Do you think he regrets it, Sup Forums?
Do you think he regrets it, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Do you?
Sup Forums is a money making machine, despite what moot and other faggots want you to believe.
Quads confirm Hirojew regrets it.
Regret selling your data? Probably not.
No, he makes loads of money by selling all of our data to third parties and putting ads everywhere.
All of your posts are connected and sold, like the idiots you are.
His cloud service is run in Sao Paulo, Brazil like the good goys you all are.
This guy bought a website which apparently was losing money as moot conveniently goes to Google of all places and each and every single one of you cucks fell for it.
Friendly Reminder:
he's making a shit ton of money selling your data to chinkshit ad companies.
it's funny how Sup Forums is so vehemently against botnets and data mining, but by simply using Sup Forums they're contradicting themselves. everything you do on here is being mined and sold to ad companies there's no avoiding it.
When he sees the furry porn I post in /trash/, I hope he either gets a tiny AZN boner or wants to kill himself like most Japanese individuals.
His hair and beard are fucking on point though.
Am I the only one who's more worried about him giving full direct access to the feds and NSA to develop bot algorithms than him selling our data to chinks? I mean how hard would it be to make an automatic shill based off data gathered from here.
I think he does. It might be profitable but obviously not as profitable as he expected. This is why he is resorting to tricks
but what data you mongs
>it's funny how Sup Forums is so vehemently against botnets and data mining, but by simply using Sup Forums they're contradicting themselves. everything you do on here is being mined and sold to ad companies there's no avoiding it.
Is there a non-botnet chan? Should we all move over to operatorchan?
That also explains all the macfags, wincucks and shills overall.
I think he just wanted to be in charge of a website again, he really vehemently attacked 2ch management after it was stolen out from under his feet.
He's also a slimeball, but he was a slimeball back when he was owner of 2ch as well, so whatever.
Down Syndrome: The Post
From what I remember he allowed literal North Korean propaganda agents shitpost on 2ch just because they had a premium account.
>selling your data
Selling what, my shitposts? And I should care why?
I mean, aside from the fact that I'm not the one making money off being an idiot and/or asshole for funsies.
I also use Twitter and Faceberg.
I'm not delusional about privacy issues like the Linux autists.
>selling our data
Who the FUCK would pay for my shitposts?
I know 2ch regrets it...
What is your digital fingerprint?
What is wanting to be gainfully employed?
What is anonymity?
>implying anything you listed is at threat due to Sup Forums data policy
>trusting in that giant nose
>Implying data collected isn't shared between other companies
Pretty good get but it's not
59999999 is better.
proof it
It's just quads, man.
The data of everybody stupid enough to buy a pass.
> Buy a pass, Hiroshima gets your data
> Not buy a pass, (((Larry Page))) gets your data
Is getting off Sup Forums truly the only way to save muh data?
Yes. Spend your time on instead.
Why the fuck are there three active csg threads and why is this okay?
This is why Moot infiltrated Google. He's currently working behind the scenes to free us.
Aussie hack, moot commentaries and lifestyle, torako actually buying the site