Password Management

How does Sup Forums keep their passwords?

I write them all down on a pad that's next to my keyboard and I also store them in Firefox with a Master Password. It's Triple DES encrypted, so still reasonably secure.

Other urls found in this thread:

Memorize everything.

I have memorized long strings of characters and my passwords are usually random chunks of it intermixed so that no password is equal to another but I can still remember them by position

Zip them with a password and write that password in a notepad
Then I zip that notepad with other password and encrypt filenames
So I make a blank notepad with passwords name

And I zip it with all the others with a new password
And finally, the last password I write in secret way and upload it in a zip file to any cloud that uses my first password


i do the same, 6-8 character chunks

This is some serious autism

I'll start doing this too

I have one usual and common password then for every website I use to log in, I append the domain name to my password, then use SHA256 (with some salt) to create a ciphertext of my password and that ciphertext is my password for that account

Example : hunter2
hash (Seems like Sup Forums thinks my post is a spam if I put in the real hash)

Firefox with master password with a backup exported to a password protected Excel workbook.


Keypass with key and password

This. What is wrong with these autists? Isn't the fucking AES safe enough to protect their passwords? They even added ChaCha20 support.

Pen and paper is the best way unless you have shit roommates. Password manager is okay, but not reliable enough without a weak password and vulnerable to being deleted.

Like this
>inb4 won't protect against keyloggers because winblows

on desktop -
on android -
sync with git

stored in a text document on the same encrypted filesystem as my symkeys and priv keys.
generated like 100 of each. hidden on a tf card. the keyfiles for my encrypted devices reside in an encrypted file located on a dvd which also plays as a movie disk

> writing passwords down
Your life is over when pic related happens.

This is what retards actually believe.



synced via dropbox


Encrypted spreadsheet

its not like you would last one night in jail anyways you fucking nerd

I use keepass2 through mono on Linux (keepassx doesn't support plugins so I can't get browser integration) and use the keefox addon for firefox to autofill stuff. I sync my keepass database file using my nextcloud server. It's really convienent since pretty much every os has a keepass client and a nextcloud client.


Obviously the government know about AES user. They have algos that can crack it in less than a day.

point out the exploit you're talking about and I will literally send you 1btc.

I will also send 1btc

>good read bro

That's why you write them down in cyphers, in invisible ink, and on random pages of a very very thick book you have laying around.

I've been using the password manager with Firefox, but soon I'll be migrating over to Keepass

>remembering more than one password and your name
>having to backup your passwords
>needing to sync passwords across devices
How has Sup Forums not discovered Master Password yet?



But if you never know your password you can never give it to anyone. Do you think people are actually breaking encryption algorithms to get people's passwords? No, 999 times out of 1000 they're getting it from the horse's mouth. Usually through stupidity, but also through intimidation (see ).

Backups are kept in a trezor password manager chrome plugin. (The passwords are kept encrypted in my google drive and can only be decrypted by my hardware device)

My main device is a OnlyKey. It's like a password manager/yubikey/u2f/google authenticator all in one. Holds 24 accounts or 12 plus 12 plausible deniability accounts under a second pin. Oh yea and it's all pin protected. It works on my phone sometimes.

forgot pic

Same thing here but without the hashing. I also capitalize random characters and then write down only the uppercase chars and suffix I used for each service.

>change password for one site
>have to update every other site as well
Fucking genius.

i do this, made a couple of small apps (windows and android) that make it easier

thinking of switching the alg to bcrypt

pic relate

>the government
They can also throw you into a cell only god knows where and not let you out until you tell them the password. And that's only if they are nice and not use totally-not-torturing methods.