Describe your typical day at your IT/tech job
>Come to work
>Tell people what to do
>Browse Sup Forums
>Worry about where to get next order from
>Browse Sup Forums
>Go home
>Browse Sup Forums
>Boss is literally the owners son
>working on "his" side project (I've done everything)
>he fucking keeps putting pressure on me to finish asap
>like he has no clue what programming is
>I'm one step closer to the edge
>and I'm about to
Working in a major corp @yurop.
Working @home.
30% teamviewer MS Office related shit
30% windows server shit
40% sleep and/or masturbating
Don't feel comfortable gaymen' during work hours.
Is this show just the IT big bang theory?
Watch it and see
>Agile daily telling wtf did and wtf I would do
>work in pairs
>Some shit is getting stuck in amqp queues
>Ruby is nice to read // feelsgoodman.jpg
>making some random chore related with ugly haml ruby view
>solve the amqp related shit
>go home
>desire a girlfiend
>play warhammer total war
>Become the "Go to guy"
>Regret it everyday.
>Arrive at work at 7:45
>program/read up on software components to use next
>occasionally my immediate supervisor comes over and we talk about bugs to fix/features to write
>at 12:30 have lunch with holocaust denier coworkers
>leave at 16:35
>arrive at work
>grab some coffee and do a once over on our monitoring
>if nothing is wrong / no pressing issues, try to read some HN / reddit / tech-related stuff or maybe documentation on what I'm working on
>argue with colleagues at my series of morning scrums
>maybe get some work done before lunch
>lunch / maybe gym
>work all afternoon on current project / firefighting any problems / arguing with colleague over best way to do whatever we are working on
>maybe gym / go home
>weigh the pros / cons of my current job and think about leaving
>work on personal projects / vidya / wish I had a gf
>sleep to repeat the next day
> Boot up computer
> See long list of malfunctions
> Try too solve as much as possible
> Shut down computer
I'm pretty confortable with my job right now
Visiting a client:
>Wake up 8:30
>Meet with coworker for ride
>Rant about the client during the tide
>Fix issues, create a report or add features
>End day at 15:00
When doing office:
>Wake up 8:40
>Arrive 10:00
>Develop software or give maintainance
>Play world of tank blitz
>14:00 go to my gf' for food and oral sex
>Get back at 16:00
>Upload changes to TF
>Call it a day
When doing home office:
>Play with myself
>Do home chores
>Fix pending errors at midnight
I make $10/hour stocking groceries at Walmart.
>Perform duties spotlessly for a year, receive nothing but praise and accolades
>Fired without warning for "performance"
>Now on the brink of bankruptcy for no particular reason
I give up
do you have any of the praises in writing? that sounds like a good lawsuit, or at the very least unemployment benefits. (assuming USA)
>Come to work
>Shit out code for 8 to 10 hours
>Go home
>Drink heavily
I'm receiving benefits, it's just not enough to keep me afloat, and they have been failing to process my claims correctly since day one, so sometimes those checks are delayed a week or more. Having a termination and employment gap is already working against me for the few applications I've managed to get through since then despite having over 15 years of experience.
love Mr big bang robot to!
>Get to work 15 minutes late
>Eat breakfast and check email
>Look at workload and pick one thing to get done for the day
>Browse Sup Forums, watch videos, chat on irc
>Go to lunch
>get one task done
>Go back to Sup Forums, videos, irc
>Go home
Somewhat yes and no. Many of the funny situations could happen in any department or to anyone. But they nailed the main characters on the dot. Here is one of the best scenes.
as someone who quit this job and went abroad to teach English instead, do you not want to kill yourself every single day? Are you happy with your life?
I joke about killing myself everyday but this job is just until I finish university in a few months and I've been doing it for a few years now.
Also no I'm not that happy about my life but after I graduate I plan on moving to a not shit area.
>turn up to work
>am project lead for software company
>get given shit like proposals to write and other jobs not even relevant
>have to listen to inane comments from boss, he can't stop talking
>bosses wife (when she does turn up to work for that one day when she does the payroll) always manages to fuck it up
>have to leave at 5:30 even if i get in early otherwise its seen as bunking off
Ah right, if you've got something else like school in your life then I can understand how you can deal with it. Good luck with graduating and your life after that.
>Introduce myself to random IT decision maker
>discuss what he does, how he does it
>wait for him to disclose what he hates or wishes could be better
>tell him we may be able to help
>gather info
>be friendly and laugh
>consult my manager
>manager consults with development team in some country
>get proposal
>present proposal
>get signature
>manage account
Thanks. Also if you don't mind me asking where did you move from and to? and what was the process like?
