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is this the new desktop thread kill me
Yes i will kill you weeb
Nice. This time I am early in.
Rate mine and please don't be #rude
Nice piss bottles
I wanna appear professional
appear being the key word
are these all from redbubble
So, you've listed some personal projects on your CV.
How about you get your laptop out and show us one of them.
what have you done with your poor laptops...
i want that h3h3 one
That is dope user!
> pony-tier -- Get the fuck off Sup Forums you mongoloid faggots.
> hurrrherrrp MUH ADHESIVES
>using a microsoft branded device
w2c sticker?
get a load of this chucklehead
Now that... is edgy......
How do you stop dust from building up on the edges of your stickers?
you won't have dust buildup if you don't have any stickers.
None on the back.
what thinkpad?
Look great!
Why the hell do you use VGA?
Yes, 2560p.
The laptop only has display port and VGA, i'm using a TV above me as a monitor when i'm doing work. The TV only has VGA and HDMI.
>The TV only has VGA and HDMI
>what is a displayport to HDMI adapter
Use an adapter m8 it works just fine, and buy a fucking dock.
t. I've got the dock and a DP/HDMI adapter
I've seen them on Ebay for £10, i'll pick one up when I have the money but for now I'm happy and it just werks.
>I'm happy and it just werks.
Believe me, the dock makes a yuge difference in how comfy the laptop is to use, you go from desktop to mobile shitposting in a snap.
Believe me
>meme arrow sticker
>Austistic JewTube Meme Stickers
Do you wear diapers in public?
These stickers are quite handy. You instantly know which people to avoid in uni/college. Especially the anime untermenschen retards
Hometown minor league baseball team
do NOT bully anime friends
Get those children's cartoons out of here nigger
Coming from someone who watches anime and owns merch and figures. I avoid anyone with anime stickers on their laptops.
shout out to dbrand right quick, I bought a trackpad skin and didn't feel good, they sent me all the different types of textures they had for free
probably because those skins are literally worthless and they make 99% profit on them
>dat club mate
>Complaining about anime on an anime discussion site
this is a technology board
lrn2readingcomprehension you stupid fucking weaboo
A technology board.
On an anime discussion site.
Please leave, you're not welcome here if you don't like anime.
butthurt anime posters go back to your containment board
r8 no h8
Sup Forums is for the discussion of japanese culture.
Fuck off back to >>>/reddit/, and then kill yourself.
Anti-anime faggot.
>Sup Forums is for the discussion of japanese culture.
anime autists actually believe this
Not him, but at the end of the day you'll still be a weeb.
Consider growing the fuck up
>Sup Forums isn't for the discussion of japanese culture
Newfags actually believe this.
>Tfw Sup Forums was based off 2channel, another anime discussion site entirely in Japanese
>Tfw ledditfags actually believe that Sup Forums is not built around anime
Is this supposed to be a job interview or a border crossing?
Sup Forums edgy as ever I see
OK, so make us leave weeb. Fuck you and your shitty little cartoon club. Ever since chinkmoot I haven't seen a single onihole ad. Good. I block em all anyway. This site isn't just for weebs anymore. Deal, nigga.
>tfw acer aspire one so the back has this water drop 3d shit so you can put stickers on it and theres also no replacement parts that are just flat.
i mean i know its a budget laptop that doesnt even have a screen that can display a circle (all resolutions cause stretching) but its a bs design decision
this site just uses 2channel's shitty software, mainly because moot is a talentless hack like all "people" who watch chinese cartoons
This is still a technology board you ultra autismo. Head over to Sup Forums or whatever if you want to rp with your stupid anime avatars.
Making fun of weebs is my pastime
Absolute garbage. Were you molested as a child?
K Tyrone.
This weeb gets it
I should remove some of these (R*, GoPro, STX and Vortex)
OK now do both 90° directions
And these too but oh well
It's almost like he's back at highschool being bullied for being a faggot. Now it's in his precious little anime safe space. "O- okay Tyrone..."
Call me a nigger. Be a big man. Get some Ben garrison comics ready for goy. I bet you post in fluffy abuse threads too don't ya?
Dope af
This new sticker is very large. When can I stick it?
Fun fact: touchpads actually works fine through stickers
stick it on your forehead fucking edgelord
>those q s d keys
wtf on so many levels
must be greasy fat guy
Reporting in
no you head over to leddit if you want to get away from anime. every board on this site contains anime. deal with it faggot.
Edgy animu picture you got with your post there manchild.
>implying Sup Forums's for normies
fucking reddit I swear
Trying to find more non-shit stickers but its hard.
steelseries is shit though
Better then my logitech.
You need a Cattle Decap sticker on there
lurk on /o/'s sticker threads, check the websites they post.
inb4 js h8
Ng2/typescript/ngrx is comfy senpaitachi
>lainddit is leaking again
Wanna die nigger?
>hating on Gojira
gojira fuckin sucks my dude
leds all luv lane ekksdee amirite??? xxxDDD