What does Sup Forums use to charge their AAA/AA batteries?

What does Sup Forums use to charge their AAA/AA batteries?

Battery general thread

Lacrosse BC-700 here

brought a bunch of old NI-MH batteries from shit-tier back to new-tier

Mine looks exactly the same but for the brand name. I hate how it refuses to charge batteries that are too low in voltage. Or are all chargers like that? Anyway: again with the paperclip fiddling all the time!

i use whatever came with the rechargerbals I got at wally world

whats your thing all about? looks swank

Selling point for me was it having 4 channels so each battery gets made to measure treatment.

if a battery is too low in voltage, then the charger wont "see" it and will think the slot is either empty, or the battery there is defective.

you can leave it in the charger for a week and sometimes the small trickle the charger gives the slot (to monitor the slot and keep telling you the battery is fucked) will charge the battery to the point it can be properly charged.

the charger you have is a shit charger. it literally dumps voltage into the battery for a predetermined amount of time resulting in overcharging of batteries.
smart chargers monitor the battery as it charges and the moment it detects the battery "getting full" (forgot the term) it reduces the voltage.

kinda like refilling a bottle and when you get to the point the bottle tapers in, you slow down the flow to not overfill.

also the charger can refresh the battery by discharging and recharging the battery removing any memory.
i brought back to new 10 2000 MAh AAs using OPs pic related. took a week but its much better than spending $20 on new batteries.

A plug, a switch, a cable, piece of paper and a vice. Then I operate the switch just right.

the standard eneloop chargers are just as good if all you do is recharge

V-9688 master race here, this thing will charge AAA-D size Ni-Cad or NiMH, plus 9v rechargeables.

Also it will drain and charge a number of cells together to match them.

forgot pic

no those fucking suck and can kill your battery

I just buy bulk packs from where I work
50 batteries for 5 bucks

i have a lacrosse
real useful because you can check standard batteries and find out that one is dead but the three others in a flashlight are actually full

Some old Energizer wall charger.

>not owning a dmm

Hitech 10 cell AA/AAA charger (plus 2x 9v.) I do video stuff, so we burn through a lot of batteries ... I could use another one of these.

MAHA I don't remember the model number
Almost gave it away until I Googled a bit to see if there was something about it I should know before doing so. Some guy revived some dead NiMH cells with the MAHA, trickle charged them enough that his other charge would "see" them. So I tried them on some seemingly dead Eneloops, and holy shit, it worked.

Lacrosse BC-900
Never used it yet ... I found all these chargers at Goodwill, so I'm not losing out on a huge investment ... Am curious about whatever space age technologies it offers, but never got around to reading the manual.

NiteCore i2 for my Fedora dummy

those are horrible chargers

as noted before, they will wreck rechargeable.

eneloop>tenergy>everything else
that's how she goes, prove me wrong

>Lacrosse BC-700

An almost empty battery will still show you 1.2V, genius


5$ chink charger coated in something oily. It werks for almost anything, all you need to do is to select voltage.

intellicharger i2


I bought a charger from Daiso for 100yen that I use.

It's hilariously simple on the inside. Two wires straight into a transformer to a circuit board with a couple of resistors and a couple of diodes.

I only rock Panasonics in my LiitoKala.

>not loading a battery and charting its performance over time
it's like you just fell off the turnip truck

And a fully charged battery will show you above 1.2V.


That's exactly what the bc700 does.

but you're going to probe a battery for hours with a dmm, sitting there like a chimp?
can you please make a video of that? I need a good laugh.

>not having a bench
>not doing multiple things at once
>not doing stuff like this for fun
>not having a nice dmm which helps you do this kind of thing