I moved from the UK to Taiwan. The process was fairly simple, I came here on a 90 day tourist visa, applied for jobs, got one, then the school sponsored my work visa and that's all there was to it.
>go to work at 10:30
>start looking at the donated shit we got
>pick something
>evaluate it, fix it up, take it to the store
>train volunteers and answer questions throughout day
>go home at 6
>listen to gf cry for an hr or two while i make dinner
>watch videos of armadillos
Miss the days where I could just not talk to anyone for one or two days.
IT = Information Technology.
>No one of you faggots know what Information coding is.
>No on of you cunts know who Claude Shanon was.
Stop using IT jobs.
Use POO jobs instead
>get to work at 9:30
>put shit in staff room and lunch in fridge
>not pay attention during store brief
>get shouted at for daring to charge money for fixing someone's computer, as if it were my job
>go home at 6
>Claude Shanon
You mean Shannon
>No on of you cunts know who Claude Shanon was.
Spells name wrong
>come in right before lunch at 11:30
>eat lunch
>come back from lunch
>drink coffee and dick around on Sup Forums for a few hours
>grow tired of Sup Forums
>do some programming for my current project
>lurk Sup Forums some more while waiting for clock to turn 16:00 so other people start going home
>at around 16:30 - 17:00 I start playing vidya and just sit around to around 19:00 before I go home
It's Claudia Shannon now
ITT: Failures only
People with IT Jobs who do actual meaningful work never visit Sup Forums/
This is the bottom of the barrel here
There are people out there that are responsible for the SpaceX lift off and successful landing today ... including WOMEN
Faggot loser board full of 9 to 5 wagie failures LMAO
>finish 3 years of IT training at school
>look for jobs
>required: 5-10 years .NET
>required: senior backend developer
>required: 10 years experience in C++
>required: masters in computer science
>required: several years experience with [some program I've never heard of]
Should I kms?
Glance at email.
Reply to a bunch of them.
Check my RSS reader.
Effortlessly close a few tickets.
Check my RSS reader.
More coffee.
Play deresute.
Play love live.
Have lunch.
More coffee.
Pretend to care.
Check RSS.
See you tomorrow!
You should look for different jobs that offer less money, you entitled millennial faggot.
don't be so hard on yourself user.
>finish 3 years of IT training at school.
Even pajeet have more education.
>when you're 18 and directionless, spouting edgy shit as if the rest of the read can't see you're projecting
Before suicide you can try learning a trade.
Give him a break. I'm a millennial that fell for that entitled bullshit but the reason many are like this is because all through schooling (primary and secondary) we are fed a ton of lies about how the "real" world works and were given false numbers and facts on jobs, what they pay, etc.. After getting my first real job a week in I realized all of the people who were trying to tell me what it's like and what to expect had never had a "real" job.
I was like that, and I got butthurt (plus, at 29, I am a millennial too and was just rusing you all), but in the end I put food in boxes in a factory. Life is shit and everyone is miserable. But there are decent jobs out there now, unless when I was a fresh-faced graduate in 2008, and if they aren't decent enough for you, you'll have to get ready to work your way up to them. I feel for NEETs, because I have been one for many years, but even a shit job is better than NEETism so don't act like shit jobs are beneath you.
This. I've worked shit jobs since I was 15 and I worked full-time through university in order to afford life itself.
I'm not looking for high paying jobs. I'd be satisfied with 20k/yr. I just want SOMETHING. I don't see any entry level jobs anywhere
Don't take required experience years too serious user.
Get yourself up and apply anyway. There is a chance you can change their mind in the interview as long as you are not a total 0.
You cant lose anything.
My roommate did exactly this and he was successful with it.
Sort of, but IT crowd is actually funny
Look for internships then. Many companies have went away from labeling entry level job to calling them "internships" it's better for them because they can trial you for 6 months at low pay rather than near full pay and only having the 3 month trial period.
Then in that case, you're in the same position I was in! Where do you live? I will look online for you because I am bored.
>Hey kids compupter science is such a big field and in the next 10 years there's gonna be hundreds of thousands of jobs unfilled and its so good pay !
