Is your country a great or not so great place to live in?

Is your country a great or not so great place to live in?

>Not so great
Out of all the first world countries, this is probably worst only next to Canada and Australia. Heck, maybe Canada's even better. This country is corrupt in all its facets. Honestly, I think Obama might be the least corrupt one here. Even the local governments don't care about their people. I've seen police putting people in jail for stupid illegal shit, and then start doing illegal shit themselves when they know no one's recording. It's a scary, scary place to be.

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Don't worry. Tramp will stamp them out.

FUCK YOU GUYS! This is a way better discussion than the other bullshit on this board!

>this is probably worst only next to Canada and Australia.

What in your honest opinion makes your country better?

we all know it sucks usa sucks move to someplace else m8 for real it will never get better

healthy people

Move to where? I wish I knew, but seeing as how I'm getting no (OP)'s, I might blindly move somewhere like Russia.

Why is this man saying "make America great again"? I can understand "Make America great", but... "again"?

>I suffer in the USA

In comparison to Sweden, at least.

>americans won the lottery of life
>complain anyways

Healthcare is cheap, without it I'd probably be dead. There's a complete separation of church and state and we're a non-religious country. We have some weird ass politicians, but no one completely off the rails (yet). There's not too much corruption in the government/police.

We have our fair share of problems, but in general I think we're pretty well off in comparison to other countries.

>Win the lottery
I'm starting to think I may have been born in your country, Tbh.

What is your country? I don't recognize your flag.

also tall women

The only problem with America is everything is expensive tbqh but that's fixed cause your wages are fcking high

If you have money, india is probably one of the best places to live in the world aside from climate. Their middle class has very high purchasing power and economic freedom. Plus there are plenty of social benefits to being white in india.

How is expensive is tech stuff in your country, would it be viable for me to go over there to buy computer parts?

Pretty great

whiteness is rapidly fading. Awful country for labor rights. Expensive shitty healthcare. etc

Expensive to foreigners, maybe.

>Canada, Australia and Sweden all do better
Great graph you've got there.

I didnt say we are the best I said we are great and comparatively we are. You are extremely lucky to have been born American whether you want to believe it or not

>Where slavery and reeducation camps still happen behind closed doors
Fuck you, dude

oh fuck off. you are digging so deep to find reasons to hate your country that you are bringing up nonexistent slavery and "brainwashing"?

just fucking leave the country if you are so dead set on hating the US for stupid, uneducated, and inane reasons. Im sure Canada would love to take you

>ignoring illegal activity by the state just because you don't hear about it on Fox News
You sound like a Trump supporter, Tbh.

Sounds like you hate yourself more than your country desu

damn you really are trying to move the goalposts and literally make shit up to try and justify your hate. I couldnt give any less of a rats ass about anyone running for president as in the end it literally doesnt fucking matter as the outcome will literally be the same.

that being said I fucking love your kind because you produce plenty of entertainment for the internet. Keep it up anonymous retard!

How? That doesn't even make sense.

9/10 bait there m8. You make it seem pretty real though that last point of misdirection seems a bit too obvious

and men

No major complaints here. Sure our safety net is a little lacking and our healthcare expensive (though not as much as the memes would have you believe) but I wouldnt really trade places with anyone if given the chance. I like America and am hopeful for the future

I want to visit your cunt desu. Where should I go that isn't just DUDEsterdam?

>having hope for America

>maybe Canada's even better

When you actually get off the internet and out into the world you will see that there is plenty to be hopeful for

I feel a strange mix of hope and dread that leaves me anxious for November to get here already

God tier nature because of 1/6 land of the world.
Mostly kindest people in the world.
All minorities need to know Russian to survive, no kebab shit like in Europe.
You can disobey any laws you want, no one will aven care about it untill you post some serious shit in the internets.
Best women in the world.
Thousand years legacy.
%%Kinda poor for now, but will outlive any other country.%%

i like this frog

Good goyim. Who's a good patriot?

If you just wanna see some culture, I'd recommend visiting Utrecht. Less tourists than A'dam, just as beautiful. Maastricht is nice as well, but it might be a pain to get there. If you end up going, make sure to visit the Dominicanen bookstore, which is located inside a church.

Personally, my favourite city is Nijmegen, but I have no clue how interesting a place it'd be for a foreigner.

>Disobey any laws you want
Then why does Russia have the second highest incarceration rate? (Next to America)

>muh Sup Forums maymays
seriously just leave your house every once in awhile and actually talk to people. You would be surprised how different the world is outside of the extremist lens of the internet

>You can disobey any laws you want, no one will aven care about it untill you post some serious shit in the internets.
that doesn't sound like a good thing at all

I meant piracy, hooligan-drunkyard shit and cp.

>not great at all

Government stealing all the money they can get, healthcare so good that people die because a surgeon forgot FUCKING SCISSORS inside of a patient, you can be a serial killer and murder dozens of people and still get away with it if you have the bribe money police will ask for, education means jack shit as you see people like me, working construction with a PhD (there are much worse examples), all senior citizens are basically living in poverty with 100 euros per month, having kids is a running joke, middle class = the edge of existence, people are talking about suicide as a legit way out

You have the right to complain, Joe, but the reality is you have it better than 90% of the Earth

You literally won the fucking lottery with where you ended up dumbfuck.


