Is learning turkish worth it?

Is learning turkish worth it?

She has a dick btw. Very long

yes if you're going to Germany

you know she's a trap right? she revealed it on her twitter yesterday


but that's even better


Saw a pic on /s/

It's still in the archives of /s/ somewhere, you can look for it, Turkish was in the title.

But damn, it was really long, thick, and with a drop of cum on the end. At least 7 inches.
Was really considering turning gay because I wanted to suck it.

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It's unfortunate that I didn't save it, because man it was really delicious.

But there must be some site that archives /s/, no? Just do ctrl+f and type Turkish.

Or maybe the mods deleted it because she looks too young (even though she is 19)?

she definitely has a dick dude, just look at her facial structure, it's clearly masculine

you should be asking for proof she is a WOMAN, not the other way around

You can't speak Turkish while blowing a turkish benis.

So, the answer is NO.


Not really in an economic sense if you don't plan on getting a job related to turkish companies or somethin

Of course OP, just think of all the great and varied Turkish literature you'll be able to read in its original language!


I'm Turkish and i literally see no reason why you would want to learn it. It's not that difficult though, imo one of the more logical languages. Once you get the grasp of it the rest just comes.

Not worth it unless you are looking for job in Turkey. I dont know why you would do that though.

If it's not for job or anything you are better of staying away from Turkish as it has nothing to offer you that can make you more smart or anything like that. On the opposite it might lower your IQ


It's a really nice language to learn but there is no reason to learn it

cockroaches can't speak.

If she's a trap why did you use the pronoun "she"?

Checkmate atheists

not true
"her" penis is rather small

i swear Sup Forums got the most retarded people on internet

so cute

She used to be a chunky monkey. What happened?

Because she has a feminine penis.

Like a hyena?

She was fat until recently
