I'm justified in being a racist and a sexist because I'm a kissless virgin

>I'm justified in being a racist and a sexist because I'm a kissless virgin
t. Sup Forums

I'm a racist and pretty happy 2bh

But im happy and i hate the islam.

so they're making fun of the fact that suicide is an epidemic among white males as compared to all other populations

haha LOL

Why do white people kill themselves when they objectively have the highest living standards in America?

Why u mad though son

mental breakdown due to stress

It's because suicide is an impulse, not a conscious choice

Here's your (You), even if I'm a somewhat-happy dirty leftist

>Living in internet.
>SJWs start to talk that "we" hate blacks because they are minority.
>I am from Brazil, more than 70% of my country have black ancestry. And guest what. They still sucks and act like niggers.

Remember Rhodesia...

>Search google for image

With shitskins being a failure is the norm. With whites not so much.

fuck off

I remember when I wasn't a "racist," then I moved out of my upper-middle class 99% white suburb and opened my eyes.

I refuse to leave your safe space. I deliberately make SJW posts to trigger fucks like you that think you have a monopoly on Sup Forums. This place was literally founded by a cuckold, you can get out if you don't like our values.

You're doing god's work, friend. This place should be a heated meeting of opposing ideals.

Go back to your hugbox reddit

>wahhh wahh why can't I whine about le ebul white mails like on my tumblr here????


fuck off


How can I be racist when the only race is the Human Race?

wah so brave ~

Nice thread

>being part of nato and being russias bitch are the same thing because I hate americans


no, seriously, fuck off

will u be my girlfriend?

But I'm not a kissless Virgin

> 2016
> Not bowing down to the superior Mongolo-white race

>tfw my very existence triggers some people
feels sorta funny

T.Anatolian greek rape baby



Because, unlike the rest, they actually have to work for them.

what the fuck is going on with indians

lol zionist
why dont you gobble on that jewcock a bit more


>t. Sup Forums*

>MFW I see results

>insulting Israel
I'll make sure your employers will know about it

No job opportunities on the reservation + a stigma against leaving the reservation for work (I mean, the fear that their culture will die IS legitimate...) + high rates of alcoholism.

you genocided them back and forth

>Why do white people kill themselves when they objectively have the highest living standards in America?
Because they're financially supporting millions of non-whites and getting called "evil" for it?

post this on Sup Forums you pussy or are you afraid of getting BTFO?

thought so :)

literally mountain jews 2bh

>get called evil
>wah you hurt my feeling brb kill myself
what's the sense in this?

It must be devastating for you to see common sense making a comeback.
You learned all these awesome "facts" from your genderqueer feminist studies professor, and were ready to wave around your arguments like a machete; but instead you end up rhetorically disarmed by a bunch of fuckheads using bullshit like "history" and "logic", and there are more and more of them every day.

Reality is such an asshole.

>being afraid of a bunch of edgy 12 year olds
are you being serious?

In the Anglosphere it's constant. You can't even watch the news without being told how evil you are.
And it's not actually colored people doing this. It's a fashionable piety for white leftists and the white establishment.
The white moderns have been taught to hate and loath their own country, their ancestors, their parents, and been told everything written before the current day is racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, transcismophobic, and pure evil.

Of course the thing to remember is that talk of tolerance and diversity is mostly just a political weapon for rich white leftists, to use against middle class white people. It’s not about actually helping anyone.

I hate women way more than shitskins desu

>Sup Forums
>blowing anything but veiny black cocks

"white this white that"


>being afraid of getting BTFO in a bait thread

I justify being a racist by not caring.

>wahhh everyone talks about being white, i fucking hate my shit colored skin so i better try to make them look stupid!


I blame Obama tnt
We weren't ready for a black president it just caused more racial tension. Basically sent a message that you can even become president using your race.

Traded with Nazi gold so WW2 was extended another two years meaning more vernichtung
Pick one

Only 13% of America is black, and whites have a higher voter turnout. Most whites voted for Romney (idk about McCain though). Obama didn't get elected because he's black.

>history and logic are against you SJW idiots!!!
>most professional historians or logicians and history or logic professors are raging SJW leftists
nice try pierre

This is true
whites in america weren't ready for a black president. The republican party literally committed seppuku over 8 years (from tea party to trump) just because they could not deal with it.

>politics does not adequately account for the fundamental issue of human happiness and fulfillment
Good picture OP, really strong message.