We need more women in IT.
Stop hiring men
>category: women (men)
whats the difference between a man and a woman in IT?
One crumbles under the slightest bit of stress, the other doesnt'.
a man in IT has a dick
a woman in IT has a dick but doesn't want it
nothing ones eye candy in the work place
Well wouldn't it make more sense to find ways to get more women interested in IT rather than actively descriminating against men? Go back to Sup Forums you moron.
>hurr the IT industry should hire people on the basis of gender rather than their technical skills
You should literally kill yourself
"Diversity" provides no benefit to a company other than PR to quieten down the angry dumblr and twitter hordes of fat, lonely Women's Studies majors.
One works 20 hours a week at most and constantly takes time off to socialize or is sick at least once a month.
>or is sick at least once a month.
And is sick at least once a month.
that's a man, baby!
does he have bells palsy or something? that face is seriously wrong
What's with fucked in the head people like Wu and having weird left eyes like this? I notice it on so many people.
more like eye wasabi
One makes and advances technology.
The other acts as if it makes and advances technology.
>hire based on gender and affirmative action
>women now look stupider and lazier because affirmative action makes it look as if they need to be held by the hands like children in order to succeed, their image tarnished by AA
>existing women in the field now feel disdain towards feminism because affirmative action is an affront on their personal skills and accomplishments, giving credit where credit is undue and making it look as if successful women never got there on their own but rather due to feminism and affirmative action
>successful women who should be serving as examples for other women can't anymore, because it is implied that external factors lead to their success
>businesses are now losing money and having a negative financial impact from a system based on socio-political conscription, rather than scientific and logical merit-based conscription of workforce
>everyone loses except the feminists who stole credit from successful women
>nothing gets fixed for the better, things only get worse
You can apply the same to races and religions and whatever.
Affirmative action only makes the supposed people it should be helping look worse and feel more worthless in some cases.
it's actually the hair bangs that keeps lingering over their left eye, that make the eyelids open unevenly.
I get it too when my hair grows out. She could style her hair to the other side to fix it.
>mfw dude i knew couldn't keep a fucking wait staff job
Claimed "I had a breakdown"
>We need women in STEM
>women don't want STEM
>gender studies
>claim STEM is sexist for not having enough women
it's a vicious loop, most women that work in IT are 50/50 either bitchy SJWs or quiet and dedicated to what they're doing in my experiences