What does Anzujaamu think of her home country?

What does Anzujaamu think of her home country?

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it's hard to know what traps think about OP

Faggots ITT will deny that she has a thick 8 inch cock (I saw pics)

Proofs or gtfo

That is even better

It's still in the archives of /s/ somewhere, you can look for it, Turkish was in the title.

But damn, it was really long, thick, and with a drop of cum on the end. At least 7 inches.
Was really considering turning gay because I wanted to suck it.

Proofs or gtfo

>No proofs
Gtfo, seriously

Is only a bait retarded. also nice pic

It's unfortunate that I didn't save it, because man it was really delicious.

But there must be some site that archives /s/, no? Just do ctrl+f and type Turkish.

Or maybe the mods deleted it because she looks too young (even though she is 19)?



Check these as well




IIRC she is erdogan supporter

Mate, just look at a site that archives /s/.

You won't be dissapointed, I promise. You might turn gay though, if that bothers you, because it definetly turned me gay.

Only reason that I didn't save it is because this is a family pc.

she chose to live in a fantasy world because of it.

I want to genocide my sperm all over her face

If you know what I mean


That nice!

this thing isn't a biological entity, I hate to break it to you

lmao, she's a liberal feminist




does it bother int that the most anime person you faggots have found so far is turkish?

No you guys need something to balance out all the unibrows, I'm happy for you.

She's a proud almançi.

Bother? Now I like turks even more than before.

It's not bait. I think I found a site that archives /s/.
Looking for the Big Turkish Cock right now.

Isn't she a fedora master?

AYYYY LMAO IS TRUE! I wan´t fuck that ass

>Was really considering turning gay because I wanted to suck it.
You don't have to be gay to want to suck a girl's cock.

Doesn't matter for me, I'm bi anyway.

You have a picture of her boyhole?

>You have a picture of her boyhole?

:^) post pornography ban? No thanks

i've always liked swedes
>60kg humanlet
>8 inch cock
even if she was a trap, she would have a tiny cute dick

I'm Chechen, dude


No it was massive. Wish I could grab it, desu. She would be allowed to stuff my ass with it too.

Okay, but what if you post a picture and then do delete file after 1 min :^)

Go to /s/ and search Turkish




weak bait but i kek'd

stop that. I saw it and it was pretty small even for asian standard

Fuck you. I thought you were joking.

If rumours are true she's probably afraid to leave her home less groups of men follow her and other pale skinned blonde woman around like creeps. That's why there's always some big fat beta friend with her.

But is true

nah - she'll get stoned anyway when the great caliphate rises again.

i want to love her slowly and passionately and then break her wrists and leave

I know, now that I've seen it.

> getting banned for posting porn on Sup Forums

I unironically think white genocide is a good thing because of Anzu now.

Holy shit, I found it. Damn, I'm the hardest metal (diamonds) now.

If enough people want it I'll upload it on Imgur but it's 3 mb and I don't know if it'll give me a virus if I download it.

holy shit - your baiting is terrible dutchman!

Anzu is a lad with a massive shaft. Check his 2nd Q&A. He doesn't mention the shaft part, it is just a hunch of mine.

I can't find anything in the catalog

Okay, uploaded it.


because he's trolling you, you imbecile.


Fuck I was right. LOL'ing at the gays that are infatuated with him

>i'am chechen

Bokh1al Lush vuy H1o?

How many Chechens use 4kike ??


I'd guess only 2 - the rest are busy fighting in Syria.

are you retarded?

Is Imgur blocked in Slovakia?

It was very inappropriate. Not surprising that it was taken down so quickly.

Might've accidentaly made it public on Imgur frontpage too.

But now I'm banned from Imgur, so how do I upload it?

Anyone has a better site?

Boǩǩallaə lüş vu. Ġulqaş mux du saŋ vaş?
Sorry, don't get da fuq is that?

There are no blocked sites in Slovakia

i don't know if this is an elaborated b8 or real

>creater of this domain is a Jew
Are you new here perhaps ??

come on Mexico - not you too!!


It's obvious bait

>banned from imgur

Okay, that was a pretty entertaining b8 but now you sound like a third grader.

Maybe you could upload it to pornhub? You need to sign up I think, so maybe it isn't ideal. I don't know any other image hosting sites that wouldn't remove an image like that one

Why is he desperately trying so hard to be white?

Obviously a very boyish face in pic 1.

Also, you can already get hormones at age 3 in Turkey, and illegaly even earlier.


H1aait, c1a borz yu h1o. latiniin yoznashah yaz ya muh 1am vella h1o? vay bersh dukhoh bersh "Cuck"sh bu, cyrrilanc yazosh , H1a ghulkhsh muh du,

Show me some Turkish unibrow

I know what "kike" means and who is Moot as well. I just haven't got what you wanted to ask me.
>How many Chechens use 4kike ??
It sounds like you want to know how many of us use kik (some application for android), for instance. Sorry, my English sucks, maybe that's why I haven't understood you.

read the filename faggot that's not a a baby photo of anzu

ever been to Syria? Did you fight with Junud al-Sham ?

تلحس طيزي عهالليل

Stop your shitty b8 canada
it's the same in every thread!

Mate, Imgur has a frontpage too.

Redditors and Imgur users always get in fights because reddit steals pics from the Imgur frotnpage.
You can get banned from imgur.


My English is standardized and irl it sounds as if someone's been choking by Eel Pie not even comprehensible through normal means desu


lol, obvious that she was born male.

Look at the thin shoulders, this is an obvious result of oversue of female hormones.

Say what you want about Anzu and her cult following (I despise both), but she is literally a woman.

I'll stop as soon as people stop posting shitty Maddie pics everywhere

Noxçiyŋ mettan prilozheni ṫiəyaqqan yazdo as. Sel baǩ du, saŋ nanas ġasqi mott büca, as daiman boca cünga biyca veyŋ mott, amma cu i büxa ġasqi mott sẋabüca. Ġulqaş megaş du, barkalla. Ẋa skype yuy? Yalaẋ cẋaqossa quza, cigäẋ ǩamel diyra dara vey, ẋo döẋal vacaẋ.
I don't have to go to Syria to find syrians nowadays, dude.

u fukin wot m8

...well I thought since you're Chechen you might have been to Syria to fight with some of the militias there..

Can't believe how many people fell for the dutch guys bait

Kudos though, baited them good

This happens with EVERY boyish girl that comes up. Sup Forums has trans paranoia.

Rose, Inuitinua, Nico, Eliza, Katya, etc, everyone comes up and says "she's got a dick lol!". And they're always wrong. Trannies are SO easy to spot. They're just boyish girls.

I think most of it is baiting and the rest jumps onto the bait-train.

What's so special about this girl?

Pretends to be anime. Cute only if you squint.

In reality she's an autistic weirdo with bullemia who is so unhappy with her appearance she tries to become a real life anime character. She is dangerously underweight and would be a high maintanance low benefit girlfriend, which ruins any fantasy about her.


I also think that all Germans have fought in WW2