Why is the python community so anal about everything?

Why is the python community so anal about everything?
>working on advanced python program
>ask question online
>90% of responses are along the lines of 'lol that's not how you should be doing it in python" and "muh pythonicity"
No other group of programmers is like this. No wonder it's dying.

Is it really that bad? I have to do a project with it, for college.

install gentoo emacs code everything in lisp :DDDD python is indeed dying :DD with asyncio and everything it's definitely dead :D

What is the "pythonic" way to do things?
Because mostly, I notice all python code examples consist of importing some library that does what they want and running it in a single command.

Do they shit on you if you try to implement anything yourself?


fuck right off.

>What is the "pythonic" way to do things?
Basically put readability above everything, including efficiency.

>Do they shit on you if you try to implement anything yourself?

No but they sure as shit won't help you if you try.

Hanabi is based Waifu.

she is though

New programmers who are attracted to a """simple""" language and very quickly get ancy when they think they know everything after writing some for loops. The most anal programmers are the ones that are truly genius level autistics, and the ones that are very new and having nothing else to do than bitch at people who are better than them.

Nah, she's just a confused teenager. Now, that Sensei is another story.

dubs dont lie. mugi better come to his senses asa fucking p


I personally feel that Whore contains an element of malice, which is best attributed to that Sensei.

something something not turing complete

Eh. Javascript programmers are pretty like that as well.

That's what happens when languages let you do things dumb ways, but you shouldn't.

It's because doing things in a "pythonic" way results in better performance of the code. Python is best written in a certain way, but still gives you the freedom to do things in lots of different ways.

Example - "for" loops in python are more like "for each", yet many programmers use python for loops as if they are for loops in C. Sure it will still work, but doing so will get cause a performance hit.

>inb4 lel u care about python performance
Doing things the best way you can with the tools you've been given is always a good thing.

>writes shit code
>gets called out for it
>whatever I don't even like this language it's dying

get gud

People who write in Python spend all day also agonize over every single line they write because they need to squeeze every droplet of possible performance in their shitty, slow, awful language.

If you wrote something yourself that's already in a library, you did it wrong because you should have used import.
If you wrote something that doesn't exist in a library, you did it wrong because it's not the exact same implementation somebody else would use.

There is no winning. It is a community of cancer.

>they need to squeeze every droplet of possible performance

I don't think so, but it's possible. I don't know anyone who uses Python when performance is critical. It's not a language suited for speed, and anyone who uses it with that intention is probably a bad programmer.

Sup Forums browse Sup Forums too? This is hilarious.

>face whore4534
Kill yourself.

He did.

> (OP)
>Sup Forums browse Sup Forums too? This is hilarious.
>board filled with shutins not expecting them to be Sup Forums

>face whore4543.jpg
>implying Hanabi isn't the qt-est girl of this winter