> they unilaterally don't use the latest KDE Plasma Desktop
Why do you live in the dark ages Sup Forums?
Don't you know Plasma Desktop uses the latest technology of QML, the best clone of XAML and WPF there is?
they unilaterally don't use the latest KDE Plasma Desktop
But I already do. Waiting for KDE 5.9 to hit the stable line
Does it feel good to lie about what OS you use?
KDE is for ugly people.
I hate Linux now so I'm gonna remove KDE soon.
It's gonna run like shit on this laptop here. I need domething lightweight like xfce.
KDE is the best DE. I love it and look very much forward to 5.9. Shame you put a virtualbox image on your threat though.
fuck off Lennart
KDE is for people with taste.
HiDPI scaling is still shit, and my 4k monitor is too small to use unscaled.
Except without.
>literally using it
>>you're not using it
you are a moronic shit
go google the no good scotsman
>no good scotsman
Are you literally stupid? QML *and other similar technologies are designed especially for good scaling.
Jesus fucking christ, how stupid are you literally.
That's exactly why it was developed.
Pantheon and Enlightenment are better
>living in the dark ages
say hi to 1992
Sorry, using superior Budgie
Budgie will switch to Qt and be a clone of Plasma soon... Have a look yourself: github.com
Budgie Qt will not be using KDE libs
I know.
They why you imply it will be clone of plasma?
It looks the same and is based off Qt.
>the best clone of XAML and WPF there is
If that was true, that would be an argument against it.
Luckily it isn't
Those mockups you refer to are exactly the same as budgie works / looks right know. No idea what you are talking about. Also being based on Qt does not make you kde. Budgie will still use gnome application for instance. No dolphin, no arc, no amarok.
You are moronic shits. QML was released precisely as a response to XAML a year after it. It is the future of anything GUI.
It's a response to XAML, but not anything like XAML.
XML is a really crappy file format.
> blah blah blah, I hate Micro$$oft.
whatever spergstation.
see , retard
He is partially right. XAML architecture (MVVM) is based on louse coupling between data and the interface (using bindings) and severely lacks when it comes to creating visually attractive and interactive interfaces. Never used QML but can say that XAML is certainly a technology focused on rapid development of generic UIs and works only in business scenarios or on mobile where you are supposed to reuse same platform components over and over.
Every single time I've used kde, something ends up crashing or not working properly.
You literally know nothing. WPF in general has so much development on it that Qt Quick is practically like the pre-alpha version of the pre-alpha version of the alpha version of WPF.
Because most autistic sperglords are trapped into their flamewars about what GNOME version to use or what minimal version of other window manager to use and they don't realize that they are trapped in the dark ages of the 1990s, killing KDE, the only environment that actually does something modern since the beginning.
I am literally a XAML developer so I know something. Also I stated quite precisely why XAML sucks and you are just repeating "literally"
Because most autistic sperglords are trapped into their flamewars about what GNOME version to use or what minimal version of other Window Manager to use and they don't realize that they are trapped in the dark ages of the 1990s, killing KDE, the only environment that actually does something modern since the beginning.
>but can say that XAML is certainly a technology focused on rapid development of generic UIs and works only in business scenarios or on mobile where you are supposed to reuse same platform components
There is literally nothing negative about.
That was purely a positive.
Well there is because iOS that uses cocoa which has very tight coupling between UI and the rest of the Application was always delivering best interface and user experience leaving lagdroid and windows 0.10% behind. Also all business software is universally known for having shit interface. WPF and XAML are great when you want to make interface cheap, not when you want to do it well.
I really don't believe that. It's "cheap" because Visual Studio is fucking amazing. Qt Creators is just practically useless compared to it.
There is nothing in Qt that can't be done fast and "Cheap" if it had better tools.
It just isn't developed.
They've fucked up KDM for shitty SDDM. Can't fukken use this shit.
Keep living in the dark ages. SDDM is the future. It uses QML.
