What's your last technology purchase that ended up being a 10/10?
pic related
What's your last technology purchase that ended up being a 10/10?
pic related
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0/10 bait
not bait faggot, answer the question or fuck off
You're saying one of the most retarded things on the market was a 10/10 purchase, it's bait.
>derr it's retarded cause I say so cause Apple = bad right guyz???
Did your sugar daddy buy them for you for letting him touch your feminine penis?
3/10 for making me reply.
Who said it had anything to do with them being an Apple product? Fucking dumbass.
>t. I don't have money and can't answer so I'll just be a little bitch instead
I don't care if they where a fucking dollar, I wouldn't waste my money on that bullshit.
>I don't care if they where a fucking dollar
Use that dollar to buy an English textbook, pal
>pic related
>not a new idea
>not even the best implementation
Post this meme to /hpg/.
I just typed the wrong word, you fucking mong. Nice to see that you lack any argument whatsoever and need to resort to making fun of me for typos and pretending you're rich for buying a $200 pile of shit.
>not even the best implementation
show me a pair with half the functionality the AirPods have, and yes, ill wait.
Never said I was rich, thanks for inventing arguments, I was simply trying to start a conversation about quality products and you had to sperg the fuck out because someone likes something you hate (that you've never even used).
>half the functionality
What kind of functionality it have aside being a shitty pair of earphone?
I don't have to taste shit to know it's shit.
Bought a thinkpad t420 no regrets
>syncs to your iCloud account to automatically switch between your devices
>W1 chip so no bluetooth fiddling, switching is seamless and automatic
>location sensors so they auto pause your media when you take one out and resumes when you put it back in
>5+ hours of charge
>multiple days of charge in tiny carrying case
>tap to activate Siri and use her to control playback
>microphone with noise cancelling for taking calls (and yes it works very well)
>no shitty wires
So again, I'll wait for you to find a pair with half of that
Good luck on getting it lost. And it's fucking costly as fuck for piece of plastic.
ok grandpa
on a sidenote what isn't made of plastic aside from some chink earbuds
You forgot something
>sound quality is shit
But your meme toy fits well in the fruity toy kindergarten.
For earbuds they actually sound quite good and have improved bass over the current EarPods. You don't buy them expecting them to sound like Sennheisers. They're earbuds. I mean I own them and you have never even touched them, so I'm sure you're right, though.
>5 hour battery life
>filled with epoxy
So how many times can you charge them before you have to just throw them out and buy a new pair because the batteries start shitting out?
Every Apple product I've owned (many by the way) have lasted much longer in terms of battery health than I expected, if these only last 2 years before the charge starts decreasing I'll feel I got my money's worth, so this isn't a concern to me.
Dude, stop replying, you took the bait
Red Hat
i bought these as soon as they went on sale. desu i thought i'd only use them for a week and then stop, but they're my #1 goto earphones now.
- i don't have to fuck with cable while jogging
- don't have to worry about cable while cooking
- i have separate laptops + phone and all i have to do to switch from one to the other is select airpods from the BT menu
this is probably the best thing apple has come out with in a long time.
So you're essentially renting earbuds for $100/year. Smart.
>expect battery to last two years
>headphones cost $200
>buy new pair every two years
>$100 per year
I hear almost the same thing from everyone that has used them, yet somehow all of these people who've never even touched them know better than us.
I guess you can look at it that way, but they're actually $160 and if you resell them at the time you buy new ones they end up being ~$40 a year. Quite a deal in my opinion.
Or I can just buy a nice pair of regular earbuds, have infinite battery life, and keep them forever.
1. enjoy your wires and tangles
2. no regular earbuds last forever
>1. enjoy your wires and tangles
Never had an issue with tanlged wires nor do I mind the wires being there.
>2. no regular earbuds last forever
Of course not, but they'll sure as hell last longer than a fucking pair of airpods.
>40 dollars
>damn tangles again
>160 dollars
>damn lost one of my earpods better buy a new pair
>lost one
because they don't provide a case that you can keep them in when you take them ou-
That you also have to lug around with you, instead of just a pair of ear buds
>lug around with you
you people are so fucking gay, it's smaller than a god damn pack of tic tacs, how will I ever LUG THAT AROUND every day
Regardless of size it's still another piece of shit you have to take everywhere. I don't even like carrying my damned phone.
