Now that people have shown that they don't care?
How does he feel?
I care bb :^)
Ah yes, i love the feeling of posting in a shit thread.
Hopelesness, I imagine. People don't deserve democracy.
>he sends this video his dad
>he gets a heart attack
Show me a country with true democracy
Most people don't know what a bit is.How can you expect them to know wtf Snowden is talking about.
found something interesting.
Probably everyone knows about the "bush hid the facts" bug in older windows'.
"bush hid the facts" triggers it
"rove did the leaks" triggers it
"aaaa aaa aaa aaaaa" triggers it
"this app can break" triggers it
"snow did the leaks" DOESN'T TRIGGER IT
americans are not bright people.
Unless you're a terrorist it doesn't fucking matter.
All he did was tell our enemies that we were spying on them, how we were spying on them and what they can do to stop it.
There is no bigger traitor this country than fucking Snowden.
America just wants BigMacs shoved down their Throats, they want Muscle Car without seat belts, they want to drill oil next to their well water, start never ending wars, spy on everyone, and to be consider the good guys.
Snowden is the same type of person that'd rebel against the British.
Fuck that disloyal scum.
I wonder if this is how climate change scientists feel
>in a country founded on rebellion on principle
>loyalty is earned
he actually made me go read a bunch of stuff by the founding fathers. the rightwing nuts seem less nutty afterward
>There's nothing wrong with spying but telling about it is worse than Hitler
Kill yourself fast
They already knew that. What he ACTUALLY told is that we spy on our own citizens just as much as on our enemies by circumventing or outright breaking the laws. How the fuck do people fail to get that. This is the same organization that did MKUltra.
Like a white russian.
>I wonder if this is how climate change scientists feel
i almost wonder if some of them end up working with Oil Companies to accelerate the death of the human race.
>climate change """"scientists""""
They'll go where the money is.
Never let a scientist convince you that his motives are altruistic.
You can count time as before and after Snowden leaks.
Imagine someone telling you 10 years ago that president of USA would call CNN fake news.
Or that someone told you 15 years ago about mass surveillance.
He shattered many illusions, to a lot of people around the world.
He may have fucked his life in the process but he made the world a much better place.
Mass surveillance coupled with machine learning is the future of policing. Might as well get used to it.
Sorry, I am on an up to date version of windows thanks
Threw his life away for nothing. Plebs don't give a fuck about privacy.
He also lucked out on a presidential pardon from Obongo.
He's fucked.
People have been proven time and time again too stupid to be trusted with democracy, just look at all the retards who voted for Hillary because she's female and it's 2017
windows 10
no decent media player
>what is mpc-hc
>You can count time as before and after Snowden leaks.
>He shattered many illusions, to a lot of people around the world.
I watched the tv show "24" and nowhere is it more obvious than there. Towards the end of the show, the counter-terrorist unit gets shut down because the writers realized the mass surveillance and warrantless searches their fictional organization was doing for 10 years were unconstitutional and the FBI takes the reigns back.
Then they come out with another season, AFTER the Snowden leaks, and CTU was up and running again, with even more power than before. They even had surveillance drones armed with missile defense flying over New York 24/7. Then in the last season, one of the CTU analysts who was with the show since season one left, taking and leaking tons of classified info.
still cant pardon a person thats not convicted
>spying on our enemies
spying on us
fixed that for you.
The CIA sees americans as terrorists.
that part in the movie 'snowden' where hes talking to the deputy director of the nsa and he says terrorism is a short term threat, the real threats will come from china russia and iran. its a slippery slope issue.
hows trumpf working out? ironic people voted for trump because "i don't want that cunt as president" and now we're both posting on a russia/usa dissonance forum.
He's having the time of his life, swimming in Russian and China money for selling American secrets.
He probably now realizes the true extent of american stupidity. Those people rather vote against their interests than be on the losing team. History will use times like these to prove that propaganda works.
You make it sound as if not everyone would have done the same thing.
You're right.
Scientists are only reputable when it benefits me.
This is obviously a logical standpoint. Long live coal and gas.
i see what you did there (and i'm not even american)
You make it sound as if Snowden was the only one who had access to NSA info.
who cares? notice how MSM adore Snowden, but hate Assange.
snowden = neolib shill designated to dismantle NSA apparatus normally used to keep activities of soros et al in check
assange = beatiful human bean and an hero
fuck this faggot
hope he enjoys his impending mkultra session
Who is that beautiful chubby?
Fuck off cia nigger
That would St. IGNUcius, from the Church of Emacs, my fellow hurder.
I work as a research """scientist""" (aka postdoc).
>They'll go where the money is.
Fuck you, I make less than half what I did before I went back to academia to do a PhD. Researchers aren't paid million dollar salaries, you're thinking about oil company CEOs fuckface.
>Never let a scientist convince you that his motives are altruistic.
I have other motives than money, fuck you.
You sound awfully disappointed about your decisions in life, user. Do you want a hug?
China, Iran, Russia, North Korea and Cuba are perfect examples for true democracy.
That looks delicious. What is a made of?
Not to bad, it's feasible to have the miracle of aggregation work for more security.
To be fair, climate scientists get it from both ends.
Right wingers say they are lying about everything. Left wingers pretend they are saying if we extract one more barrel of oil the world will explode.
Swisscheeseland is the only thing that gets even remotely close. They seem to be doing okay for now, but maybe that's just because all of them are rich as fuck and nobody likes immigrants.
Vodka, plus the tears and blood of Putin's political opponents.
Put a bit of sugar in the bottom of a glass, add kahlua, vodka and milk.
I wish I had this mans body. He probably gets all the white girls.
I hope Russia finally does the right thing.
You missed one.
>Not be raped by mudslimes.
Your choices are all your own, but you can't have pride while being sodomized.
What makes his head shaped like an egg? He is an egghead. Lol, your hero is an egghead. And he's fat. And he's sitting next to a child rapist. And they can't design stickers for shit.
And he only ever made 2 notable programs.
>they can't design
faggot detected, opinions disregarded
He sacrificed his future so we could have a chance to save ours.
I don't think we're doing as bad as some people say. Tons of websites use HTTPS today, ProtonMail exists, Signal happened. If someone wants to keep his conversations private, he can with minimal effort today. This is a direct effect of Snowden's contributions.
>I hope Russia finally does the right thing.
Churchill said that the US could be depended on to do the right thing but only when they had tried every other option.
>I don't think we're doing as bad as some people say.
How often have you heard people repeat the government propaganda of 'nothing to hide, nothing to fear'? We're doing much worse than people think. A handful of companies trying to offer privacy doesn't change shit.
Oh yes, they change. The uninformed "nothing to hide" crowd exists, but they are not the ones who make decisions.
How does companies offering privacy-respecting, free (as in freedom) solutions not change anything? Thanks to ProtonMail, my father who doesn't know anything about technology can use encrypted e-mail. Same for Signal and private messages.
In fact, I'd argue that we always had secure tools for communicating over the Internet - but only now there is great effort in making them easy to use for the masses.
Of course, the NSA wants to and will use propaganda to make it look like they can break into anything. But we know they can't. What we need to do is make everyone use encrypted services. If not because they are secure, then due to other features ("hey, download this Signal app, its much better!").
>What we need to do is make everyone use encrypted services.
Agreed, yet governments are trying to make backdoors mandatory.