the Meds were actually the richest throughout most of history so they've been able to build a lot of great landmarks and in general great pieces of architecture

stop blindly hating on the modern architecture, you are so fucking narrow minded dude

>main church
isn't it this one?

Our main church in Uppsala (1/2)


Gamla stan (old town) in Stockholm

You can see the (city) royal castle and Riksdag (parliament)

Visby (Gotland)

got any pics from Svalbard?

Göteborg / Gothenburg

Sweden second biggest city

No, only of Swedish cities and Gdansk

Guess for what purpose this city was created :-)

It's was once one of the biggest city of the kingdom.



Fend off ruskies? Invade Poland?


For you Looks neat btw.


Sort of, yes. It was created as a "örlogsstad" or "naval base (city)" during the empire days.

Today it's the main naval base for the Swedish Navy, close to the russians baltic fleet :-)

>not living next to the baltic sea
why even live?

>dead thread

That's really cool bro, thanks for the trivia about Karlskrona. I will remember when having a small talk with swedes.

Nothing to do there except drinking

Well, that what i usually do.


Most famous church, but not historically the most important

our main church i guess