Hello Sup Forums, I resumed full image archiving my Foolfuuka archive. We currently archive Sup Forums, /k/, and /qa/. I'm looking for feedback on what new boards I should archive and features I should add.
The archive url is yeet.net (we have yet to get an https certificate)
>inb4 bronyfag wants his childrens show stored on my server
do the boards that aren't already archived by 4plebs/deusarchive/warosu/rbt, then do whichever ones you think are important and should have backups in case one of the sites goes down
Jeremiah Walker
Sup Forums is a worthless board. Nothing on it worth archiving.
Leo Wilson
Do you know which ones need archiving though?
Jordan Jones
Tyler Diaz
I was originally going to do /diy/ instead of /k/. I forgot why I changed it
Sebastian Adams
well i wouldn't bother trying to archive Sup Forums or the video game boards. maybe one of the smaller ones that aren't on the other sites like /vip/, /po/, /gd/, /asp/, etc.
Evan Jackson
Definitely do /diy/
It's a valuable board but it's slow so it won't take up much space
Nicholas Clark
/diy/ is already on warosu, but it's a great board so having a backup wouldn't be bad
Adrian Walker
I consider any warosu only boards to be in critical danger. The other archivers and I have no idea when if it will die someday.
Eli Carter
do /y/, there's some really good art there that shoudn't be lost.
Gabriel Gomez
I thought all of the boards already got archived? Are there some that aren't archived?
Kevin Robinson
Archive 8ch's /tech/ Also, you can https for free from Let's Encrypt.
Ryder Taylor
As the other user said, anything on warosu is high risk, so do those. I'd suggest /biz/.
Chase Morales
tell w-min to bring back ghost
Chase Moore
/u/, /p/, /n/ and /out/ dont really have a good archive yet