/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

Previous thread >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/LQxkS1mU
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
MORE REFERENCE gitla.in/ptgGuide/ptgGuide/tree/master
IRC #ptg irc.rizon.net 6697/9999 SSL only

When autism reaches critical levels, news will get posted in this thread.
Want it sooner? Do it yourself or read the old thread.

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites.

Cool OP


shit op kys yourself


Based OP

He actually used this image i requested, the absolute madman!

how is this OP "shit"

I think it's fucking based

Yo wussup reddit

Reminder that waffles.fm stole $5000 from sympathetic users

>B-B-But this things take timeeee

Waffles was always ran by niggers

Whoooooaaaa timeout. Lets not use that work okay?

Nice 2000's dank pic, op

Yo wussup sponge

How to set my seedbox to auto download all XXX below 2gb on IPT? I already set everything up theoretically but it doesn't seem to download by category

>op's a nigger
>no news
every time

>this post
>racist asshole
every time

General reminder that curry trackers allow idling in their #invite channel.


>this post
>based nigger
every time.

Somebody pleeeease give tips on making friends on private trackers. I don't just mean suck someones dick for an invite, I mean how do I talk to anyone? It feels so awkward to jump into an IRC conversation and nobody ever acknowledges me, and I cringe at what I said and immediately regret saying it in the first place. God, it's more stressful than irl talking to strangers because everything is logged.

personally I like doing coke and drinking then shit-talking on the IRC

hop on grindr. Mention that you are looking for private tracker invites (mention specific ones, you dont want nc*re), Make sure you get your invite first or at least midway or else you will get scammed (guy didnt even know what a private tracker was after he was done)

Sounds like a personal problem

I can't give you advice on how to like yourself

Yeah I know dude I fucking hate it

I've been riding this RPG solo and honestly it's pretty /comfy/. I never have to worry about making enemies along the road.

>you don't want ncore
truer words were never spoken.

be my friend

Bro you're autistic

You need the cooperation of other members of the same site and frame someone for ratiocheating you all out of ratio, then when they ban him and give you all the ratio he stole from you... no one will ever know.

Private trackers are havens for alt right minded folk. Just talk about the real problems black men face, and how feminism gives women depression. Someone will know you're down with the times and get friendly with you.

Yeah sometimes IRC can be a toxic environment. Which one do you use the most?
I usually idle on gazellegames

I take it a step further. I buy an already buffered account 2-3 TB, then rat out the seller. I keep the account and the seller gets banned. This way I am /pure/

how do I do that user


time to get used to the real world

add me on discord :^)

but I only talk about drugs, send random memes and whine about stuff

Private Tracker is a hobby in which niggers are not allowed.

be more interesting then

I'll suck your dick for an hdb invite. Fuck, I'll fondle your balls and keep eye contact while doing it.

same, GGn feels like the most active irc so I think there's more opportunity to insert myself into conversations and not be a weirdo, but I still just can't bring myself to say anything

i've never used discord, how do I do this?

Join OT irc and be friendly with people there.

Honestly just get over yourself lol.

I used to be like that but once you let go and just type it is easy.
Keep talking, ignore people like flowplay and audiosurf who spend literally the entire session talking about themselves to themselves.

Someone needs to write up a GGn IRC block list

go to friends > add friend > then enter

>Join OT irc and be friendly with people there.
Good way of associating yourself with known tracker scum and giving up any chance of joining reputable trackers

its going to take more than that for an HDb invite.

Look at Azatooth, he is still together with spaghetti for his HDBits invite

weird i use OT irc all the time and i've just recently joined HDB

It always brings a smile to my face when spaghetti starts the uwu spam but it's too dead otherwise and my post would stand out way too much

be sure to block that spammer Vertigo

Really? What's some things he say. I guess it makes sense with all that shit he always uploads.

I've got you now

Don't feel offended audiosurf, it's just you're a giant cunt..

I remember when gangster cartoon character shirts were a thing.

I kinda like these new OPs, they feel more real to the spirit of private trackers, than the shit the previous faggot was posting

>tfw no friends and want to talk on irc but don't want to join tracker irc because don't want to put myself in the spotlight

What are you guys' favorite non-tracker irc channels and networks?

Everything wrong with Audiosurf
>Talks about self daily [x]
>Made a big deal on irc for months about becoming a gaming god so fast [x]
>Bitched on irc, forums, and staff messages to make an uploader class to feel extra special [x]
>Part of the GGn wasted effort upload club to take games that already have releases and repack as "internal" [x]
>wants to apply as a TM to become extra special [x]
>cancer on other sites [x]
>brags about past achievements, belittle others [x]
>told me I was ugly after I linked a photo of myself, and then didn't apologized when I told her it was me [x]

I like #kloppy on ***********.***



time to change servers again

I usually hang out on the #ptg over at rizon.net


has some cool channels, but I am not posting them here

where is this? TELL ME

wtf I love audiosurf now

Lol you must not be important if you don't know where the ptg IRC is


it's the one in the op right?

>IRC #ptg irc.rizon.net 6697/9999 SSL only

its in the OP dummy



>tfw no serious responses

come on guys i just want to make irc friends


start working those lips buddy

is it feminine

>TehC recruiter on MAM hasn't been on for over a week

Do yourself a favor and get on IPT

It is what you make it, bby

Lol newfag DETECTED

TehC has better encodes than IPT

TehC is also a shit level tracker run by a well known invite seller. Stay on IPT if you value you're account

it's ok, tehc is dying


same user here, the x264 recruiter on PTH hasn't responded to my pm for over 2 weeks

Everything you just said doesn't change the fact that TehC has better encodes than IPT. Also, everything you said is your baseless opinion whereas everything I said is object truth.

I'm right, you're wrong. I win you lose.

btfo i guess, that sucks. try a different inviter i suppose or suck less

>i'm right you're wrong
you sound like a complete fag famalamadingdong

I got an immediate reply from the apollo x264 recruiter

Yeah I know. The majority of my post was ironic


that makes three of us!

IPT gets HDBits encodes and PTP Golden Popcorns, I dont see why you have to limit yourself to tracker-specific encodes. The shitiest HDbits Golden Popcorn will trump the best Tehc 'encode'

how do i get buffer on TTN? my FL ends in a week and i don't want to get dicked on new TV

I'm the one in the middle!


download literally everything from the past week, prioritizing new downloads

TehC gets more though.

don't care if it's popular or not, just start snatching?

same here

yeah, unless you have shit download speeds/no storage. Your goal in this time should be to get on fucking everything as soon as it comes out, and once your FL is over, go back and decide what is worth keeping if you don't have a whole lot of storage

yeah don't care about keeping shit really. using ttn to grab currently airing TV and that's about it. season packs and shit i get elsewhere.

should probably figure out if i can abuse the cubit system too

thanks user!




Hey, cut /ptg/ some slack, ok?

>tfw in all three images