Why do people do this
>Walk in the office
>People literally running up to you in a panic for inane simple to fix non-issues
>Contemplate doing a 360 back out the door
>Later on go outside to take phone call for recruiter/arrange interviews
>Desperate fucker chases me down to the elevator so I have to force close the door
>Company has no DR plan and wont spend money for me to setup a proper process
>Need to upgrade infrastructure to work projects, again money
>Everyone has a desk moving fetish, I tell them they shouldn't be so cheap and deck out every desk with a computer
IT is gay, I want a fucking basement or solid walls
Bitch I will fucking cut you, IT Crowd is god tier
[spoiler]Listen, Alistair, I just wanted to say, I'm not a window cleaner[/spoiler]
infosec: pentester/web app tester
>arrive at office at 10.15 am
>most times don't do shit, sometimes I have to do tests/reports/fix them/talk to project managers
>eat at 13.00
>leave at 18.00
I love my job
this. satan is right
hah, we have stand-up once per week
>started as tester, now I have to also implement/customize (BPMS web app)
>go to office, take laptop out of cabinet, dock it, power up
>get coffee and a bottle of water
>go back to lappy, input password wrong/do things wrong until the coffee kicks in
>check mails bla bla, try to restore my mindset to the previous day's
>start 'customizing' the software and aligning from time to time with my supervisor, and or consultants, and or other people trying to decipher what the hell the client wants and what the hell the consultant tried to write
>spend even more time looking for nonexistent or misplaced documentation
>give up on looking for documentation and start trying to guess what the core developer tried to do with this uncommented piece of code
>from time to time i have to test other people's implementations.
>have 1 or 2 cigarette breaks
>eat in front of the computer, make a mess
>glimpse news sites and /g from time to time to refresh my mind, I chat with my wife on hangouts.
>oh, it's 15:30, i have to simulate work ~1h more, then i can go!
how does one go into pentesting ? I have been thinking about it as a future career choice. I have theoretical networking knowledge - almost dpone with my networking bsc, and just started this code monkey job.
>Go to work anywhere between 9-10am.
>Say hi to co-workers, they're all good people.
>Check email, make sure jobs ran, do anything to cover co-worker's tasks if they're taking a vacation day.
>Spend 5-7 hours coding. C# LOB, automation and data translation. Plenty of T-SQL and PLSQL mixed in. None of that object store bullshit.
>I've written most of the libraries we use. Comfy as fuck.
>Shitpost and qualitypost on various boards as my mood demands.
>Sometimes meetings with project stakeholders.
>Enjoy making project recommendations and being taken seriously.
>Often spend more time than I'd like dealing with vendor bullshit. Fucking incompetent vendors can't get anything done to spec and on time.
>Maybe slip a little personal project time in to exercise skills or learn something new when extra time allows.
>Never overextend. Never promise deadlines I can't meet.
>Everyone thinks I'm some kind of computer god. I look at my Claude Shanon and Alanzo Church posters and cry a little inside that I can't achieve that level of brilliance.
>Go home at around 8 hours in.
>Make nice dinner for myself.
>No gf because dragons can't into real.
>Chat with friends using the internet because I live in fucking nowhere. 2hr drive to civilization where everyone I know lives.
>Funposting well into the night.
It's a pretty good life. I make enough to be comfortable. Can't see myself ever leaving my job even for 25k more since the one I have now gives me a feeling of accomplishment without a ton of stress.
>how does one go into pentesting
Go look at the job specs?
I drive past a few hosting companies on my morning commute and one of them used to have a massive video board with "Now hiring pen testers!"
Telecom Technician
Glorified signal tester, I go out and confirm customer problems before a team gets sent out to the tower site.
>Show up at 8am
>Make coffee
>Get in brand new F-250 company truck just for me
>Boot up laptop and look at tickets
>Plan route for the day, tell dispatch
>Drive to each site, run automated tests
>Sleep or shitpost for 2 hours while testing
>Update ticket
>Drive to new site, rinse and repeat
>Refuel truck, throw out trash, check in with dispatch
>Go home
Fairly simple job. I like the field a lot better them my old tier 1 customer support position. It's actually quite cool when I get to do some real troubleshooting as well, but that's only once every few weeks. Automated test is pretty damn good.
fucking phone poster
get thef uck out
>how does one go into pentesting ? I have been thinking about it as a future career choice. I have theoretical networking knowledge - almost dpone with my networking bsc, and just started this code monkey job.
I learned it in practise... not that I'm an elite hax0r, I just did shit for fun, and to learn. also, read a lot of random stuff, news and whatever. you can learn a lot from that.
you could start here, I guess:
like i trust the job postings
thank you
>Network Engineer
>Go to meeting
>Watch youtube
>kick escalations back to NOC plebs
>another meeting
>sit at desk wait for lunch
>eat lunch
>another fucking meeting
>sit at desk wait till leave
>desk moving fetish
>wake up
>look at company chat and email
>if nothing urgent go to office otherwise fix asap and then go
>coffee and talk with people
>push yesterdays work to production
>write tickets based on chat/email
>start resolving tickets
>maybe a meeting to discuss project priorities
>at some point lunch
>fix more tickets
>work day is over
After that it's either going to home to be with my 2dqt or bar with colleagues.
