Sup Forums humour


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Sadly redheads are usually crap in the bed.

>open source icecream
you just know one of the ingredients will be cum

Microsoft Nutella out of the loo

I wonder how high Swift's IQ. She always looks dumb as fuck.

wtf i love linux now


>the black bitch is actually getting work done with gnu/linux

Go on...

>not a thin client hooked up to a Win2000 server

>Vain divas chose Apple
>Poor peasants chose Microsoft
>Strong, independent black women chose freedom
Check out


/r/ing picture of a naked pajeet (balls and cock covered by hand) on tree with the watermark Certified Microsoft Solutions Developer


I'm so happy he's the president of the USA.

truly a breathing walking meme


Why are "/board/ humor" threads almost invariably unfunny?

Started mainly by jackasses from r/Sup Forums who don't know how board culture works.

which also happens to be a good president

what a time to be alive



is this real?

I only watched the jobs movie, but his wife in the movie seemed like a total bitch retard

Yes it's real.

I disagree completely

It should say "GNUM"

He's the most American president to ever exist.

>potus = /r9k/ + Sup Forums

HE was a total bitch retard, he deserved everything bad that happened to him


What the fuck.
I know comics are to be fictional, but that's pushing it a bit too far.