I Solved Cicada in 2014
Congratulations? Anything else?
Don't fall for what they say if you do it too
(continued from Reply 3)
No Matter how much money they offer.
It's a Trap.
They are not Good People.
I am Not Safe rn
Is this going to be some John Titor kind of shit?
If you're not safe one way or another, why don't you share the story, eh?
Because OP is a fag and is making a shitty story up as he posts.
There are More People solving it than you think.
I won't give away much because it will directly indicate who I am.
This was a small Beginning.
A Few of us will be collectively posting things related to it online over the course of few months on various Internet forums.
I shall not talk here anymore.
Thanks to this random kid whose phone I took out from his phone for this.
will your existence ever matter if you don`t?
Someone smart enough to solve 3301 wouldn't abbreviate "right now" as "rn", nor would they refer to someone as " kid" I believe.
he would publish his shit on Sup Forums instead of Sup Forums anyway
You could've atleast Tried better dude
rip op
Cicada 3301 inner circle satanic priest detected. Nice try fag.
I have 10 billion dollars.
I shall not talk here anymore.
Thanks to this random kid whose phone I took out from his phone for this.
I am a faggot
I like big fat cunts
>not tripfagging
Hey buddy, I think you go the wrong board. /x/ is 2 blocks down.
Cicada was always a fucking meme, why do you faggots keep on memeing?