It's British, so the jokes and humor are nothing like tbbt which is trash.
>family business
this is the worst thing ever when they hire their whole family and no one knows what a molex is.
i left my last job because the boss fired 3 engineers and hired his wife, son and drinking buddy to do repairs
Just say you took a sabbatical and make up some story about living with your sick grandma or travelling to Asia or some shit.
>Go to work
>Go to meetings
>Lurk twitter, Sup Forums, reddit (on my phone)
>Do 15 minutes of work for every 2 hours
This is what happens when you work IT at the government, never have anything to do, so fucking overstaffed.
At least they contribute over 1500 bucks a month to my retirement. Make 92k, get about 4 weeks off a year, super great health insurance that costs me almost nothing (40 bucks a month). I might start climbing the ladder, they have some technical positions that pay 150k-170k+
I just started working here about a year ago, so I am only on step 2 of 5 steps, at step 5 I'll be making 110k+, but it'd be really nice to get close to 200k.
Dunno, this is really boring, I'm more used to working for the entirety of my 40 hours a week each week plus some other stuff on evenings and weekends. Also all of my coworkers are borderline retarded.
>be in similar position
>think fuck it and go to employment advisor it may help
>even employment advisor cant find shit
>the one job she did find was described verbatim as "shit pay for any job never one that requires qualifications"
>mfw I make more by stacking shelves than doing tech support for small networks
I didn't enjoy this at all, and the laughing is really annoying.
I make 40 bucks an hour doing basic application support, how much are you making stacking shelves? That shit pays like $10 an hour here.
gotta learn to bullshit your way through to them, count every little thing you've done with a computer for someone else as work experience.
It worked at least in my case.
I work on a mainframe that's older than I am.
>create jobs when requested
>kill user-submitted jobs when the user doesnt have compatibility views installed and it puts an illegal character and hangs all the other jobs
>congratulated for recovering the crashed website when above happens
>manage RACF permissions
>try not to think of how bad it would be if I fuck up and 30 years of uptime goes down the drain and how the thing has no documented boot procedure and I'd probably just quit on the spot if that happened.
>browse 4chins on my phone
>network engineer
>come in office or work from home
>work tickets casually
>no lunch so I can leave earlier
>play vidya / bs in internet
>go home
only 3 yrs experience and a couple of certs got me 80k in a cheap to life area
>support job £17-20k pa
>night shift retail £20-21k pa
>holocaust denier coworkers
Are you serious?
>muh 6 million
didnt happen
Sure, but you pick up a cert, you can increase your value significantly.
Where does retail advance to?
>come to work at 10 or 11
>read reddit
>work on a ticket
>maybe work on another ticket
>go home at 4pm and bill for 8 hours
i hate my life
>go to work
>browse Sup Forums
>someone comes in
>open a terminal
>they immediately think i must be doing something important and that i'm concentrated so they leave quickly
>minimize Terminal
>browse Sup Forums
>wake up at 4 AM
>arrive at work at 5:30 AM
>fill, stack and tape boxes until 11:00 AM
>get my 20 minute lunch break
>work until 2 PM
>go home and cry
Oh wait I don't have an IT job despite multiple certs and a degree.
A lot of pointless meetings.
>work at tech store
>retarded 50-something lady is in charge of the store while the manager isn't there
>how did she get here
>we have an argument over some server motherboards (nothing technology-related)
>she complains with the manager
>manager shits on me
>turns out she's his mother-in-law
>all right then
>go to my dad who is the store owner's best friend
>tell him how there is money missing at the end of every shift
>he tells the owner who happens to be the manager's dad
>he fires her and his son and puts me in charge of the store
>sir, I don't know that much
>'at least you finished high-school'
every 3 days
>muster at 7
>do work for 4 hours (either 7-11 or 11-15)
>go home
life will be good until this damn reactor finally is up and running again.
It's pretty much like an episode of The Big Bang Theory!
>tier 1 network guy at a global corp in the US
>show up around 8:30
>read/answer email
>work tickets, mostly VLAN moves and port assignments
>work on any projects
>maybe a meeting or two
>more tickets
>maybe another meeting
>projects again
>go home around 5
>if on call get called at 2am from the noc about a site being down, log on and see that its already back up
>user has lunch with Sup Forumsacks
You lucky bastard.
