
why is everyone so butthurt about a fucking taco bowl edition

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Upvote if you love Hispanics!

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you know what i'm sayin?

reee the south will rise again
yeah esé

The collapse of the Soviet Union was a mistake


Is that just ground beef and cheese? What's the point?

I hope Trump wins because the weed man will be so fucking booty blasted

I love Hispanics!

Stop dodging my filter and don't make threads you plastic paddy idiot

Also tomato, lettuce, salsa, sour cream, sometimes black olives/guacamole

But uh ya just ground beef and cheese


He is Swiss, not Irish.

I wish I had time to play videogames desu

Cannot perjure this excrement






I love Hispanics!


>tfw snuggle the cat

use a plunger jesus christ


but it will get covered in poo

Nice shitpost

Reminder that announcing reports is against the rules

>not eating from rice wrappers
just end everything

Super Mario Galaxy > Galaxy 2 > 64 > Sunshine
3 > SMW > 1 > 2 > Fake 2
Paper Mario > TTYD > SPM > SS
SSS > SMRPG > BiS > DT > PiT
3D World > 3D Land
New > New WiiU > New Wii > New 2


How's your first day here bub

what? Announcing reports is a bannable offence. If you're lucky you'll only get a warning.

Galaxy 2 shits all over 1, are you fucking kidding me?

How do I make curry

People think Trump is anti-Mexican, where he's actually anti-illegal alien

The rules are only there to teach young Sup Forums visitors to break the rules

>I care about the rules on Sup Forums enough to report people so they can be taken care of for free

Exactly. Though he does have a lot of complaints about US-Mexican trade.


Try to see if a translator actually helps.

I'm going to file a formal complaint with the moderation staff about both of you.

Do it, you fuckin nerd.

I love /cum/spanics!

>le super seecret klub with le no rules
fuck off back to plebbit

>being in a thread where you don't belong

Get the fuck out of here Mehmet

Why are Bernie supporters such cucks for black people?

Just mentioning that there are two germans here right now.

>why is everyone so butthurt about a fucking taco bowl
Because fatties want their patties.

Just because you're here doesn't mean we want you, Mohammed.

They respect their superiors. Just like all good white boys should.

Why you gotta be so rude? :^[ I've been lurking most of the time anyways, I guess it's the shitposter german.

Don't worry

Ich liebe dich :3

Wenigstens einer. Hast du deinen Samstag gut genutzt?

ok i used the plunger and it's all good, got poo all over the bottom of the toilet bowl still but hopefully it dissolves in the water

post american qts

>but I get more pussy than you do

>america exporting all its shitty pc and race politics to europe
when are you going to export some politics like gun laws or police that beat up black people

64 > 3D World > Sunshine > Galaxy >>>> Galaxy 2 > 3D Land

I don't think you can really compare 3D World/Land to the 3D games.
3D World is probably my favorite non RPG Mario game anyway.

I know enough German to understand that but not reply.

But ye, I'm having a good Saturday, watching a trump rally in my own state

Are there any real differences between Irish and Black people apart from skin colour?

>irish flag
>hating on ireland
nice try sassanach, dont be mad that we dont vote for muslims

why not? Its works in 3 dimensions, and the galaxy games are just as linear albeit in different ways

Seems like a bit of a butthurt meme reply this does.

Sorry, I guess I've been mistaken you for the other guy that usually posts stuff in german.

have a job interview in 2.5 hours

>this is an average british household
Aren't we glad we separated?

What type of job

>Irish and Italians posting in the same thread

fast food kek

not sure why I'm so nervous about it. never had a job interview before

just dont like it when fellow irishmen bash the motherland

catholic brothers 4 lyf


o shit wadup!!!!!!!!!!!

o h s h i t
w u d u p

yo FUCK this ugly america bullSHIT

>You must log in and reply to this topic to see this download link

>85 pages of "thanks" "thx" "thanks so much for the hard work"
Why are some forums so fucking trash

>femishits and Jews actually want you to vote for this

o shit

>forum charges money to use it

@SA smfh

>works on my machine. Maybe you shouldnt pirate it :^)
>PM'd you the fix

But that looks nice.


Yugoslavia was better, it's collapse was a tragedy

>get hair cut
>actually able to hold conversation with hairdresser
>she seems real fun
>give her a big tip
>get home
>suddenly I have a fivehead and she didn't even blend the sides

oh my fuck I also need to make an "introductory topic" to view anything on the site
this is legit the worst thing I've ever seen

What forum

i just want some wii u iso's for fucks sake

Does tinder work if you're a 7/10 male?

>The collapse of the Soviet Union was a mistake

Why does Cēsis have a badass flag?

If it's that kind of forum I'm not surprised and you shouldn't be either. Gotta keep shit under wraps.

What's better 2d girls or 3d girls?

3d latvian



real life >>>>>> 3D in vidya >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your shitty animu waifu

just watched inglourious basterds