Sounds like Russia, according to hohols and some Navalny-followers, lol.

>Northern Ireland
Greatest place on Earth.

That's Worst Korea.

>America is the lottery
Topkek. Is wageslaving for Mr. Shekelstein an opportunity to you?

So do you think life elsewhere better?
Only in Norway, maybe.


why yes you actually do have to work for a living you lazy retard.

Maybe step off the memes for a minute and actually try and improve yourself and you wont be in such a deep pit of self loathing

>retarded Liberals always making our country seem worse than it actually is

It's only winning the lottery if you compare the US to shitholes. If you compare us to first world countries you'll find that we rank last in just about everything.

this honestly looks like shit. Is this really the best in America?

Britain, Germany, Denmark, Iceland (if I was born there), Hungary, Ireland, Japan, Belgium, South Korea, New Zealand, etc. Yes, all better places to live.

Pic is from India stop fucking posting it.

But you are still a fucking first world country

Here I have to bribe a doctor to give me a diagnosis, for fuck's sake, and if I report to the police anything less than a mass murder, they will laugh at me and tell me to handle it myself

I would, but America wants to make a profit on us improving ourselves.

If I approach a typical Dutch person is it likely they will speak English?

I don't care for politics and such. I only care for aesthetics, which America has none of.

>they will laugh at me and tell me to handle it myself
Where do you live and how can I move there?

>South Korea

Go live there and you will that you are so wrong that the word "wrong" would not be good enough, especially for the first two countries

again. literally not the case
>duplicate file
its so obvious that you are blaming all of your shortcomings on the country. Life wouldn't magically be better for you if you lived elsewhere because your problem isnt being poor, its hating yourself.


And if you are an American, I highly recommend you learn a martial art or two before coming here. Weapons training would be good too

This good god. A single western euro city/town has more comfy buildings that even the best the US has to offer.

Only a retard would complain about the US being a shithole, it's pretty amazing the US can be considered first world when it has a population over 300 million. It's not the best place to live in the world, but it's still not africa tier.

What's so much worse about those countries than America, in your opinion?

look at these mental gymnastics you put yourself through to hold you back from improving yourself. You dont actually care about working for you; you just want everything handed to you because you believe that you cant achieve it yourself. This is a dangerous and poisonous mindset you have my friend

>I watched the current year show and he told me they was slaveries!

>mental gymnastics
It's funny what great lengths you're going through to make America seem like the best country in the world, even though other countries are so much better.

Generally people know at least some basic English, besides the elderly. Overall, the level is pretty decent.

Never been there. But according to internets, that's just US with ugly people.
Full of Turks, many people are metally retarde because of tolerance, feminism, depression.
Mix of Britain and Germany.
>Iceland (if I was born there)
But you was not.
Russia with gypsies and without oil.
Neer been there.
Racist mongols with many complexes. Uglier than Britts.
Too much frogs and kebabs.
>South Korea
Great cleaning store and dumpyard. Ecologi is like in China. Even more racist mongols then in Japan.
>New Zealand
Based nature, but is Philippine-tier economy.


Yup. Definitely a Trump supporter. (Yes, I get the irony)

the liberal mindset has always been a self defeating one. I dont know why you are wasting time trying to convince one on the internet to have faith in themselves as they have the most self loathing and pessimistic attitude about things in the world.


>Carter ruined everything
Of course.




>Calling names while getting BTFO with actual data


again I am NOT trying to say that America is the best, I even mentioned this earlier in the thread. Im simply saying that even among first world nations you are extremely lucky to be where you are now. () ().

You believe that life for you would magically improve if you were transported to Canada, Norway, or Sweden because they have more social programs but your problem here isnt the fact that you are poor. Its the fact that you hate yourself. Its so abundantly clear that you just want everything handed to you



Suicide rates and blatant prostitution aside, their government censors EVERYTHING that criticizes them or anything they don't like, competition level is insane, as they have no resources beside people, tech of 2200s with the mentality of 1920s, hardcore sexism and materialism

Government stealing, all-time high poverty rates that are increasing as I type this, emigration is the name of the game, infrastructure crumbling, general apathy among the populace, see >Germany
Do you really need an explanation?? Just ask any German that has his eyes open and they will tell you

No, I just don't want to be charged with healthcare bills if I have an emergency or a felony if I step on someone's lawn.



But I support prostitution.


>expecting worker wage to equal productivity when productivity has increased not by the merit of the worker over time

>Move to where? I wish I knew, but seeing as how I'm getting no (OP)'s, I might blindly move somewhere like Russia.
You're an idiot.
t. immigrant from that area


>every single President from Johnson onward ruined everything


Which will be the least of your worries if you lived there. I didn't even mention the racism and xenophobia, to avoid slander.