Wow england fucking sucks.
>check emails for warnings or alerts like disk space
>check AWS announcements and red hat security announcements
>5 minute scrums in the morning
>run random queries on servers using ansible
>check /his/ and Sup Forums and reddit once in a while
>assist developers with questions or setting infrastructure up for dev and testing
>work on long-term projects here and there
>play mount and blade if I have downtime
>watch youtube
>go home
reading through all the IT jobs here makes me think my company's IT hired you morons
>open ticket 2 months ago
>affects 20-30 people in he building
>still not fixed
>manager keeps badgering us to use the program but it's still not fixed
the kicker? it's Apple.
>not loving those pointless meetings
are you paid for the amount of tickets you fix or what?
it's not like you need to talk in those meetings, you just go in and listen thats all. what a great thing to prevent you from doing your job
I talk and ask so many questions in my meeting because I dont want to go back to do my job, sitting around and talking non stop is the best
Arrive 630 am
Review tickets from overnight, team status for the day, yesterday's performance
Tier 1 and 2 start showing up at 7am
Get in people's shit for not completing impossible work
Put up with my micro managing - boss - CEO
Team stand up meeting at 11, walking outside because we are all fat assess
Lunch at 12, usually sushi
answer constant barrage of stupid questions from techs
Plan next training session
Update/review metrics and reporting
Leave promptly at 4 because I hate my fucking job
> audit vendor list for DC
> Make sure ibm didn't install shit backwards in rack
> Run fiber to 7K
> Fix MDS when some pajeet doesn't configure multipath right.
> Look at our Hitachi frame and wonder why other vendors stuff isn't so aesthetic.
> Plan projects.
Datacenter Storage / VMware specialist
Ring, ring.
Them: Hi, the database isn't working.
Me: Is your intranet working.
Them: No.
Me: Well the database runs on the intranet.
Them: Oh!
It's ok for a while (showing off competence), but year after year...
Working on someone elses work: see they were pretending to be programmers and db devs who had no best practices or standards.
Stare at a computer all day long, or listen to busy-ness people babble in meetings merely so they can say something. One hour meetings run late and little is ever decided.
At least there is less incivility compared to grunt workers (construction labor, truck drivers, taxi driers).
how do you get into that kind of a position
what cunt?
>make sql queries
>fix jake's monitor issues for the tenth time
>explain why we're not getting the ISP advertised network speed to CEO
>reconfigure phone system even though I have no idea how the system is set up
>create this kick ass dynamic database search application which is met with "cool, thanks"
I was hired as a DBA but they tacked on a bunch of other bullshit and I'm annoyed. plus no one understands the intricacies of technology so my projects that actually warrant a more advanced skill set are overlooked
> work at SF start up
> roll in Monday morning at 10 AM after taking Saturday aand Sunday off (unlimited vacation motherfuckers)
> boss is chill and doesn't mind if I come in late as long as I stay at work until 11 PM
> head over to the kitchen and get cereal and milk because that shit is FREE at work (at start ups they value productivity so they often stock the place with awesome food items to keep engineers happy)
> sit in between two interns that tell me for the sixth time since I got in this morning that they are "so excited to make a meaningful impact"
> put on headphones that my job paid for half of (at start ups they know engineers love their coding tunes so they don't mind giving us a budget for things like half off of $25 headphones)
> about to spin up my third microservice of the the day (it's important to build code like this from the get go otherwise you get bloated monoliths and end up failures like Google or Amazon)
> head over to stand up and tell everybody about how much code I crushed yesterday. they all agree im a ninja rockstar and then we talk about hackathons. programming.
> head over to the kitchen and only step in dog shit (the office is so TIGHT that we never leave and everybody just brings their dogs into work because its CHILL) twice
> oh yeah! boss ordered pizza for lunch! I love pizza and beer. Pizza + beer = code
> head back over to desk and google gulp tasks
> wonder if we should be using Grunt or Gulp
> write a blog post about how we switched from gulp to grunt
> post it on hacker news
> finally download grunt to see what all the fuss is about
anyone want more?
Hahaha yes more please.
>go to work
>Sit at large desk
>Phone Rings
>"Help I forgot muh passwerd, can I just use my name?"
>No, fuck you. I exist to make your life hard.
>Phone rings again
>"Help this computer is broken, it says No Signal"
>Have you turned the tower on?
>"Yeah I keep hitting power on the screen"
>Walk up five flights of stairs to show a nurse how to turn on a computer
>Go home
>Develop marketing plan for building my own business because being a helpdesk jockey is fucking bullshit.