Just use LightDM.
Then browse windows store and look at all those marvels of interface design. Good looking and well designed WPF/XAML applications can be counted on fingers in one hand. There are countless examples of nice Qt applications. We don't need to be all theoretic, just look at the results. Microsoft is just leaving the dark ages with neon, and those are still just mockups. Laughable
KDE looks great. What are you on about?
Great theme installing skills, shame it still looks garbage. I like those icons in music player the most. I don't feel at home if I don't have 64px+ iconography visible to me at any given point.
>Great theme installing skills, shame it still looks garbage.
How does it look like garbage? Sorry, I'm not using i3. Take a look at:
I have a problem with updating Antergos KDE. Plasma 5.9 is in the stable branch, but kdeinit5 broke the whole system even when I tried to update to 5.8.5. Luckily, I've made a backup with TimeShift earlier. Is there a way of backing up system settings and installed software instead of a snapshot, which I could restore on a freshly installed OS? Because that's the only option in my situation it seems.
>Look at music player
>All grey with content on white in strange boxes
>At least 5 different icon sizes in one window
>Scroll bars in their own boxes of white
>Icons are also grey
>That volume control
>that blurred "i" right next to it
>Look at Firefox next to it
>Pocket is still there
>Pull eject leaver
I'm sorry but I don't use software developed by FURRIES
That's not mine though. These are mine:
Can you help me with this perhaps?
I'm not going to go through your shit because you crop interface from screenshots. Git gud and give us a beauty shot of your whole shitty desktop.
What the fuuk is the profit, you, delusional faggot? They broke the things thst worked well, but did not create the replacement. But shure its new and shiny.
>I'm not going to go through your shit because you crop interface from screenshots. Git gud and give us a beauty shot of your whole shitty desktop.
Sure. Want my home address and phone number too?
>I'll upload the screenshot of kde where mongolian smoke signaling board takes 95% of the space
>KDE looks great guys!
>No I can't show more because muh privacy
Given that you're so progressive and don't care about anything, post at least a single screenshot then. I'll wait. At the meantime, take a look at this:
>you're so progressive
>don't care about anything
Oh kill me
>post at least a single screenshot then
Of what?
Listen here sperg. You came and stated that KDE does not look like vomit. All I am asking for is for you to prove it. You made a statement so you prove it, not me.
KDE has always been inconsistent
I am actually surprised it isn't more buggy than it already is
The codebase is too fucking big for the amount of developers working on it. (no, translators and one line wonders don't count as developers)
>tfw still waiting for a useable LXQT
Budgie QT will arrive before it and considering who is writing it then you can safely assume it will deliver in terms on functionality and performance.
it's time to post desktops
>you're so progressive
>don't care about anything
I don't think you've heard of satire before, have you?
>post at least a single screenshot then
>Of what?
Of your perfect desktop environment.
>Listen here sperg. You came and stated that KDE does not look like vomit. All I am asking for is for you to prove it. You made a statement so you prove it, not me.
I've posted 4 screenshots so far. Please don't tell me that Plasma 4 is the best desktop environment known to man.
>I don't think you've heard of satire before, have you?
Great execution. You are doing fantastic.
>Of your perfect desktop environment.
Why the fuck would I even bother. This is a thread about KDE
>I've posted 4 screenshots so far
Of single applications that you cropped.
>Of your perfect desktop environment.
>Why the fuck would I even bother. This is a thread about KDE
And where do we get like this?
We go back towards undeniable truth that is the fact of KDE looking garbage. Until you provide profs of it being otherwise. Now if you excuse me I'll occupy my time with dick fondling while I look at my tray icons which are all in one color.
>a language has anything to do with widgets and scaling
No, you are the stupid one here. Qt, the toolkit, does the scaling, not the language you might write some parts of the UI in.
That doesn't prove anything. The Microsoft store is dead. The power of Windows is 99% on pure full blown Desktop applications.
