Old thread: What are you working on, Sup Forums?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
who /emacs/ here?
/vim/ master race
bow before me, subhuman
> being this butthurt about a programming language
> PL is now a Sup Forumslitical issue
>le cuck XD
Gives you an idea of how old epic C haxxors are ITT
I already have an operating system installed on my computer.
I don't need another one.
"The most powerful programming language is Lisp. If you don't know Lisp (or its variant, Scheme), you don't know what it means for a programming language to be powerful and elegant. Once you learn Lisp, you will see what is lacking in most other languages." -Richard Stallman
>These are the people """""""""defending""""""""" C
Really makes you think
What's the point of C again?
There is even an issue on the rust-github complaining that the compiler doesn't remove bounds-checking well enough. And people agree this should be fixed/all bounds checks should be removed.
Someone over the age of 15 should just make another thread
Fuck off Spalter.
>being this illiterate
Learn to read
This has nothing to do with being illiterate. I have tried to argue with people whose only way of communicating seems to be greentexting, being completely incapable of forming complete coherent sentences.
You people have still not explained how the Heartbleed bug - which was simply a missing bounds-checking error - could not have happened with Rust.
int main()
int age;
printf("How old are you? \n");
scanf(" %d"; &age);
if (age >= 15) {
printf("Make a new thread faggot!");
return 0;
>I have tried to argue with people whose only way of communicating seems to be greentexting
>how the Heartbleed bug - which was simply a missing bounds-checking error - could not have happened with Rust
Simple - Rust is so limited none of the low level optimisations that typically produce such bugs would have ever compiled.
>not actually creating a new thread
Missed opportunity senpai.
New thread
Compiler bugs are much rarer than user land ones you illiterate fuck.
Bounds checking is removed for optimization purposes when it's provably not needed.
GNU Nano for me, thanks
>>> False < 'a'
Muh vidya. Working on getting the main character to pole dance just right. Don't bash it's in 3D and everything :3
Giving us a laugh now and again/killing our souls softly
What maths do I need to learn to be a good programmer?
post screencap or gtfo
The "compiler bug" was that bounds check removing wasn't performed. Rust is designed to remove bounds checking. Which was the cause for Heartbleed. You illiterate fuck.
Enjoy giving your money to niggers in Uganda
Meh. Programming actually taught me a lot of the math I know. I was "homeschooled" so I didn't really learn shit. When I learned to program, I was picking up advanced math functions without even realizing it.
building loonix kernel
>objectifying my game this much
Men with big dicks who know how to program, not cock cage faggots who enjoy being cucked by their language.
This is my emacs. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
My emacs is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.
Without me, my emacs is useless. Without my emacs, I am useless. I must program my emacs true. I must write lisp straighter than my enemy who is trying to use vimL. I must M-x replace him before he :%s/ me. I will...
My emacs and I know that what counts in war is not the lines of code, the number of commits, nor the amount of contributors. We know that it is the ideas that count. We will think...
My emacs is human, even as I, because it is my life. Thus, I will learn it as a brother. I will learn its weaknesses, its strength, its parts, its extensions, its logic and its REPL. I will keep my emacs clean and ready, even as I am clean and ready. We will become part of each other. We will...
Before Stallman, I swear this creed. My emacs and I are the defenders of free software. We are the masters of our enemy. We are the saviors of my life.
So be it, until victory is GNU's and there is no enemy, but peace!
x = sin(a), y = cos(a)
Think that's about it
Notepad reporting in.
fn print_panics() {
let array = [0; 4];
println!("{}", array[4]);
void print_out_of_bounds(void) {
uint8_t array[4] = {0};
printf("%u\r\n", array[4]);
// prints memory that's outside `array` (on the stack)
// thread '' panicked at 'index out of bounds: the len is 4 but the index is 4', main.rs:3
what now?
>objectifying a game about objectifying the main character
I see no problem with this.
Are you fucking serious right about now? Or so you have simply no clue of what you are talking about?
Bounds checks must be removed for optimization but Rust enforces that they only be removed when they can cause no bugs. That compiler bug is only about the fact that opportunities for optimization that could be taken aren't.
I need some advice Sup Forumsuys.
So I'm graduating this quarter with a bachelors in CS from a pretty good Cal state. I live in the LA area, so I've been able to apply to what seems like a fuck ton of jobs. I've already visited 2 companies for interviews and have been rejected from both. I'm worried that because I have no internship experience or on the job experience I'm not gonna get anything.
One of the companies said that I needed "more experience". Mind you, this was after a very lengthy interview process which included a take home coding project. The job was also described as being entry level, which is all I really apply for. I'd like to think I'm pretty good at not being autistic and presenting myself well at these interviews.
Am I just worried for no reason? Should I just keep using the shotgun approach and applying anywhere hiring "entry level" until something sticks?
>not wanting to print cool things on the stack
Surely I need to learn the maths required for physics if I want to create moving objects with a velocity and acceleration with various different forces applied to it like gravity and friction.
You don't want to become a game monkey.
Vim is donationware, the cuck who made it wants you to prioritize niggers over your own people
You already fucked up by making it all the way to graduation without any experience.
Best you can hope for now is to grunt out some kind of portfolio and spam every job board you can find.
I'm just shy about posting user :3
Epic C programmer right there. How was summer?
you must be truly desperate to come to /dpt/ for help
I know coding but what books do I need to read to make some real professional programs?
What if I simply ignore the 2 lines about Uganda on the startup screen?
His vile agenda is thus thwarted
I figure that a bunch of neets on an anonymous rice paddy board is still better than anything I could get from pajeets
>bunch of 14 year old NEETs
>bunch of street shitters
There are better options
>like stackoverflow.com
Java is the best programming language.
At least stackoverflow is employed. Otherwise deal with pre teen autistic trash like ,
>stackoverflow is employed
>you are employed
I've posted on stackoverflow before.
so that's why you posted
All according to keikaku.
>you're are kys yourself
wow! how did you manage to do it?
Step 1: Be employed
Start with step 1.
do mocap
>user why are pole dancing
>it's just for my video game mom
if that's the case how did you post there as a NEET?
Found the cuck who wants to be cucked by niggers.
Fuck the system.
I cucked ur dad las month
Fucking retard. x = r*cos(theta) and y = r*sin(theta), where r is the hypotenuse, and theta is measured from the x-axis!
what python gui toolkit is the nicest?
takes a cuck yo know a cuck
Learcn C, python cuck
At least tell us what it's called so we can look for it
just use tkinter
alright, i was going to, but thought i'd ask just in case
It's never coming out, at least not until I get fired from my fucking webdev job and can work on it full time
>doesn't understand basic math
and a = atan2(y, x) for good measure
>implying you are tty master
>says the python cuck nu-male
GUIs are for nigger loving cucks, use a terminal made by the white man.
I am not smart or patient enough to actually set up emacs.
For shame!
>like if you've never touched a gui in your life
>cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck
what has this thread become jesus christ..
Conway's game of life in Python. Got it down to 68 lines so far. How am I doing?
>nigger loving cucks
racism is wrong.
This is a lot more shitposting than normal. What gives?
I was like you but then I visited their website ...
I won't touch a girl touched by nigger cucks
This thread is a cuck free zone
Fuck off nigger reddit cuck
Shitty bait you nigger faggot cuck