Tfw got manboobs

>tfw got manboobs
>always wear 2 shirts to hide it, even at home
>struggle hard during summer, never tan
>whole family going to beach vacation soon
>guess who will stay home

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stop being fat ivan

B-but I'm not fat...

173cm, 66kg?

Are kidding me? I thought dutch are not that fuck-the-metric-system cucks.


>man boobs
>not fat
You are either trap or fat. If fat go lift weights and be strong, if trap please present your titties so I can milk them for my dairy farm.

Skinnyfat spotted, get a gym membership, exercise and fix your diet.

Maybe I'm a skinnyfat, but all my fat is located mostly in chest. I tryed exercises and lifting but it was useless vs boobs. Tbh I'd rather prefer to be an fatass burger with flat chest than skinnyfag with bitch tits.

seriously user, get that shit checked

Get knifed. You do have plastic surgery in Russia, right?

Holy shit russiabro, I feel your pain

I'm 194/90 and instead of being a normal chubby person, I have extreme fat everywhere, and huge mantits. Summer is a cruel existence here as well, I just wear button up shirts. I'm gonna buy a gyno shirt, and gonna contact a doctor.

I'm scared of surgery and such operations are expensive for college student.

What is gyno shirt? I wear no special shirt, just one size smaller tight tshirts with big prints as underwear.

I'm sorry for your gyno user.

even if you won't have a surgery, it's still for the best to get it checked out lad. to determine if the problem can be solved by exercise or if you have gyno
and you don't need no operation, usual gyno treatment is via tamoxifen citrate

is the fat in your nipples? Keep in mind that males carry fat on their torso and you could just have more fat on your body then actual muscle which just means you are horrifically unfit or a teenager.

jus be urself

It's a very tight binding shirt that makes your chest much flatter. Almost to the point of looking like pectoral muscles instead of tits

>tfw you will never fuck a gyno russian qt boipucci
>he will never bounce up and down on your cock insisting his d cup tits are not fat
>you will never impregnate his ass

I am a tall Somali Lad, and I'm quite certain I have Klinefelter's. Will I suffice?

>tamoxifen citrate
Can I just buy this shit in local drugstore and start self-cure? Redpill pls.

Well, I got this. It's sort of corset for males.

Pls answer turkbro, I need this shit as well

Beach sucks anyway.
Why dont you get fake tan?

Will you be ok with me carrying you around like a prized wife?

you can only get them via prescription in Turkey, but laws in Russia and US might be different

you are short and fat + you are stupid mongol :D :D go drink vodka

Why not? If you are a strong white male, my family will not reject

If this turns out to be another girl im going to be upset

I guess I don't need a prescription for it. The main problem is how to find the proper dose without doctor.

Only bitches and homos geting fake tan here.

at least post your nipples before you start pumping drugs you dumbass

Post chest Ivan, let us decide how bad it is, you don't need to include face; don't worry.

> if trap please present your titties so I can milk them for my dairy farm.



I'm a dude breh, I used to trip in the /AFR/ general before it died