They have now idea how good looking the new QML design looks by default.
You are an autistic sperglord. KDE has changed. It's now by default QML.
You are trolling. The QML design of KDE is still at its baby steps and already it looks fucking amazing.
If the autistic sperglords weren't locking themselves into 1992 designs, progress would be faster.
>Literally 99% of the future of GUI design is scalable design for all devices with QML or XAML etc.
>For furries
What distro are you using?
>go google the no good scotsman
I know what you mean to say, which is 'go google "no good scotsman" '
But you said to google *the* no good scotsman, which suggest that there's just one particular scotsman chav you're talking about.
Thank you for the chuckle.
You are a stupid shit. The only future is scalable design for all devices. Keep living in 1992 with unscalable GUI frameworks that look like utter shit unless the developer is only designing for 1 size for 10 years.
OP please
Don't reply to my posts before fully reading and comprehending them ever again.
KDE has always been the future. The problem is that the Open Source world has been contaminated from the start with the cancer of extreme traditionalism("le UNIX tradition" meme) and extreme minimalism("le console" meme). As a result, the future of KDE has been contaminated by those sperglords by shilling new users away from it and into GUI technologies from 1991.
>Qt Quick is practically like the pre-alpha version of the pre-alpha version of the alpha version of WPF. Literally.
>ugly, buggy, inefficient, dysfunctional, bloated garbage
>the future
I weep every time because it's a fact that this is the future.
What makes an app a full blown desktop app?
That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
Don't be mentally challenged. The core of the actual scaling is via the window server itself, with technology from the 1970s, sure. The problem is, without leaving behind the technologies from 1991 and onto QML or XAML or similar, the actual high level developer can't actually do it robustly, properly or within a reasonable amount of time.
le kek
>Implying I don't run both Linux and Windows on VMs from inside OpenBSD for extra spergstation security.
POO IN THE LOO my brother
Maybe if the autistic sperglords weren't locking themselves into GUI frameworks from 1991 for their "le console-only UNIX tradition" meme and the "le minimalism of 8MB RAM-use on my 32GB-RAM computer" meme, we'd have more people working on actual scalable GUI designs like QML's that would make Linux get out of the cesspool.
I meant all the obvious powerful application like Adobe's programs or Autodesk's or even Office. The power of Windows is still there, it's definitely not on apps, really almost no dev cares.
QML is the cancer that is killing graphical applications. It's exactly that kind of garbage that make people stay away from GUI programs and keep to CLI programs that are function-first and whose interface is extremely efficient to get actual work done.
You are a stupid shit that didn't include a single argument in that sentence. Keep living in the 1992. The rest of the world has moved on to scalable design and it's one of the reasons that the linux desktop is dead, disrespect to the only manager that actually cared for progress from the start, KDE, only to be killed by the memester sperglords shilling new users away from it, including new prospective developers of it.
Too bad Microsoft will try to bundle their "cloud" OS on new devices to make normies to buy from their store.
Keep reducing everyone's productivity, I'm sure your salary makes it all worth it. I'll be over here working in a productive environment and changing the world as a result rather than wasting my time fighting garbage interfaces.
Yeah, Microsoft's telemarketing has been pretty nasty lately.
BS. They tried that and failed already. And it's not even an MS meme, it's a fucking Google meme and everyone knows it.
The WEB is fucking great for very basic stuff.
But fuck Google, it can't replace NATIVE.
>It's all about me
You stupid shit, not everyone runs your setup, which is why Linux is almost dead on desktop.
Because Cinnamon is just easier and gets out of my way.
>Virtual box
>Requires nonfree build tool chain to build
>Not using bhyve or whatever meme bullshit hypervisor openbsd had.
What the fuck are you even saying?
Powerful in what way?
What makes your "powerful" apps any more or less powerful that whatever WinRT bullshit you're bitching about?
GTK cuck!