It's literally no more burdensome than carrying around a regular pair of wired earbuds, in fact it's far more convenient
Yeah too bad that the tic tac box isn't connected by a wire or anything making it easier to remember to bring in case you need to use your 160 dollar ear whatever for more than 5 hours
You're literally wrong.
I've owned both, you've owned one and bitched about the other, pretty sure I win this one, kid.
Designing wireless earbuds with a 2.4Ghz frequency, now THAT is retarded.
I can drape headphones over my neck, the retarded battery pack needs a pocket.
you're just as likely to forget your wired earbuds as you are to forget your wireless ones in their case. This is an atrociously bad argument.
Are you a woman? Are you really complaining about needing to have pockets? for fucks sake
No, I just don't see the need to carry unnecessary bullshit.
>forget headphones
>oh damn I guess no music today
>forget earpods
>I guess I can listen for a while
>whoops fell out of my ear, rip 160 dollars
>if only they had a wire to connect them so I didn't drop it
terrible argument #2, don't reply to me again
so you walk around with earbuds draped around your neck all day, autismo? A convenient carrying case and no wire just might be an improvement over that.
Sorry that you're wife's son keeps losing his ear pods man
No, most of the time they're in my ears, because that's the whole fucking point of them.
Look at this bait:
"""""""Quality products""""""
The apple shill strikes yet again
Why do you think it's ok for a sound product to cost so much and have audio quality below that of CHEAPER sennheisers?
He could get served literal shit on a plate and he'd eat it if it had a apple logo on it
Maybe because wireless Sennheiser earbuds don't fucking exist and some people want good wireless earbuds?
>technology board
>5 hour battery life compared to infinite battery life
Yes, wired is by far superior.
Man it would be embarrassing if someone unironically believed that wasn't true
Wouldn't it
still waiting by the way...
Still shitposting too
not an argument
Shitposters don't deserve arguments.
Neither is shitposting
so we agree I win, thanks cuck
You may have won the shitposting crown (oh what a coveted title) but AirPods are still ass.
I've argued plenty, you guys have struggled to keep up every step of the way and relied on whining about needing to have pockets or LUGGING AROUND a 12 ounce case. It's been fun but I'm tired of humiliating you guys
The thing weighs almost a pound? And you were trying to argue that it's no different than carrying a pair of earbuds? Top fucking kek.
lel, I meant 1.2 not 12 dickhead
>Charging Case: 1.34 ounces (38 g)
>carrying a pound of nigger bait in your pocket
Ugh I really want wireless earphones but the Airpods just look like antennas / tampons sticking out of your ears and I hate that there is no possibility to adjust the volume without using your phone.
Are the BeatsX worth a purchase?
>there is no possibility to adjust the volume without using your phone
*double tap either airpod*
*siri bings*
"Set volume to 75%"
>having to talk to your phone to adjust the volume
>some faggot on the train keeps talking to himself
>pushes one button on my wired headphones to adjust the volume up so I don't hear him
I never use Siri and I'm definitely not going to use her in public when I'm on a train surrounded by 100s of people and talk to Siri.
if you'e on the train your phone is going to most likely be in your hand or in your pocket, just press the fucking volume button
you don't have to, it's an option. why is everyone here so shit at arguing?
You do if you don't want to have to use your phone to do it. Meanwhile headphones that are actually good have had volume and play/pause buttons on the cable for years.
well you can't have all the benefits of wired earbuds on wireless earbuds dingleberry. some of us want wireless some want wired, use what you want and stop being gay.
Wireless earbuds have no benefits. Only the cons of being easy to use, not even lasting a fucking day, and needing to talk to your phone to change the volume.
Okay fine we fixed the volume problem but then there's still the aesthetical aspect, they look really ugly and I don't feel comfortable walking around looking like a nerd from the future.
*easy to lose
>Wireless earbuds have no benefits
Do you live in southern California, by the way? I'd love to meet you somewhere and beat the shit out of you.
They look like tampons strings coming out of your ears
Watch out, we've got a tough guy here!
Not an argument
I'd love to watch you lose you AirPods in the attempt.
how about don't be a fat ugly goofy looking spic for starters and they'll look fine
>how about not being ugly and goofy looking
>posts an ugly and goofy looking guy
Astrologers proclaim the week of Apple shills. Population of Apple shills doubles.
pretty ugly actually